Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2242 Spirit Devouring Python

Chapter 2242 Spirit Devouring Python

"Is this the sea of ​​bitterness?"

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move.

He had heard about the sea of ​​suffering a long time ago, but seeing it now, he knew that it was an endless dark abyss.

Compared with this void, there is actually not much difference. The only difference is the light. Although this void is dark, the countless stars can emit a little light.

But the sea of ​​bitterness was so dark that it made people a little scared.

It seems to be able to swallow everything around.


Divine thoughts can't penetrate?

Fang Yi tried to detect it with his divine sense, but found that with the strength of his divine sense, the range that could be detected was extremely limited.

Fairy Leng Yue also seemed to be a little surprised, a look of astonishment flashed across her face.

"Miss Leng, how about it? This is the sea of ​​bitterness..."

"You may not know it when you come here for the first time. This sea of ​​suffering is extraordinary. The gravity inside is extremely high. Even in the outer area, it is several times that of the outside world."

"And going deeper, hundreds of times, a thousand times, or even more may not be."

"Because no one knows how big the sea of ​​bitterness is..."

Qi Feng said with joy, trying his best to show off what he knew, trying to win a smile from the girl.

Fairy Leng Yue nodded slightly, instead of sweeping towards Fang Yi, seeing that the latter's mind was completely above the sea of ​​suffering, she couldn't help curling her lips.

He only said: "Young Master Qi is indeed well-informed."

After being praised, Qi Feng undoubtedly became more satisfied and became more active.

According to him, not only is the gravity extremely strong in this sea of ​​suffering, but the deeper one goes, the smaller the area covered by spiritual thoughts.

Even the energy in the body is affected.

On the contrary, physical strength can play a huge role here.

These words made Fang Yi happy.

Physical strength?

The physical body re-condensed from the three major temples was also fused with the tail of the real dragon. The physical body was so strong that even he himself did not know how strong it was.

At least since the fusion, he hasn't suffered any injuries.

The only time was in Tianchi, when facing the five elders of Tianshan Mountain, he was a little bit helpless.

But that's one-for-five.

And the five are all strong in the Transformation God Realm, their strength is overwhelming, although they are suppressed, they are still not to be underestimated.

In addition, even in the battle with Ghost Axe, he was not damaged at all.

and so……

Just relying on his physical body, he is not afraid of anyone, even in the realm of transforming gods.

While talking, Qi Feng controlled the flying magic weapon at the same time, and got into the sea of ​​suffering.

Boom! !

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound, and the flying magic weapon trembled slightly, as if under tremendous pressure.

If this is replaced by a normal flying magic weapon, let alone collapse directly, I'm afraid it won't last long.

No wonder entering the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness requires a special flying weapon.

"Miss Leng, don't panic, this is entering the sea of ​​bitterness, the effect of gravity, if it is an ordinary flying magic weapon..."

Qi Feng boasted again.

Although it was a bit noisy, in this deadly sea of ​​suffering, it was considered to be a little bit more lively, so that it would not be boring and panic.

"Thank you Mr. Qi, otherwise, the little girl might not be able to enter the sea of ​​suffering."

Fairy Leng Yue also complimented at the right time, and then said: "The gravity in this bitter sea is so strong, but I heard that there are still many races during this period, what about their strength?"

"Good question!"

Qi Feng looked very appreciative, and replied: "So, if Miss Leng encounters creatures in the bitter sea, remember not to conflict with them, and avoid as much as possible."

"Because they have lived in such a bad environment for a long time, their physical bodies are extremely tyrannical, and even the most peripheral creatures are not comparable to ordinary warriors."

"As for the deeper ones, it's even more terrifying. Maybe they can't even break through their defenses."

When it comes to the creatures in the sea of ​​bitterness, even Qi Feng has a look of fear.

Afterwards, as if he was afraid of damaging his powerful image in front of Fairy Leng Yue, he hurriedly said, "But Miss Leng, don't worry, Qi's flying magic weapon is enough for us to reach the entrance of the Abyss of Nine Deaths safely."

"Also, Qi hasn't paid attention to the bitter sea creatures around here."

He looked confident.

Fang Yi naturally ignored it, and had no interest in paying attention to it at all, his thoughts were all in this endless dark sea of ​​suffering.

As for Lin Lao, there seemed to be some impatience between his brows, but he didn't open his mouth. He kept meditating quietly, like a statue.

In this way, the flying magic weapon carried four people slowly into the sea of ​​suffering.

The periphery looks a little hollow.

Nothing but the endless, dark water.

However, as it went deeper, some weak creatures began to appear around it, with strange shapes and various shapes.

It is said to be weak, but that is only in relative terms.

There are no weak people who can survive in this area, only the strong and the stronger.

Fairy Leng Yue looked a little curious, looking around.

Fang Yi was no exception. When he came to the Sea of ​​Bitterness for the first time, he thought it was some kind of dangerous place, but he never thought about it. It seemed to be no different from ordinary oceans.

In addition to being more vast, creatures are also more powerful.

Just as colorful.


At this time, Qi Feng pointed to a place ahead and screamed.

From the direction he pointed, there was a burst of turbulent waves, and a huge monster came slowly.

Actually, needless to say, the eyes of Fang Yi and Fairy Leng Yue have already cast their gazes in that direction.

It was a giant python-like creature, huge in size, hundreds of feet away, with scales emitting a frightening light, and four hooves growing under its belly, which was extremely strange.

Gives a very discordant feeling.

The ferocious head is like a cow, as big as a house, and a pair of dark eyes seem to come from hell, extremely frightening.

"This is……"

The eyes of Fairy Leng Yue couldn't help but light up slightly.

"This is a spirit-eating python. It mainly devours spiritual energy. It is extremely sensitive. It can sense the spiritual energy fluctuations tens of thousands of miles away. It likes to attack flying magic weapons because there are strong spiritual energy fluctuations on all magic weapons."

Qi Feng quickly explained, and his face couldn't help but change slightly, a little ugly.

Elder Lin, who had been quietly adjusting his breath, couldn't help opening his eyes at this moment.

"You say it's coming for us? Will it attack us?"

Fairy Leng Yue was surprised, but there was more excitement in the depths of her eyes, ready to move.

"Not bad!"

Qi Feng nodded, "It must have sensed the aura fluctuations here, but it's a little strange. The spirit-eating pythons are usually in the depths, and there are very few outside. I didn't expect..."

"Fortunately, the one in front of me is not big and underage, otherwise..."

While Qi Feng was nervous, he also looked rejoiced.

This surprised Fang Yi a little. Along the way, he tried his best to show off in front of Fairy Leng Yue.

Now this spirit-eating python actually makes him so fearful.

It seems that this thing is really not easy to mess with, otherwise...

"Is it powerful?"

Fairy Leng Yue was obviously also a little surprised, so she couldn't help asking.

"Yeah!" Qi Feng nodded subconsciously, but then he seemed to recall the image he had always established, and quickly settled down, saying: "Miss Leng, don't worry, she's just an evil animal, and she can't make any big waves."

"Let's see how Qi cleans it up."


(End of this chapter)

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