Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2200 Guess

Chapter 2200 Guess

As for Fairy Leng Yue, after slashing that sword, her complexion also became paler, and she seemed to be a little unstable.

No wonder, she had already been hit by Soul Elder before, and she was seriously injured.

If it weren't for the powerful soul power, I'm afraid it would have fallen already.

After this blow, it seemed that he could no longer hold on.

The blood from the corner of the mouth couldn't help gushing out again.

"Girl, who are you?"

The face of the black-robed old man has also become extremely gloomy at this moment. It is absolutely unacceptable for him to die like this before his eyes.

The death of Hun Lao is small, but Tianchi is extremely important.

It is the only passage between the mountain sea world and the spirit world.

The Seven Elders of Tianshan Mountain were ordered to guard, and one is indispensable. Now that the soul is old and dead, it may be okay for a while, but after a long time...

Unless another strong man is sent over there, otherwise...

However, he was not in a hurry to make a move. The death of Hun Lao was already a fact and could not be undone.

But the identity of the other party is still unknown, so...

"Do you know the consequences of beheading the guardian of Tianchi Lake?" He shouted again.

However, Fairy Leng Yue turned a deaf ear to him and completely ignored his words. Instead, she said coldly: "If you die, you die. If you don't want to die, get out!"

With this cold voice, it seemed that even an explanation seemed superfluous.

The aura of bullying is extremely strong, and it gives people a feeling like a high-ranking queen.

Several people were undoubtedly stunned on the spot.

It was as if he couldn't believe his ears.

It's no wonder, even in their dreams, they never imagined that someone would dare to be so rampant and presumptuous in front of them, and he was even a six-layered person.

If they hadn't just witnessed Elder Hun being killed with their own eyes, they would have regarded each other as idiots.

But at this moment, their expressions became extremely dignified.

In my heart, I am more sure about the saying of immortal reincarnation.

The black-robed old man was even worse, his pupils shrank slightly, showing a little bit of coldness, and his face became extremely ugly.

"Friendly Daoist, no matter what your background is, this old man, with your current state, do you really think you can do whatever you want?"

Despite being extremely angry, the old man in black robe still did not make a move.

Not sure about the other party's background, he was still full of fear in his heart.

But unfortunately, Fairy Leng Yue didn't give him any face, "Get lost!"

As soon as the scrolling words came out, a burst of extremely cold air also erupted, and everything was frozen, just like the arrival of the ice age.


Even if the black-robed old man and the others could bear it no matter how hard they could, they could no longer hold back at this moment.

They are all first-class powerhouses, and they are not intimidated. It is not yet known whether the other party is the reincarnation of a fairy, even if they are, in the current state of the other party, they are not afraid.

If the other party speaks well, maybe they can make an exception.

After all, Hun Lao took the initiative in this matter.

But the opponent was so domineering, which undoubtedly angered them.

"Fellow daoists are very skillful, this old man needs to learn some lessons." The old man in black robe said, facing the extremely cold air, he suddenly slapped his palm.

Boom! !

Suddenly, the sky trembled, although the power of this palm was not much different from that of Hun Lao's previous palm.

But the momentum is even worse, giving people a sense of unshakable.

In Tianchi Star, there are restrictions, and the God Transformation Realm can't fully display its own strength. Although the black-robed old man seems to be much stronger than the old soul, but here, he is almost suppressed at the same level.

But even so, Fairy Leng Yue was still not able to contend.

Not to mention that she has been seriously injured, even in her heyday, her physical body was only sixfold.

Compared with the Seven Elders of Tianshan, there is undoubtedly a huge gap.

Her only support is her soul.

However, the physical body was injured, and it was impossible to carry too much soul power. It was almost her limit to kill the old soul before.

So at this moment...

Perhaps the group was so focused that they didn't notice it at all.

Outside the vast white space, another figure was galloping towards him.

Needless to say, that figure was Fang Yi.

Seeing Tianchi Xing who looked like a huge ball of cotton candy in front of him, he couldn't help frowning, trying to find out everything inside with his divine sense.

The result is obvious, he found nothing.

Immediately, he didn't bother to waste time, and walked towards the white mist.

Boom! !

Just as he passed through the white mist, a burst of thunder came immediately, accompanied by a giant palm that lifted the sky.

what happened?

His expression changed drastically, and he immediately thought of Old Soul.

In a hurry, he slapped a palm suddenly.

Immediately, dragon chant resounded through the heaven and earth, and the huge true dragon melon traversed the sky for thousands of miles, angrily greeted it.

The black-robed old man and the others obviously didn't expect to kill another person suddenly, and their faces changed slightly, and their faces were furious.

Boom boom boom! !

At the same time, the two giant palms also met instantly, and the world was shattered.

The thick white mist also seemed to be blown away.

At this point, Fang Yi finally saw the situation in front of him, and the old man in black robe and others were also startled.

"It's you!"

When he saw Fairy Leng Yue, who was already pale, at the side.

A look of surprise flashed in Fang Yi's eyes.

Ever since he saw the other party kill the giant starry sky beast with a single sword, he had a vague feeling that something was wrong. That feeling seemed familiar, but he wasn't sure.

Fairy Leng Yue obviously also saw Fang Yi, her eyes were still cold, but there was a strange light in them.

"Junior, do you know each other?"

The old man in black robe also came back to his senses at this moment, his eyes froze with a little coldness.

Fang Yi was a little confused.

However, seeing the other party's bad tone, coupled with the blow just now, naturally he will not have a good face, and said: "How do you know it? So what if you don't know it?"

"Bastard! You can't help being presumptuous in front of Mr. Hei!"

At this time, another old man jumped out.

"Junior, who is this person? She beheaded Hun Lao, is it related to you?"


Kill the old soul?

Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed across his eyes. With the power of the six-layered body, he killed the old soul?

If he was only a little skeptical before, then at this moment, he is already convinced.

Although he wasn't sure how strong Hun Lao was, after all, the opponent was a powerhouse in the Transformation God Realm, and it was impossible to kill him with the power of the sixth level of fusion.

The only explanation...

Involuntarily, his sharp eyes swept towards Fairy Leng Yue.

However, Fairy Leng Yue turned a blind eye, or maybe, she was too seriously injured.

"Junior, why not tell the truth!"

Seeing that Fang Yi didn't reply, the old man let out a loud shout again, as if he suspected that all of this was done deliberately by the two of them.

Although Fang Yi has not yet figured out the ins and outs, but today, how can he let others scold him.

It's fine if the other party is polite.

Moreover, if his speculation is correct, he will never let Fairy Leng Yue have trouble, because Ji Wuxian and Zhou Fengyi are still in the hands of each other.

(End of this chapter)

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