Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2236 Gathering Starfish

Chapter 2236 Gathering Starfish

Fang Yi was completely speechless. Facing Fairy Leng Yue, he was really helpless.

Knowing that the other party is talking nonsense with their eyes open.

But he was helpless.

You can't really do anything to the other party, anyway, the other party doesn't seem to be malicious to you, and even helped yourself.

It seems a little unjustifiable if he makes a move.


"Hey! Got the item? Did you kill that guy?"

"Unexpected! You can kill the seventh level of the combined body so easily, it's incredible!!"

Fairy Leng Yue tsk-tsk, and the eyes that looked at Fang Yi could not help but light up slightly.

Fang Yi didn't bother to talk to her.

Since he couldn't do anything to her, he had to leave it at that.

Moreover, it may not be true what the other party said. If it is said that the other party is the Ice Queen, for some reason, Fang Yi always feels a little unbelievable.

Because there are too many impossibilities.

"Stop talking nonsense, heal your wounds as soon as possible, and then go to the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness!"

After throwing down a sentence, Fang Yi left the place directly.

Looking at his back, the corners of Fairy Leng Yue's mouth slightly raised, and there was a strange light in her beautiful eyes.

Even invisible, there is a trace of coldness that rejects people thousands of miles away.

"Unexpectedly, he couldn't help but own the Water Temple, and even..."


"How? Have you ever found out their whereabouts?"

Shengongxing, a certain huge palace, Gui Fuzi asked with a gloomy face, looking at the people below.

"Back to the camp master, there is no news of them in the major teleportation formations, and the disciples sent out to patrol have found nothing. I am afraid they have left the Shengong domain."

"Yes! They are carrying the cloud shuttle. In this case, most of them will take the cloud shuttle and leave directly."

Everyone replied like this.

But what actually happened, I don't know.

All I know is that Gu Feng of the Soul Clan was killed, and the flying magic weapon was also looted.

The Soul Clan is the overlord of one side, Gu Feng was killed, it is definitely not a trivial matter, if the Soul Clan is angry...

"Campmaster! What should we do now?"

"I believe that the strong soul clan will arrive in a short time, and by then..."

The crowd was clearly concerned.

Although the Shengong Battalion is not weak, but compared to the general forces, it is not enough in front of the soul clan.

Compared with their worries, Gui Fuzi was more angry and unwilling. The angry one was letting the two escape, but the unwilling one was that the fat meat in his mouth ran away.

If the rumors are true, then the girl has one of the eight realms of Kunlun.

As a result, it slipped away in his hands like this, how could he be reconciled.

"It doesn't matter! The soul clan can naturally distinguish right from wrong, and will not take their anger out on Shengongying."

"At that time, you just need to say that you don't know."

"Remember, this seat has not been in Shengong Star for a while, and I don't know everything here, do you understand?"

At this time, Gui Fuzi gave an intriguing warning.

Although everyone was a little confused, they still nodded.

"Okay! That's the end of this matter, everything is business as usual, and I will be away for a while, so I will leave this place to you."


Everyone took orders and retreated casually.

As for Ghost Axe, his eyes became extremely gloomy, "Bitter sea! Let me see how you escaped from the old man's palm."

He muttered in his mouth, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitched fiercely.

Immediately, it disappeared in place.


Fang Yi naturally knew nothing about everything here.

How could he have thought that before he left, Gui Fuzi could not help but go to the sea of ​​bitterness first.

Similarly, other people did not expect that he did not leave Shengongyu, and even recuperated on the planet closest to Shengongxing.


A mere ghostly axe would not make him so embarrassed.

In this way, a few more days passed.

Fairy Leng Yue slowly recovered from her injuries.

In fact, combined with her new injuries and old illnesses, it is far from enough to fully recover in just a few days.

But she seemed to be bored, and she was unwilling to continue to adjust her breath.

Seeing this, Fang Yi didn't bother to force it, as long as the injury was not serious, it didn't matter at all.

In the end, the two unanimously decided to go to the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness.

"Hey! What do you think of my outfit?"

At this moment, Fairy Leng Yue transformed into a lady dressed in white and snowy, very similar to the former Ji Wuxian.

Not only that, even the coldness between the brows seems to be withdrawn.

For a moment, Fang Yi thought he had misread it, and stayed on the spot.

But then, he realized in an instant, his face darkened, and he shouted, "Who are you? Why do you dress up like this?"

"What's wrong? Doesn't it look good?"

"It's what you said. Our identities have been exposed, so it's unnecessary trouble. Dress up casually and hide your breath."

"As for this outfit, I seem to have seen it somewhere, and I'll try it if I think it looks good. Is there anything wrong?"

Fairy Leng Yue looked at Fang Yi indifferently.

There seemed to be some innocence and grievance in those beautiful eyes.

But deeper down, there is a sly light.

Fang Yi couldn't help but took a deep look at her, and finally withdrew his gaze, "Let's go when you're ready."

Throwing a word, he will go first.

The corner of Fairy Leng Yue's mouth twitched with pride, and then followed.


The Sea of ​​Bitterness is located at the foot of Tianshan Mountain.

The Tianshan Mountain is so big that I don't know how wide it is. If there is no teleportation array, not to mention the Fusion Realm, even a strong person in the Transformation God Realm cannot span so many star fields.

The Sea of ​​Bitterness is even more vast than the Tianshan Mountains.

And there is no teleportation array.

Here, you can only rely on your own strength to shuttle through it, or borrow some special instruments.

But no matter how powerful a warrior is, he has never heard of anyone who can cross the sea of ​​suffering.

It seems boundless.

And there are countless powerful races inside, and there are not a few of them who are comparable to the human gods.

And this is only the range known to human beings. No one knows what kind of crisis is hidden in those unknown places.

The so-called crisis!Dangerous, natural and organic.

Because of its mystery, it is full of unknowns and various opportunities.

There are no fewer warriors who come to explore.

Gathering Starfish, one of the nearest planets to the edge of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, is also the place where explorers of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness gather and replenish. Although the planet is not big, it is extremely lively.

The strong are like clouds!

The power is also intricate, but fortunately, everyone's goal is the sea of ​​suffering, and they are all in peace.

Even if there is any struggle, it is still in the sea of ​​bitterness.

"finally reached!"

Gathering starfish, in front of a huge teleportation formation, two figures stepped out slowly, a man and a woman.

The man was still in a blue robe, with a resolute face and starry eyes.

The woman in white clothes Shengxue seemed very excited, full of curiosity about everything around her.

That's right!The man and the woman are naturally Fang Yi and Fairy Leng Yue.

It has to be said that the Tianshan Mountains are too vast, and it took more than a month for the teleportation arrays to turn around the major planets to come to this gathering of starfish.

I don't even know how many spirit stones it took to teleport.

But luckily it's finally here.

Both of them couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and were about to leave.


But at this moment, a questioning sound came.

(End of this chapter)

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