Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2241 The Boundless Sea of ​​Bitterness

Chapter 2241 The Boundless Sea of ​​Bitterness

"How? Have you found someone else?"

Ju Haixing, in a certain hall, a tall and burly man with an aura like an abyss, looked at the people below him and asked.

His eyes were as bright as pillars, and he stood there like a big mountain.

Gives a great sense of oppression.

Let those people below tremble with trembling, not even daring to vent their anger.

"My lord, not yet. Lord Lei Gang may no longer gather starfish, and the subordinates have not noticed his presence."

One of them replied cautiously.

"Did Master Lei Gang leave early?"


The burly man said otherwise.

"Without my order, he will not leave, and he does not have a flying magic weapon."

"Keep looking, whoever saw him last, find it for me."

The burly man's complexion has become a little ugly.

Because he knows his younger brother very well, although he is a little impulsive and cruel, but he will never be ignorant of the seriousness.

Today's matter is very important, and it has been decided long ago. My younger brother will definitely not be late for no reason, unless...

Involuntarily, he faintly had a bad premonition.


When those people heard the words, they immediately wanted to leave.

Just at this time, another figure hurriedly came outside the hall.

"Lord Lei Zhen, it's bad! There's news from the clan that Lord Lei Gang...his life card is broken."


As soon as these words came out, the burly man 'Lei Zhen' burst out of breath, like an erupting volcano, and the top of the entire hall was instantly lifted off, revealing a huge hole.

The people below were also trembling with fright, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

"Who is it? Who killed my younger brother? I will crush him to ashes."

Lei Zhen let out a roar, his eyes were blood red, and his murderous intent was overwhelming.

"You bastard! Why are you still in a daze? Why don't you check it out quickly."


Those few people did not dare to neglect and left quickly.

At this time, an old man came out from the shadows. He looked very ordinary, and if you were not careful, it would be very easy for people to ignore his existence.

"Time waits for no one. People from several major forces have already rushed there. If we are late, I am afraid we will get nothing."

The old man reminded.

Hearing this, Lei Zhen's furious expression finally eased a little.

"The news is confirmed to be true? Does the Abyss of Nine Deaths really have spiritual seeds? What is the heart of Nine Deaths?"

After pondering for a moment, he asked.

Obviously, just a moment ago, he was still angry at the killing of his younger brother, but the next moment, when he mentioned the spiritual seed, he seemed to have forgotten about it.

Obviously, in his heart, spiritual seeds are undoubtedly more important.

"It is certain that the Abyss of Nine Deaths has spiritual seeds. What is important is that according to reliable sources, the blood demon ancestor did not go deep into the Abyss of Nine Deaths."

"In other words, there are spiritual seeds in the peripheral area."

The old man replied.

If his words were known to outsiders, they would be extremely shocked.

It should be noted that the degree of danger on the periphery of the Abyss of Nine Deaths is completely different from that in the depths.

In the depths, even the powerhouses of the Transformation God Realm are not uncommon, and it is precisely because of this that many people are discouraged.

But the periphery is relatively safer.

If outsiders know..., it is conceivable.

"As for the heart of nine deaths, it should mean determination. Only with the determination to die can you succeed."

The old man paused for a moment, then continued.

Lei Zhen also nodded subconsciously, seeming to agree with this statement.

"Go get ready! I'll be here in a while."


The old man responded, and then disappeared into the darkness.

At this time, the few people who had left before went back again.

In addition, there was an additional silver-armored general. If Fang Yi was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that it was the leader of the soldiers who blocked them that day.

"what happened?"

Seeing the visitor, Lei Zhen opened his mouth first, and his eyes sank.

The surrounding space seemed to sink.

The silver-armored general shrank in fright, his face turned slightly pale.

"Master Qi, the last person Lord Lei Meng saw was him, and he was the one who asked Lord Lei Meng for help..."

Immediately, someone quickly said the matter.

The silver-armored general also echoed again and again, and finally did not forget to say: "To tell you the truth, Mr. Leizhen, those few of my subordinates are also missing, and they may have been killed."

"I hope Master Leizhen..."

He still seems to want Lei Zhen to stand up for him.

By the way, he took out the images of Fang Yi and Fairy Leng Yue.

But he didn't notice at all that Lei Zhen's face had become extremely ugly, as if he was about to kill someone.

"Trash, why are you not dead!"

"It's you parasites who still want to store spirit stones, I don't know what it means!"

As soon as the words fell, Lei Zhen slapped a giant palm away.

There was no surprise at all, and even the silver-armored general didn't even have time to react, so he was photographed to pieces, which was extremely miserable.

"My lord! He is the true ancestor of the world..."

The people below were obviously startled, and they seemed a little apprehensive when it came to the True Ancestor of the World.

"Hmph! It's just a waste. In front of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas, I'm afraid it's not as good as an ant. If it dies, it will die."

"What's more, the murderer is the man and woman, and this seat is also a victim."

Lei Zhen sneered, and even pushed everything directly to Fang Yi and Fairy Leng Yue.

The few people below understood.

In fact, a silver-armored general really couldn't get into their eyes, but it was because of the true ancestor of the world.

"Find this man and woman for me, no matter the ends of the earth."

Lei Zhen ordered.

"My lord, on the way back, my subordinates have found out that this couple has gone to the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, and the destination should be the Abyss of Nine Deaths."

At this time, the person below hurriedly replied.

"good very good!"

"The younger brother who dares to kill me, I want to see who gave him the courage."

"Pass down the order to let the disciples in the clan pay close attention to the whereabouts of these two people. This seat will tear their corpses into ten thousand pieces."

Lei Zhen's eyes turned cold, revealing his killing intent.


People take orders.


Fang Yi naturally knew nothing about everything here.

However, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't react. He had already thought of this result the moment he started.

He is not a person who likes to cause trouble, but he is not afraid of trouble.

Now that the trouble has been found, he doesn't mind going to extra trouble.

But at this moment, he is not interested in paying attention to these things, because the sea of ​​suffering has already arrived.

"Miss Leng, look! That's the sea of ​​bitterness!"

Qi Feng was like a guide along the way, happily introducing Fairy Leng Yue, and when he arrived at the destination, he was even more attentive.

Looking in the direction he pointed, I saw that it was pitch black.

If it weren't for the light from the flying magic weapon projecting on it, reflecting faint ripples, I would have thought it was a void.

But in fact, that is the sea of ​​suffering.

(End of this chapter)

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