Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2248 Green Snake Demon

Chapter 2248 Green Snake Demon

"That's right! Di Jianyi did kill a God Transformation Realm, and it was because of that battle that he reached the top of the demigod list, and no one dared to challenge him."

Qi Feng replied affirmatively, his expression was full of admiration.

Immediately, he recounted that battle vividly.

This time, even Fang Yi listened very seriously.

It really surprised him that there are such strong men in Tianshan Mountain. It seems that he really underestimated the strong men of Tianshan Mountain in the past.

Involuntarily, he felt a little eager to move in his heart.

"What about the second one, the Moonless Monk?"


Immediately, the three of them started talking about the strong man on the demigod list.

It has to be said that those who can make the list are all dragons and phoenixes.

Each has a glorious past.

Even Fang Yi listened with gusto.

In this way, the flying magic weapon moved forward slowly, and the group of people also slowly went deeper, and more and more bitter sea creatures appeared around them.

Fortunately, for the time being, there is no such powerful creature as the Devouring Python.

They are all weak.

Even if there are a few powerful ones occasionally, after seeing the spirit-devouring python, they will not be able to arouse the interest of a few people.

So he went around directly, too lazy to answer.


At this time, Elder Lin who had been closing his eyes suddenly spoke, and his sharp eyes could not help but sweep forward.

"What's wrong?" Qi Feng hurriedly asked, a little puzzled.

"The situation is a little bit wrong. There seems to be a battle ahead."

Elder Lin got up, his sharp eyes seemed to see everything, and his face couldn't help becoming a little dignified.

"Then we go around?"

Qi Feng tentatively said, his expression obviously became a little nervous.

In this sea of ​​suffering, there are too many unknowns, and you may encounter unknowable things at any time, so if you don't have absolute confidence, you would rather take some detours.

"It's too late! The spirit-devouring python just now has already delayed a lot of time. If it is too late, everyone else may have already entered the abyss of nine deaths."

Elder Lin replied, seemingly uncertain about paying attention.

The front is full of unknowns, but the opportunity in the abyss of nine deaths is rare...

"Then lean up and have a look first before talking."

"Most of the people who come here are for the Abyss of Nine Deaths. They haven't reached their destination yet, so there won't be any conflicts."

"Mostly, I encountered a bitter sea creature."

Qi Feng guessed.

This statement is not unreasonable, and very accurate.

However, the situation is not so optimistic, it can even be said to be very bad.

Because in Fang Yi's induction, the situation ahead is clear at a glance. Several people are being besieged by a group of bitter sea creatures at this moment.

Those creatures are all the same, covered with blue scales, and the cold light is wanton.

The smallest ones are several feet away, while the largest ones are tens of feet.

Although they are not as huge as the spirit-devouring pythons, they seem to be not weak at all. Most importantly, they cooperate with each other tacitly, and they are intelligent creatures at first glance.

And it has a human head, long hair hanging down, and scales on its cheeks, which is quite creepy.

The body is like a sea snake.

This should be what Qi Feng once said, among the sea clan, the green snake demon clan.

He is also the true master of this sea of ​​suffering.

"Okay! That's the decision."

Elder Lin nodded and finally made up his mind.

Under his control, the flying magic weapon slowly approached.

Perhaps it was because his mind was all focused on the front, or because he was too nervous to notice that a few green snake monsters were slowly approaching behind them.

Fang Yi subconsciously shook his head, and didn't intend to remind him.

Moreover, although the strength of these green snake monsters is good, in his opinion, that's all.

It might be possible to block Elder Lin and Qi Feng, but it is obviously impossible to block him.

Fairy Leng Yue wouldn't remind her, instead her eyes were filled with anticipation.

"Not good! It's from the Green Snake Demon Clan."

As he got closer, Mr. Lin finally noticed the abnormality and wanted to retreat.

Only then did he realize that at some point behind him, several green snake demons had surrounded him.

The thick green snake tails swept forward like huge pillars.

Boom! !

Immediately, the flying magic weapon shook for a while, and was directly photographed hundreds of feet away, and the situation ahead finally appeared clearly in front of several people.

There was already a mess, and blood flowed like rivers.

The number of human beings and the Green Snake Demon Clan that were beheaded was already unknown, and the few remaining humans were also covered in blood, looking extremely embarrassed.

But in fact, it is quite extraordinary.

Just kidding, those who dare to go deep into the sea of ​​suffering, no matter how bad they are, their strength will not be too bad.

"Go out! Prepare to fight!"

Mr. Lin drank in a hurry.

At this moment, it is no longer possible to escape, and the only option is to fight hard.

Fortunately, they are not alone.

"Fellow Daoists ahead, we..." Qi Feng seemed to want to say hello to a few people, but he was interrupted in the middle of the conversation.

"Where is there so much nonsense, let's kill these monsters first."

Among them, a black-robed patriarch scolded, with a gloomy expression on his face.

His aura is deep, and he is extremely extraordinary at first glance. He is no worse than Lin Lao, and even faintly better.

And those followers around him are all extremely extraordinary.

Qi Feng was so bored, he was very speechless, but at this moment, he didn't have time to take care of these things.

"Ancient Protoss!"

When it was Mr. Lin, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, as if he recognized the origin of the group.

Naturally, Fang Yi had already seen it, but he didn't take it to heart.

"What a big tone, just rely on you damn human beings, you are the ones who will die today."

At this time, among the group of green snake monsters, a green snake monster with a height of several tens of feet couldn't help shouting angrily, seemingly extremely angry.

With a ferocious expression, combined with his loose long hair, he looks like a ghost.

On his chest, there are seven scales of different colors.

This is a symbol of their strength, and the seven pieces represent the seven weights of human beings.

In this bitter sea, it is more difficult to achieve the seventh level of fusion than the outside world, and the combat power is even more terrifying.

This is not difficult to see from the situation of the black-robed old man at the moment.

Even though they are both of the seventh level, the black-robed old man has almost no power to fight back.

Fortunately, there is only one such green snake demon, and the others are relatively weak. Otherwise, this group of people may have been defeated long ago.

But even so, under the crazy bombardment of the green snake demon, defeat is only a matter of time.

Except for the old man in black robe, the others might not even be able to escape.

It is precisely because of this that the group of talents fell into a hard fight.

"I'll help him, be careful yourself."

The key point in the arena is undoubtedly the green snake demon. Of course, Mr. Lin would not fail to understand, so he threw down a word, and he quickly went towards the green snake demon.

In the original place, there were only three people left, and several green snake demons who were besieging them.

They were all fierce and furious.

The war is about to start.

(End of this chapter)

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