Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2201 Siege

Chapter 2201 Siege

"Hmph! You let me tell the truth?"

"I haven't asked you to make an explanation, but if you attack me for no reason, can the Seven Elders of Tianshan really trample on the life and death of others at will?"

Now that the conjecture in her heart has been confirmed, Fairy Leng Yue can do nothing.

At least before knowing the situation of Ji Wuxian's second daughter.

Therefore, Fang Yi was too lazy to be polite and acted extremely forcefully.

What's more, from these words, he had faintly heard the ins and outs of the matter. Hun Lao wanted to attack him, but these people did not stop him.

Now, instead, turn around and blame yourself.

Today, Fang Yi is not so easy to bully.


The old man before no doubt choked, his face flushed.

Fairy Leng Yue was also a little surprised, she glanced at Fang Yi slightly, but her eyes were still cold.

"Okay! Okay! Today's juniors are already so ignorant! This seat wants to see how capable you are, how dare you speak such wild words."

The old man was undoubtedly extremely angry, his eyes turned cold, and the breath from his body erupted away.

As mighty as prison.

At the same time as the words fell, he suddenly slapped him with a giant palm.

This palm seems ordinary, but it seems to contain infinite power. Driven by it, the whole world is pressed against Fang Yi.

The void was instantly crushed and exploded one by one.

However, Fang Yi stood under this palm like a giant pillar of the sky.

His sharp eyes looked at that palm indifferently, even showing a hint of sarcasm.

"Is this the God Transformation Realm? That's all!"


Accompanied by this sound, a shocking dragon chant resounded, and the majestic dragon energy roared out of Fang Yi's body, instantly turning into a huge dragon.

The dragon roared up to the sky, and the endless energy between the heaven and the earth quickly vented towards the mouth of the dragon.

Even that palm seemed to be subjected to a great tearing force, and was swallowed up bit by bit.

But that divine dragon swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and instantly turned into a gigantic monster, pressing across the sky for thousands of miles.

The sound of dragon chant also flourished, filling the whole world.

what happened?

The old man was undoubtedly taken aback. He understood Fang Yi's strength not just how strong the Shenlong was. In his opinion, Fang Yi was slightly stronger than the peak of the Seventh Layer of Fusion.

But compared with them, there is still a certain gap, even if Tianchi Xing is suppressed today, it is the same.

But that terrifying devouring power was beyond his expectation.

Originally, his palm far surpassed the opponent's, but after this engulfing, it was already evenly matched.

The old man in black robe and the others couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed in their pupils.

Fang Yi's strength and dominance undoubtedly far exceeded their expectations.

"Bastard! You are courting death!"

The old man didn't dare to delay any more, if this goes on, the dragon will be able to completely disintegrate his palm in a short while.

Immediately, his eyes darkened, and he pressed down violently.


The Shenlong also roared, and went forward without flinching.

A loud bang followed immediately, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, as if the whole world was about to collapse.

The roaring air waves almost leveled everything in the world. If it was changed to other places, the entire planet would collapse in an instant.

Fortunately, this Tianchi star seems to be much more stable than his other planets.

So strong!

The remaining few old men were all shocked watching this scene at this moment, and their eyes were full of unbelievable light.

Even Fairy Leng Yue couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed in her bright eyes.

No one knows better than her how powerful the slap of the Seven Elders of Tianshan Mountain is, because she just received the same slap.

But the difference is that her physical body is almost dead.

If she hadn't used the secret method to keep it, there would be no possibility of surviving.

Moreover, this is still relying on her powerful soul power, otherwise, it is conceivable.

But Fang Yi, relying entirely on his own strength, forcibly received the blow without falling behind. Even she had to be surprised by this strength.

Back then, the other party was just an inconspicuous kid.

In just 300 years, it has made a huge difference.

"how is this possible!"

The air wave dissipated, and the figures of the two reappeared in front of the people. The old man's face was full of shock, his pupils were wide open, and he looked at Fang Yi in disbelief.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, looked calm and breezy.

Of course, this was only on the outside, deep down, he was actually shocked.

This is the power of a strong person in the God Transformation Realm?

Didn't it mean that the stars in Tianchi were suppressed?Being suppressed is still so domineering, if he is not suppressed, can he still catch it with a palm?

Subconsciously, Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

The answer is obvious, it is impossible at all, this blow alone has already made him extremely strenuous.

"Okay! Very good! Junior, it's no wonder you dare to be so rampant. You really have some strength. If this is not Tianchi, I can wipe you out with just a lift of my hand."

"As for now, if you disturb Tianchi, don't blame me for being ruthless."

As if in response to his words, the remaining few old men quickly surrounded him.

The black-robed old man also had a gloomy expression on his face. He stepped forward step by step, and said in his mouth: "Junior, I have no intention of embarrassing you, but Hun Lao is dead, and you must stay and explain this matter."

There was some hesitation in his eyes, and he seemed unwilling to offend the two of them too much, especially Fairy Leng Yue.

The other party is probably the reincarnation of a fairy, and one is not good...

But the soul is old and the body is dead. Naturally, he can't do nothing for such a big matter.

Fairy Leng Yue was indifferent, she didn't even bother to explain, the icy aura spread out from her whole body, as if she was about to make a move.

Although Fang Yi was also a little displeased, he couldn't help frowning slightly in the face of several powerful men, but Fairy Leng Yue was like this, so he couldn't just sit idly by.

Because, the two daughters of Ji Wuxian are still in the hands of each other.

Moreover, this group of people really made him extremely unhappy, so he shot directly without explaining, but he didn't win, and another unintentional embarrassment came.

What if you are invincible?

That's another situation, so...

"Confession? I haven't asked you to explain, but you have questioned me instead?"

"What does it have to do with us if the soul is old and dead? It's his own court for death."

Immediately, Fang Yi replied with a sneer.


As soon as these words came out, those old men were undoubtedly furious.

As a powerhouse who transforms the gods, especially in this world, whoever sees them is not worshiping them as gods.

Now that it's good, the people in front of them treat them as nothing, how can they not be angry.

"Good boy! You really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, do you really think that no one in this world can cure you!"

"I originally wanted to give you a chance. Since you are so desperate, don't blame the old man for being ruthless."

The black-robed old man was furious, and while speaking, he had already stepped forward.


The world trembled suddenly, and the air waves rolled.

(End of this chapter)

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