Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2160 Absolutely Overbearing

Chapter 2160 Absolutely Overbearing

Swipe! !

The huge sword shadow tore through the sky, bursting out with unparalleled brilliance, like two galaxies penetrating the endless darkness, illuminating the entire dark abyss with dazzling brilliance.

Wherever it passes, everything is annihilated, and the void sinks.

At this moment, in the endless magic mirror space, those most powerful people seemed to have sensed it, and looked in the same direction in horror.

The world was shocked.

And those people present, one by one, had already turned into stone sculptures, looking at the two sword shadows with great fear, their bodies were shaking like sifting chaff.

Some were so frightened that they fell into the void.

In such a scene, not to mention those ordinary warriors, even Shaking Demon King and others were completely stunned at this moment.

Looking at Fang Yi's gaze, he was astonished.

However, no matter how shocked their hearts are, they are still just bystanders after all.

The leader of Tianying and the Phantom Master, as the parties involved, undoubtedly had a more real feeling for these two sword shadows. Their faces that were originally full of confidence suddenly turned into despair.

That comes from the despair in the soul.

The despair of ants shaking the sky.

When those two swords were cut out, their hearts had already fallen into the abyss.

There was no desire to resist in his heart, and he even forgot to make some necessary reactions, just like a prisoner waiting to be executed.

Of course, in fact, they didn't have time to react.

Because the two sword shadows had already fallen.

Slashing down the sky all the way, cutting across the void for thousands of miles, the attack of the two of them was as vulnerable as paper in front of these two sword shadows.

Boom boom boom! ! !

There were constant loud noises, under everyone's eyes.

The leader of Tianying and the real phantom, the two extremely powerful men and the leaders of the two forces, did not have the slightest resistance to resist, and directly turned into two clouds of blood mist, completely annihilated.

quiet!Deathly silence!

In the huge world, there is no sound, not even the sound of breathing, as if time has been frozen.

Only the turbulent air waves overflowed until the world regained its calm.

"Dead... dead?"

A nono voice broke the silence.

It was Lan Ling who spoke. Her face was dull, her eyes were full of horror, and she covered her mouth with her small hand, as if she had seen a ghost.

The crowd is nothing less than the same, each one has been petrified.

If it was said that True Monarch Xuanying was instantly killed, it was already unacceptable to them, then this scene at this moment undoubtedly subverted all their previous perceptions.

The leader of Tianying, the true master of Phantom, who are these two people?

The leaders of the two major factions, the six-layered superpower, are among the top existences in the entire magic mirror space.

But it was these two people who died in front of them at this moment.

And at the same time, he was instantly killed by a single person.

If this is spread, no one will believe it, because it is simply impossible.

Even if it is the peak of the seventh level of fusion, it will probably not be possible. I am afraid that it is only possible in the legendary state of transforming gods, but... is there still a strong person in the state of transforming gods in this world?

At this moment, they really doubted whether the white-haired and blue-robed young man in front of them was really the disguise of a strong man in the God Transformation Realm.

Because only in this way can they accept all this.

Regrettably, the aura around the other party clearly told them that it was clearly a sixfold combination.

A six-layered person who instantly kills two powerhouses of the same level at the same time, and is also the leader of the two major forces, plus the previous one, kills three of the same level in an instant, such strength...

The crowd can no longer be described in words.

However, their performance has proved everything.

At this moment, none of them were trembling all over, their foreheads were dripping with cold sweat, and their faces were even less bloodless, as if they were dead.

Although the fear in his heart was extremely high, at this moment, no one dared to move.

Even on Yaozu's side, it's not much different.

Shaking Demon King and the others, one by one, are like stone sculptures. Perhaps they are even more shocked in their hearts, because only they know how difficult it is to kill a combined six-layer.

Let alone a spike.

"This should be enough to solve your troubles!"

Fang Yi naturally didn't bother to pay attention to the astonished eyes of the crowd, he glanced at Lan Ling lightly, and said.

The latter still looked sluggish, but nodded like a chicken eating rice, "Enough...enough!"

And the crowd is like waking up from a dream at this moment.


The Shaking Demon King was the first to come back to his senses. With a loud shout, he rushed into the crowd like a thunderbolt. He raised his hand, and he didn't know how many Tianying Sect disciples died on the spot.

A group of monster clan powerhouses also swarmed away, boosting their morale and sweeping the world.

Just kidding, the enemy's three strong and six-layered powerhouses were instantly killed. Under such circumstances, if the morale is not high, the Ten Thousand Demon Realm will be destroyed long ago, so how can it survive today.

On the other hand, the Sky Shadow Sect and the Three-Eyed Clan don't have the will to fight at this moment.

In their hearts, there is only one thought at this moment, and that is to "escape", the farther the better.

Suddenly, a wanton massacre began to be staged.

Naturally, Fang Yi would not make another move, and these people were not worthy of him. The reason why he made the move was not really because of Lan Ling, but because of the favor he owed the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, because of the tree of life seed.

However, such a situation no longer required him to act.

When he stood there, the two great powers had no choice but to flee for their lives, so how could they dare to stay.

The situation can be imagined.

The monster clan won a complete victory, and the two major forces died or fled, and suffered heavy losses.

In a short period of time, I am afraid that it will no longer be able to pose a threat to the Ten Thousand Monsters Realm.

Moreover, today's battle, I believe it will spread throughout the Divine Mirror space in a few days, and those who want to attack the Ten Thousand Demon Realm will have to weigh it.

Shaking Demon King and other monster clan powerhouses naturally understand this truth.

Therefore, when countless monster races were jubilant, they had already arrived in front of Fang Yi and gave Fang Yi a big gift.

"Fang Daoyou, I am grateful for the help this time."

Shaking Demon King looked sincere.

As the deputy patriarch of the demon clan, he has only served the demon king Yuan Qitian in his life, but at this moment, he only has Fang Yi in his eyes.

Because when the demon king was at the same level, he was far inferior.

A group of monster races also echoed, extremely respectful.

As for Lan Zhengxuan, his expression was a little dull, as if he had received a huge blow. In the past, he thought that the gap with Fang Yi was not that big, but in just a hundred years...

But it's a world of difference.

As the holy son of the demon clan, this huge gap undoubtedly made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Of course, that's all. There can't be jealousy, and jealousy is only when the strength is not much different.

He could only look up to the situation in front of him.

In fact, it wasn't just him, everyone present was like him, especially those who had contact with Fang Yi, and Chi Zhanpeng was one of them.

In the past, the other party was not worth mentioning in his eyes, but now, he turned around.

This change...

He couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, and a little bit lost.

(End of this chapter)

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