Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2250 Thunder Town

Chapter 2250 Thunder Town

"Old Lin, how are you doing?"

At this moment, Qi Feng has already rushed forward quickly, his face is full of worry and anger.

Of course, the one who was worried was Elder Lin's injury.

And the anger naturally came from the black-robed old man, and everything just now naturally couldn't be hidden from his eyes.

"It's okay! I can't die yet."

Elder Lin's face was also a bit ugly at the moment, staring at the black-robed old man with anger, his body was stained red with blood, and he looked a little embarrassed.

"What do you mean? We kindly help each other, but you..."

Qi Feng couldn't help asking.

"Bastard! You won't be allowed to be presumptuous here!"

However, before he finished speaking, some of the attendants jumped out from behind the black-robed old man.

A high-ranking appearance, as if he didn't take Qi Feng seriously.

He even looked a little disdainful towards Elder Lin.

"It's so majestic, is this the way the ancient gods behave?"

Mr. Lin is also a strong seventh-level fit body, how can he bear being ignored by a few juniors at the moment.

When he got angry, he really calmed down those people.

Naturally, the old man in black was not among them. He raised his eyes slightly, looked at Elder Lin, and said coldly, "I don't care about how our ancient gods behave."

"However, I really want to ask, on the way here just now, there is clearly the breath of an adult spirit-eating python."

"But now, some of you also have it, I don't know..."

As he spoke, his eyes turned slightly cold, as if he had the idea of ​​devouring the spirit python.

Hearing this, the people behind him also surrounded him in a tacit understanding.

Obviously wanting to kill and seize treasure.

On the way here, they happened to pass by the scene where the spirit-devouring python was killed, and it is not difficult to judge the result from the situation at the scene.

But now, several people have the same aura on their bodies.

Then things are easy to guess.

The corpse of an adult spirit-eating python is still very tempting.

" did it on purpose!"

Elder Lin couldn't help shrinking his pupils at this moment. He obviously understood something. The reason why the other party chose to shrink back was because of this moment.

Qi Feng's face couldn't help changing.

"It's good to know! Hand over your things obediently, and I will let you go, otherwise..."

The black-robed old man's expression sank.


Hearing this, Elder Lin couldn't help laughing out loud, with an extremely sarcastic smile, "It's just a few of you? It's so shameless."

While speaking, his figure suddenly moved, striking like lightning.

He actually chose to strike first.


These people in front of him are so vicious, even if he handed over the corpse of the spirit-eating python, he might not be able to escape easily.

Instead of this, it is better to strike first.

Therefore, he shot decisively, unparalleled domineering, and directly took those followers, and did not attack the black-robed old man.

His choice was undoubtedly correct. Like him, the black-robed old man was also a seventh-fold fit body, and he was also seriously injured. How could he be his opponent.

On the contrary, although those followers are quite powerful, it won't be too difficult for him to kill them.

As long as a few more people can be beheaded, the opponent's goal will not be achieved.


His actions undoubtedly made the black-robed old man furious, and he hurried to meet him.

But it's a pity that Lin was prepared a long time ago, and he shot extremely quickly, killing an ancient god clan powerhouse on the spot in an instant.

How can it be a child's play to fit a seventh-fold powerhouse, even if he is injured.

The faces of the remaining strong ancient gods couldn't help but turned pale.

Fortunately, the old man in black robe had already greeted him at this time.

They breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, several strong men surrounded Elder Lin together with the black-robed old man. As for the others, they surrounded Qi Feng and Fang Yi.

"You scum of the ancient gods, damn it!"

Qi Feng was also furious at this moment.

As for Fang Yi, he couldn't help but frown, with some doubts in his eyes.

Because he was a little unsure of the intentions of the black-robed old man and the others, who were also of the seventh level of the body, even if they were injured, with Lin's strength, it was impossible for these people to stop them.

And Qi Feng also reached the sixth level of the combined body.

With the black-robed old man restrained, no one could stop him.

Then, the actions of the black-robed old man and the others seemed a little suspicious. Since they knew they couldn't take it, it was really not wise to act hastily.

Unless, they have absolute certainty.

Just, where is the grasp?

Fang Yi was a little puzzled, so he waited patiently to see what these people were relying on.

"Hahaha!! You people are trying to stop this old man. I really don't know whether to say you are stupid or ignorant."

"I really thought the old man was injured a little bit, so why don't you do it?"

Boss Lin yelled, and while he was speaking, another ancient god clan powerhouse was knocked into the air by him, bleeding like a pillar.

In his demeanor, he was quite domineering.

Perhaps because he was full of confidence in his own strength, he was not in a hurry to leave.

Just kidding, he is also a seventh-weight fit body, and the opponent is only a seventh-weight fit body, so it won't make him flinch.

However, when the old man in black robe saw this, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that the conspiracy has succeeded.

Is this procrastination?Is he waiting for help?

Fang Yi thought subconsciously.


The next moment, he sensed several majestic figures approaching quickly in the distance, especially the one in the lead, whose aura made him startled.

And the black-robed old man seemed to have sensed it too, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became even more ferocious.

"Not good! Go back!"

Elder Lin undoubtedly noticed it too, but unfortunately, it was too late.

As soon as he finished speaking, those majestic figures galloped towards them, encircling them and blocking their retreat.

At the same time, the person in the lead slapped a palm, and vast power swept out.

Like a ferocious beast that had escaped from its cage, it directly knocked Mr. Lin into the air, and couldn't help spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"Elder Lin!"

Qi Feng's expression changed drastically.

But the person who made the move didn't even look at Elder Lin, but instead looked at the old man in black and asked, "What's going on?"

"Master Leizhen, they killed an adult spirit-eating python."

A follower hurriedly replied.


Hearing these words, Elder Lin and Qi Feng's complexions turned pale.

Because that is the demigod powerhouse ranked No. 12 on the demigod list.

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning, he always felt that the name was familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Spirit-eating python?"

A look of surprise flashed across Lei Zhen's face, but he didn't pay much attention to it, and said casually: "Hurry up, I'm waiting for you in front."

As he spoke, he seemed to be about to leave, completely ignoring them.

Among the four, perhaps only Elder Lin could make him look sideways, but he had already slapped him, so...

However, just as he was about to leave, his eyes caught Fang Yi inadvertently.

Immediately, he paused and turned around abruptly.

The sharp sword-like gaze also shot over.

(End of this chapter)

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