Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2238 Demigod List

Chapter 2238 Demigod List

In the restaurant, Fang Yi and the two had just sat down when they heard this discussion.

Suddenly, his eyes couldn't help moving.

The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and there are not many planets near the sea of ​​suffering. The reason why Fang Yi chose to come to Juhaixing is precisely because not long ago, someone discovered the spiritual seeds here.

And broke through to the realm of transforming gods.

The sea of ​​blood filled the sky, covering most of the star field.

That's right!It was the place where the blood demon ancestor suspected to break through, so Fang Yi chose this place.

First, he wanted to see if his speculation was true, and if that person was the blood demon ancestor.

Secondly, he also wanted to bang bang luck.

But obviously, there are still many warriors who hold the same idea, which cannot be seen from the discussions with the crowd in the restaurant that is already full at the moment.

"Really? But he was the one who broke through a few months ago? Legend has it that the sea of ​​blood was overwhelming and the momentum was so great that even Master Four Seas was alarmed."

"Isn't it that person? I heard that he is a hidden powerhouse of the ancient demon clan. He has never shown himself before."

"Tsk tsk..."

There was a burst of surprise from the crowd, and everyone was full of envy.

Fang Yi couldn't help but change his expression.

In this way, it is undoubtedly more likely that that person is the ancestor of the blood demon.

Fairy Leng Yue obviously saw something, looked at Fang Yi curiously, and asked in a low voice, "Is it the blood demon ancestor?"


Fang Yi nodded slightly as a response.

"Are you here to look for him? Or because you feel ashamed of that girl?"

Fairy Leng Yue asked intriguingly at this time.

Fang Yi was startled for a moment, and then he realized that the girl the other party was talking about naturally meant Hua Lian'er.


Immediately, he couldn't help but reply.

But Fairy Leng Yue had a displeased look on her face.

"The Abyss of Nine Deaths, known as Nine Deaths, has been rumored for a long time, and there are spiritual seeds in it. I didn't expect it to be true. However, there are countless strong people who were buried during the funeral..."

"Who says it's not! Once this incident happens, I don't know how many people will die inside."


The crowd was still discussing, and their words were filled with fear of the so-called abyss of nine deaths.

However, the temptation of spiritual seeds is too great, and many people are still eager to move.

Danger is scary only when it is near.

Otherwise, it's just a legend.

"I heard that almost one-third of the powerhouses on the demigod list came this time, and almost half of the top twenty came. They all came for the abyss of nine deaths."

"Really? Then the Abyss of Nine Deaths will be lively."

The so-called demigod list is actually just a list made by some good people for those who are at the peak of the seven-fold fusion.

Demigod, as the name suggests, is only half a step away from the realm of transforming gods.

And this half step is the spiritual seed.

As long as they have spiritual seeds, almost all the people on the list can step into the realm of transformation into gods.

Of course, there are naturally differences in the strength of each of them, so there is this list.

Fang Yi didn't know anything about it at first, but he heard about it on the way to Ju Haixing, but he didn't take it to heart.

Hearing the words at the moment, I couldn't help being a little curious.

"It goes without saying that with so many people entering the abyss of nine deaths this time, it might really be an opportunity."

"That's right! It's much safer than breaking in alone. No way, we have to go and have a look. The spiritual seeds are nothing more, but there are also many good things on the periphery."


The crowd understood.

For countless years, countless strong men died in the abyss of nine deaths. Not to mention the treasures inside, just those strong men who fell, their storage rings are a huge wealth.

Suddenly, the crowd seemed ready to move.

Fairy Leng Yue's eyes were also extremely bright.

Looking at Fang Yi, he asked, "Why don't we go and have a look?"

Fang Yi drank by himself, and didn't bother to talk to her, so he had to go, but he was not in a hurry.

And he himself came here for this matter.

However, before going, one must have a good understanding of this so-called abyss of nine deaths.

This place just sounds unusual.

There are still discussions in the restaurant, and those who are impatient have already left together. After all, the abyss of nine deaths is not a trivial matter, and most people really dare not go alone.

"This girl, is she also interested in the Abyss of Nine Deaths? If you don't dislike it, why don't we go forward together."

At this time, a young gentleman at the next table obviously saw Fairy Leng Yue's interest.

Hastily stepped forward and struck up a conversation.

He has a kind and sunny smile on his face, giving people a feeling of being quite close relatives.

Accompanying him was an old man with a deep breath. The old man was unremarkable in appearance and short in stature, but his pair of eyes were exceptionally sharp.

While the young master was asking, Fang Yi and Fairy Leng Yue had already been scanned.

Fairy Leng Yue was upset at Fang Yi's neglect at the moment. Seeing the question, she couldn't help but move her eyes slightly, and replied with a smile: "I really want to go and see, but the little girl's strength is low, and I'm afraid..."

She looked pitiful.

While speaking, he couldn't help but glance at Fang Yi, seeing that the latter frowned slightly, and the corners of his mouth looked even more satisfied.

"Girl, there is no need to worry. Although the Abyss of Nine Deaths is dangerous, it is not as scary as in the legends. With my son here, not to mention the spiritual seeds, at least I won't return empty-handed."

Seeing that Fairy Leng Yue was moved, the young man quickly bought a ticket.

Strictly speaking, his strength is not bad, like Fairy Leng Yue, he has also reached the sixth level of fusion.

However, it is undoubtedly a joke to protect Fairy Leng Yue.

However, Fairy Leng Yue looked very helpful, and said: "In this way, the little girl is indeed a little moved, but I still need to ask my companion."

At this time, she kicked the ball to Fang Yi, and she didn't know what kind of idea it was.

Hearing the words, the young man immediately looked at Fang Yi with a hint of disdain on his brows.

It's no wonder that Fang Yi's cultivation at the moment is only a quadruple body, so he can't get into his eyes at all.

However, he still said politely: "Brother, what do you think?"

While speaking, he was still staring at Fang Yi closely with a pair of eyes, showing a faint warning, as if saying: Boy, if you dare to spoil my good deeds, I want you to look good.

Fang Yi was a little impatient, and looked up at Fairy Leng Yue, who was looking proud, and the old man accompanying the young man.

It seems good to have two more thugs!

"it is good!"

After a pause, he replied lightly.

The young man was undoubtedly overjoyed when he heard the words, and he looked like you were very knowledgeable.

But Fairy Leng Yue couldn't help being stunned, and gave Fang Yi a boring look.

"That's good! Let's set off early tomorrow morning, and we'll each make some preparations today." The young man showed great enthusiasm, and he settled the two of them's drink money by the way.

A residence was also arranged for the two of them.

Fang Yi didn't bother to be polite, he was happy and at ease, but Leng Yue boy looked unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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