Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2237 9 Abyss of Death

Chapter 2237 The Abyss of Nine Deaths


Fang Yi couldn't help but look slightly sideways, and saw a group of soldiers walking over.

The leading man was dressed in silver armor, with sharp eyes, exuding a cold aura all over his body, giving people a feeling like a poisonous snake, extremely sinister.

To be stared at by him makes one feel a little terrified.

And at this moment, he was staring at Fang Yi and the two of them closely, as if looking at prey.

Fang Yi didn't have much reaction.

However, Fairy Leng Yue was obviously a little upset, and scolded: "Who are you! Good dogs don't get in the way!"

She looked contemptuous.

The look in the eyes of the silver-armored soldier undoubtedly made her very unhappy. If Fang Yi hadn't promised Fang Yi to try not to cause trouble, she might have already made a move.


"Blind your dog eyes, you can't let yourself be presumptuous in front of Mr. Wang..."

Before the silver-armored general could speak, a person behind him jumped out first, looking like a dog leg.

It's a pity that he hasn't finished speaking yet.

The whole person seemed to be frozen, and a layer of faint frost covered him instantly.

After a while, it had already turned into an ice sculpture.

"act recklessly!"

The one who made the move was naturally Fairy Leng Yue, her eyes were icy cold, like a piece of ice that would never melt for thousands of years.

Fang Yi didn't stop him either. It's really not a pity for such a young person to die.

As for the group of soldiers on the opposite side, their complexions changed drastically at this moment, and they drew out their long swords one after another, looking like their swords were on the verge of breaking out.

In addition, there is still some fear.

Because from the beginning to the end, they didn't see how the opponent made the move.

Only the silver-armored general didn't seem to have changed much, but his face became more gloomy.

"Sure enough, there are two hits."

"However, this is Gathering Starfish, you must abide by the rules here, otherwise..."

Finally, the silver-armored general spoke, with a ferocious look on his lips, and his words were full of warning.

However, he was not in a hurry to make a move.

Instead, he stared at the two of them like a falcon.

"Rules? What rules?" Fang Yi asked casually, a little curious.

"Hmph! Isn't it too late to ask now? Seeing that it's the first time you've come to the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, you didn't ask where it is first."

"Master Sihai's territory, how can you allow you to be presumptuous."


Those soldiers sneered endlessly.

From what they said, Fang Yi finally heard it.

It turned out that this gathering of starfish belonged to a great power in the realm of transforming gods called True Ancestor of the Four Seas. Any warrior who came here had to pay a certain amount of spirit stones before he could settle here.

Otherwise, you will be expelled.

Fang Yi couldn't help being stunned, he never thought that with such a cultivation level, such a thing would happen to him.

But think about it, and feel relieved.

This is probably the kid below, taking advantage of the fire to rob.

Those who are powerful in the realm of transforming gods must not look down on this spirit stone, but they need to rule.

So he allowed the people below to mess around and generate income.

However, the warriors who came to explore have already arrived here, and most of them don't care about some spirit stones, so...

Over time, the rules gradually formed.

"Oh! I see that you are crazy about Lingshi."

When Fairy Leng Yue heard this, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but playful and disdainful.

Undoubtedly, the silver-armored general's face was furious, his eyes were vicious, and he said cruelly: "Bold! Ignoring the rules of gathering starfish is ignoring Lord Four Seas and taking her down for me."


At the same time as the words fell, the group of soldiers immediately surrounded him, quite imposing.


"Just relying on you stinky fish and rotten shrimp?"

Fairy Leng Yue's face was full of amusement, and when she moved her feet, she was like a ghost, shuttling among the crowd.

Bang bang bang! !

A loud noise followed, and one after another figures flew out.

Although the strength of these soldiers is not weak, compared to Fairy Leng Yue, they are still far behind.

That is, three punches and two kicks.

The silver-armored general obviously did not expect such a domineering person to come. Although Tianshan Mountain is huge, it is extremely rare for a strong man of the sixth and seventh layers to fit together.

And which one is not an old monster that has lived for countless years.

The two of them looked so young in front of them, and the cultivation they showed was only triple or quadruple combined. Who would have thought that... would be so tyrannical. If he had known this, he would never have dared to go forward.

Even if the spirit stones were confiscated, they still depended on their cultivation.

I won't be so stupid as to seek death by myself.

Moreover, even such a strong man would not give face to the True Ancestor of the World.

Just don't want this time...

"It's almost done!"

Seeing Fairy Leng Yue having a great time playing, Fang Yi couldn't help but frowned slightly and reminded her.

"It's boring!"

Fairy Leng Yue couldn't help curling her lips, looking a little unsatisfied.

The people in front of her didn't seem to be able to arouse her much interest.

She clapped her hands and said, "Forget it! I'll let you go today. Next time, remember to highlight your tricks, otherwise..."

She said, and made a stern expression.

That appearance is kind of cute.

But in the eyes of that group of soldiers, it was extremely terrifying.

It wasn't until the two of them left that they breathed a sigh of relief, but their expressions became extremely ugly.

Especially the silver-armored general, whose face was so gloomy that he could drip water.

"Master Wang, what should we do now? These two people are too hateful. If it gets out, brothers will still hang around in Juhaixing in the future."

"Yes! How about we report it to the commander and make them look good."

The soldiers said angrily.

In the past, relying on the name of the true ancestor of the four seas, they have never suffered such a big loss.

How can I swallow this breath in my heart at this moment.

"However, the Commander-in-Chief said that spirit stones are not allowed to be stored if the combined body is above the sixth level. Those two..."

Although there are rules for gathering starfish, these rules are naturally for the weak.

Several people were wronged, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

"Hmph! Don't worry, there are other people besides Commander, I don't believe it, and no one can cure them."


For Fang Yi, such a trivial matter was undoubtedly just a small episode, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

When it comes to Fairy Leng Yue, she still looks a little unsatisfied, as if she hasn't had enough fun, and keeps talking about how many people really deserve to be beaten.

However, as you enter the city, all kinds of novelties appear.

She had already thrown this matter out of the blue.

Instead, I am full of curiosity about those novelties.

Here is close to the sea of ​​suffering, and most of those so-called novelties come from the sea of ​​suffering, which is very rare.

Even Fang Yi felt an eye-opening feeling.

Not to mention Fairy Leng Yue, it was a joy to watch.

After that, the two randomly found a restaurant and began to prepare for entering the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, and inquired about things in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness by the way.

"Have you heard! Last time, the spiritual seed of the ancient demon powerhouse was found in the Abyss of Nine Deaths."

"Cut! You don't need to say it, it has already spread, and I heard that many strong people have come here, and they all want to go inside to find out."


(End of this chapter)

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