Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2235 Soul Secret Technique

Chapter 2235 Soul Secret Technique

"How are you?"

In the vast void, I don't know how many miles away from Shengong Star.

The figures of Fang Yi and Fairy Leng Yue condensed again.

At this moment, Fairy Leng Yue still had blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, and her face was extremely pale, as if she was seriously injured.

It's no wonder that her old wounds have not healed, and she has added new wounds.

This physical body is too weak to carry the powerful soul power, if you do it reluctantly, it will be backlashed by it, just like at this moment.

"It's okay! I can't die yet!"

However, she still said in her mouth.

This seems to be subconscious.

But after she finished speaking, her beautiful eyes couldn't help but move again, and she added: "This time, this lady was hurt because of you, and you are responsible for it."

Fang Yi was a little guilty at first, but when he heard this, he immediately gave her an angry look.

He didn't forget to say: "It's good if you don't die."

After saying that, he directly mentioned Fairy Leng Yue again, and drifted away.

The latter didn't care, instead, an intriguing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


"Okay! Let's recuperate here for now."

Not long after, the two landed on a living planet.

In such a situation as Fairy Leng Yue, it is obviously not suitable to hurry.

Moreover, the trip to the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness is not in a hurry.

"it is good!"

Fairy Leng Yue didn't talk nonsense, and immediately began to adjust her breath.

Fang Yi was watching from the side, his eyes complicated and deep.

In the previous battle, the soul power displayed by the other party obviously did not belong to the real Fairy Leng Yue, so who else could it be?

Snow Queen?

But the Snow Queen's haughty temperament, will it be like this now?

Fang Yi subconsciously shook his head.

However, how could he know that the Ice Queen had already merged with Luo Qianxue.

The current Fairy Leng Yue is not so much the Ice Queen as she is Luo Qianxue, at least her aloof side is hidden.

But it wasn't exactly Luo Qianxue, it was like a combination of contradictions.

never mind!

Fang Yi couldn't figure it out and had no choice but to give up.

In my mind, I can't help but recall the situation of the war just now.

Especially in the last scene, my own three-color celestial baby seems to be not much worse than Ghost Axe.

However, it seems that the method of using it is lacking.

It seems that in the future, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the cultivation of the God Transformation Realm.

Fang Yi secretly made up his mind.

In fact, he is not to blame. The state of transforming gods has become a legend in the spirit world. No one in the vast spirit world knows what it is like.

It is even said that the secret method of the soul has long been lost.

After clearing up his mood, Fang Yi immediately checked the harvest this time, especially the flying magic weapon.

It seems that there is nothing special about it.

Except for unknown materials.

After that, he also started to adjust his breath, and even tried to use the three-color heavenly baby to display the power of his soul.

Time passed slowly like this.

I don't know how long it took, finally, Fairy Leng Yue's complexion gradually turned rosy, and finally, she slowly opened her eyes.

Fang Yi also seemed to have a sense, and opened his eyes at the same time.

"How is it? Are you alright!"

"Let you stay and don't go anywhere, and suffer on your own."

Fang Yi gave a warning.

Fairy Leng Yue didn't take it seriously, instead she smiled and said, "Are you caring about me?"

Fang Yi was speechless, glanced at her, and then said: "What happened to the power of the soul just now? Don't tell me that you don't know."

While speaking, he also stared coldly at Fairy Leng Yue, obviously wanting to know whether what she said was true or not.

But unfortunately, Fairy Leng Yue seemed to have a countermeasure long ago.

He said nonchalantly: "How do you know? I really don't know. Just before, when I saw that you were in danger, a strange energy surged in my soul. After that, you all knew."

She looked indifferent, as if she didn't take this matter to heart.

Or, she predicted that Fang Yi would not do anything to her, so she had nothing to fear.

In fact, Fang Yi was indeed in a bit of trouble.

Because he was not sure whether what the other party said was true or not.

Moreover, apart from other things, this time the other party was trying to help him, so naturally he couldn't do it.

"You! Very good!"

Fang Yi gritted his teeth.

His deflated appearance made Fairy Leng Yue very proud, and there was a sly gleam in her eyes.

"Hey! You were planted with a tracking mark?"

At this time, she seemed to have discovered something, and her eyes could not help but brighten.

Hearing this, Fang Yi remembered the soul-chasing imprint that Gu Feng said. He actually forgot about it in the previous battle.

Dang even couldn't help asking: "What is a tracking mark?"

"Don't know that?"

Fairy Leng Yue showed a trace of contempt, and then explained: "The so-called tracking mark is a secret method of the soul, which is imprinted in the breath of the opponent."

"Within a certain range, it can be perceived."

"The tracking mark on your body is only the most common type, and the range that can be perceived is not large."

"The truly powerful tracking mark, the person who is branded has no way of detecting it, and the range can even cross the Three Realms."


Across the Three Realms?

Fang Yi's complexion couldn't help but change, which was too unbelievable.

"However! Although this mark is ordinary, with your strength, I am afraid that it cannot be erased for the time being."

At the end, Fairy Leng Yue added another sentence.

Can't erase it?

Fang Yi muttered to himself, he did try before and failed to erase it, but that doesn't mean he couldn't erase it.

It's just that he didn't care.

Just kidding, he can even erase the mark of heaven, let alone this.

Immediately, with a thought in his mind, the seven-color flames began to evaporate.


That faint imprint will be annihilated little by little when it encounters fire, and there is no resistance.

Seeing this, Fairy Leng Yue's eyes suddenly brightened, showing disbelief, as if she saw something unbelievable.

"But so!"

Fang Yi chuckled, and the seven-color flame disappeared.

But that faint imprint was not completely incinerated, and there was still a little bit left.

This was naturally done by Fang Yi on purpose.

Instead of finding the door by yourself, it's better to let these people come to you to save trouble, so...

"By the way! What is the secret method of the soul?"

After doing all this, Fang Yi couldn't help asking again.

As for Fairy Leng Yue, she seemed to be a little absent-minded at the moment, and she faintly came to her senses after seeing and asking.

Immediately not stingy, come one by one.

It's just that the way he looked at Fang Yi seemed to have changed a little while he was talking.

Fang Yi didn't realize it, but listened with gusto. Fairy Leng Yue seemed to open another door for him, giving him the feeling of seeing the blue sky through the clouds and mists.

However, at the end of the sentence, he seemed to realize something.

He couldn't help asking: "Could it be that these also came out of your soul suddenly?"


Fairy Leng Yue couldn't help but choked.

But then there was a picture of you being patient with me, and said: "That's not the case, it's weird, where did these things come from, how would I know..."


(End of this chapter)

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