Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2239 9 entrances

Chapter 2239 Nine Entrances

"Hey! What's the matter with you?"

Back in the room in the restaurant, Fairy Leng Yue couldn't help shouting, her expression was very dissatisfied.

"Isn't it just right! As you wish, stay here and don't go anywhere."

After dropping a word, Fang Yi turned and left.


Fairy Leng Yue was very upset, and was about to ask, but found that Fang Yi had disappeared.

And at that moment, the young man walked over with an eager expression on his face.

Full of smiles.

"Girl, is your companion going out? Just in time, we have to prepare for tomorrow's departure, and buy some things by the way, how about..."

He extended the invitation, very graciously.


Fairy Leng Yue seemed to be angry, then turned her eyes and asked: "That's right! About the list of demigods..."


After leaving the restaurant, Fang Yi checked the direction and left the place directly.

As for Fairy Leng Yue's safety, he naturally doesn't have to worry about it. The other party's strength has reached the sixth level of fusion, plus that inexplicable soul power.

Even he may not be an opponent.

It was even more impossible for the young man before, and how could he be in danger.

As for the old man next to the young man, his strength seems to have reached the seventh level of the combined body, which should not be underestimated.

However, that's all, it's still not worth mentioning.

"Guest officer, what do you need?"

After leaving the restaurant, Fang Yi came to a huge pavilion in the city.

After inquiring, this is the largest business alliance in the city, the Universal Business Alliance, which contains all kinds of materials needed by warriors, as well as some necessary things to go to the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness.

Among them, the map is naturally essential.

It was also Fang Yi's purpose here.

Although the sea of ​​bitterness is vast, the range known to mankind is not small, and there must be a map.

After explaining the purpose of coming, the second child eagerly introduced Fang Yi into the pavilion.

At the same time, a most comprehensive map is recommended.

Although it is comprehensive, in fact, compared to the boundless sea of ​​suffering, I am afraid that it is not even a drop in the ocean.

However, fortunately, there is the destination of this trip, the Abyss of Nine Deaths.

It's just weird...

"Xiao Er, why is there a dotted line drawn at the place leading to the abyss of nine deaths?"

"And there are as many as nine?"

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning and asked.

It turned out that although the Abyss of Nine Deaths was marked on the map, there were as many as nine of them, and they were all linked by dotted lines, as if they existed in some unknown space.

When Xiaoer saw and asked, she was not surprised.

He explained: "My lord doesn't know, no one knows where this abyss of nine deaths is."

"And each of these nine places has a huge vortex, and this vortex is the entrance to the Abyss of Nine Deaths."

"However, not everyone has access to it."

"Someone who enters the vortex will appear in other places, and some people will be directly crushed by the vortex."

so weird?

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning slightly, this abyss of nine deaths was really unusual.

"If you want to enter it, young master, you can choose the deepest vortex among the nine vortexes."

"The deeper the vortex, the greater the probability of entering the abyss of nine deaths."

The little one hastily added another sentence, seeing that he probably answered many similar questions.

I know quite well about the abyss of nine deaths.

Fang Yi couldn't help but nodded, then asked a few more questions, and then left.

However, as soon as he walked out of the door, a feeling of being peeped spontaneously arose.

Involuntarily, he pouted.

"Boy, you have today too!" At a certain corner, Fang Yi stopped, and a huge light shield fell down immediately, covering it.

Immediately afterwards, several figures came out.

The one in the lead was a middle-aged man with a majestic aura. His aura was full of tyranny, like an ancient beast.

The cultivation base has also reached the sixth level of integration.

Beside him, there are several people, exactly the group of soldiers who were taught by Fairy Leng Yue before.

"Boy, weren't you very arrogant before? Today I will see where you are going to escape."

One of the soldiers yelled, as if Fang Yi had already settled down.

It's no wonder that Fang Yi's cultivation is only four layers of fit, and he didn't make a move before. It's still unknown what happened.

If it was Fairy Leng Yue, they might still be a little jealous, but Fang Yi...

"Boy, I think you are very pleasing to the eye, and I don't make it difficult for you, but you broke the rules first, and hurt others later, and you left the storage ring, so let's forget about it, otherwise..."

At this time, the middle-aged man also spoke, with a rather magnanimous look.

There was a hint of greed in his eyes.

Hearing this, those soldiers were obviously unwilling, but they didn't dare to question it.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help curling his lips.

He has always been the one who robs others. Unexpectedly, Feng Shui turns, and it is the turn of other people to rob him. It's just...

"It's just you?"

He couldn't help smiling, a little ferocious.

"Bastard! Ignorant junior, the one standing in front of you is Master Lei Gang from the ancient gods."

"Hurry up and get caught, otherwise..."

Seeing Fang Yi's rude words, a soldier jumped out immediately, looking like he was going to kill someone.

Unfortunately, in front of Fang Yi, the only one who was killed could be himself.

Only halfway through what he said, he stopped, and there was a creaking sound in his mouth. It turned out that his throat had been cut at some time, and a lot of blood gushed out.

Make him unable to make any sound.

Immediately, he fell down with a bang, completely lifeless.


Suddenly, the expressions of the soldiers changed drastically.

Before, when Fairy Leng Yue made a move, she just froze a person, but didn't take that person's life.

I don't want the person in front of me to be more ruthless, once I make a move, it is a fresh life.

good!Because Fang Yi doesn't have that much patience, Fairy Leng Yue loves to play, but he doesn't have that leisure time.

Moreover, the other party's party has even done their secret work, covering this world, how can he disappoint a few people.

"Presumptuous! You dare to commit murder in front of me, how courageous you are."

The middle-aged man called Mr. Lei Gang was furious.

Regardless of being a member of the ancient god clan or his own strength, who would dare not give him some face.

How could he not be angry now that the other party actually killed people under his nose.

Originally, when he was invited, he was not ready to do anything, he just wanted to get some benefits, but now it is obviously different, and his whole body is full of breath.

It's a pity that he hasn't waited for his reaction yet.

He only felt a blur in front of his eyes, followed by screams of misery.

Afterwards, that figure condensed again, but the soldiers who came with him had all been killed.

"you you……"

"A friendly means, don't you even think about my ancient gods?"

Immediately, his face turned slightly pale, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Fang Yi shot too much, even he didn't see it clearly, subconsciously, he lifted the ancient gods.


(End of this chapter)

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