Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2249

Chapter 2249

"Miss Leng, follow me, don't go far."

I have to say that the treatment of beautiful women is different.

No matter what time, Qi Feng still thinks about Fairy Leng Yue, even Fang Yi can't help but be slightly moved, he is really a seed of infatuation.

As for Fairy Leng Yue, she couldn't help curling her lips.

His eyes glanced at Fang Yi intentionally or unintentionally, a little provocative.

Fang Yi naturally ignored it.

And at this moment, those green snake demons had already surrounded them, each of them extremely fierce, surrounding the three of them.

"Damn humans, this is the territory of my Green Snake Demon Clan, anyone who trespasses will die!"

Among the several green snake demons, the leading one has five different scales on his chest.

It means that it is comparable to the fivefold human body.

Although they are five-layered ones, in this sea of ​​suffering, due to factors such as physical body and gravity, even ordinary six-layered ones may not be their opponents.

Qi Feng didn't seem to dare to be careless at all, and he was ready to fight.

But he still did not forget to shout: "Naughty beast! When did the Sea of ​​Bitterness become part of your Green Snake Demon Clan? I come here whenever I want. If you are interested, leave quickly."


As he spoke, his eyes froze, revealing his killing intent.

Perhaps it was because Fairy Leng Yue was at the side, he was acting extremely strong at the moment.

Fang Yi couldn't help but look sideways.

"Presumptuous! You arrogant human beings should all go to hell. Let's see how I tear you into pieces today."

"And that girl, a human girl..."

As the green snake demon spoke, his greedy eyes could not help but glance at Fairy Leng Yue, even with a hint of obscenity.

Immediately, Fairy Leng Yue's eyes turned cold, as if she was extremely angry.

There is also a sense of inviolability.

But the green snake demon didn't realize it, and came straight towards Fairy Leng Yue.

Seeing this, Qi Feng naturally wouldn't agree, let out a loud shout, and came up to meet him at the same time.

The sharp sword in his hand was also chopped off immediately, extremely bright.

"Ignorant human beings, it's up to you!"

However, the green snake demon showed disdain, and the huge green snake tail was like a giant pillar, directly pressing down on it.

Judging by the power and influence, it was not weaker than Qi Feng's sword at all.

It's just that he absolutely shouldn't, and he doesn't have any unreasonable thoughts about Fairy Leng Yue.

Seeing the huge green snake tail sweeping towards him, his expression became extremely ferocious, but after that, that expression seemed to freeze, becoming extremely stiff, like a statue.

In the depths of his eyes, one could faintly see the blossoming ice lotuses.

It was as if his whole body, from the inside of his body to his soul, had been frozen.

But on the outside, it looks like nothing is wrong.

So much so that Qi Feng didn't realize it at all, the long sword still fell down.

brush! !

Immediately, the bright sword shadow directly tore the Green Snake Demon, extending all the way to the head, splitting its huge body into two.

Strangely, there was not a single drop of blood.

Because it's already frozen.

"This this……"

Qi Feng obviously couldn't believe it, he actually completely beheaded his opponent with one blow.

Although he has reached the sixth level of the combined body, with his strength, even if it is an outside warrior who has the fifth level of the combined body, he cannot kill him instantly with a single strike.

Not to mention the creatures in this bitter sea.

Their physical bodies are strong, and because of gravity, they cannot fully exert themselves.

However, the facts are in front of us...

And the expressions of the other members of the Green Snake Demon Clan who were coming under siege undoubtedly also changed drastically, each of them looked at Qi Feng with fear in their eyes.

Stand still.

"Young Master Qi is amazing!" Fairy Leng Yue's cold gaze returned to its original state at this moment.

He couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Hearing this, Qi Feng seemed to come to his senses. Although he was still a little puzzled, he was more joyful.

"Naughty beast! You are all dead today!"

Immediately, his expression shook, and the long sword in his hand slashed at the several green snake demons again.

On the contrary, Fang Yi looked a little idle.

Involuntarily, he couldn't help but glanced at Fairy Leng Yue, his eyes became a little weird, woman...

And Fairy Leng Yue happened to be looking at him, looking very proud.

As for the other side, the black-robed old man and Lin Lao were inextricably fighting the seventh-fold green snake demon.

It has to be said that the Green Snake Demon has reached the seventh level of the combined body. Even the black-robed old man and Lin Lao can't beat him, and they are even a little passive.

But fortunately, the strength of the two is also extremely good.

Although it was impossible to take down the opponent, it also made it impossible for the opponent to take into account the other Green Snake Demons.

Among this group of green snake monsters, he is the strongest, and the others are not worth mentioning to those few ancient god clan powerhouses.

As a result, more and more green snake monsters died under the hands of several people.

"Damn human."

Seeing this scene, the green snake demon was undoubtedly furious.

However, he was besieged by the two combined seven-fold powerhouses, and he was helpless.

"Damn you all!"

Suddenly, he screamed, and spit out a letter like lightning, like a poisonous snake.

What's even more incredible is that his mouth opened instantly, at least over 180 degrees. There was no trace of a human being, and it completely turned into a green snake.

The next moment, a bright cyan beam of light erupted from his bloody mouth.

A breath of destruction also followed.

So strong!

Fang Yi couldn't help but look sideways, the green snake demon was so domineering, even he was a little surprised.

Not to mention the old man in black robe and Elder Lin, their faces changed drastically.

"Master Sword Snake!"

The old man in black even blurted out, as if he recognized the origin of the green snake demon, his expression was full of fear.

His figure couldn't help retreating quickly, as if he didn't dare to confront the cyan beam of light head-on.

Elder Lin was obviously a little confused, so originally the two of them were fighting against him, and they would not fall below, but as the black-robed old man retreated, he suddenly struggled.

What he didn't expect was that the cyan beam of light suddenly scattered and turned into countless cyan sword shadows, attacking from all directions.

not good!

Immediately, his complexion changed drastically, but it was a pity that he was still one step too late.

Several sword shadows directly penetrated his body, but luckily he avoided the vital points on purpose, although his life was not in danger.

But still seriously injured.


After the green snake demon's blow, it seemed to consume a lot of energy, so it made a decisive decision.

Although Elder Lin was injured, the black-robed old man was unharmed, and with the others, this battle was already impossible, so he ordered decisively.

Immediately, the group of green snake monsters disappeared into the deep sea in an instant.

So simply?

Fang Yi couldn't help being a little surprised, or did the green snake demon notice something?

Subconsciously, he couldn't help looking at the old man in black robe.

The blow just now was originally combined with the strength of the two of them, so it wouldn't be like this, but in the end... the black-robed old man chose to back down, and did not remind him.

Only then did Mr. Lin get hurt, so...

(End of this chapter)

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