Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2251 One step break

Chapter 2251

"It's you!"

Lei Zhen's pupils shrank slightly, revealing his killing intent.

The several ancient god clan powerhouses who came with them undoubtedly also discovered the image of Fang Yi and the silver-armored general at this moment, and they all saw it clearly.

Seeing it at this moment, all of them suddenly showed their fierce lights.

On the other hand, Fang Yi couldn't help being stunned, a little confused.

"You killed Lei Gang?"

Lei Zhen's face was gloomy, as if dripping water, he unconsciously took a step under his feet.

However, he was not in a hurry to make a move.

Not for other reasons, but because of Fang Yi's strength displayed at this moment, but it's just a quadruple body. With such strength, beheading his younger brother is undoubtedly a dream.

and so……

Involuntarily, his eyes turned to Elder Lin again.

It seemed that everything was attributed to Elder Lin. Perhaps in his opinion, only Elder Lin had such ability.

Elder Lin was obviously taken aback, but at this moment, there was no need to explain.

When it came to Qi Feng, although his whole face had turned extremely pale, he still yelled: "What are you guys thinking? My Chixiao Palace is not to be kneaded by others..."

However, his words were not yet finished.

Lei Zhen's eyes suddenly sank, and a killing intent emerged.

At the same time, one of his giant palms has also been protruded, and the terrifying energy swept in, covering all directions in an instant.

The world seemed to have turned into a piece of iron, with nothing to hide from.

A terrifying giant palm also condensed and crushed towards Qi Feng.

Although Qi Feng's strength is good, compared to ordinary people, compared to the seventh-fold body, it is obviously not enough.

Not to mention being a strong man on the demigod list, but also Lei Zhen, who is ranked so high.

It can almost be said that there is no place to fight back.

Even, he couldn't even move, because the world was already imprisoned by that palm, even Lin Lao couldn't be much worse, because he was injured one after another, so he could only watch helplessly at this moment.


He growled as hard as he could.

He wanted to make a move, but a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth first.

As for Qi Feng, his eyes were full of despair, like falling into an abyss.

Even, he was ready to die, and he closed his eyes directly, waiting for the god of death to come.

It's not that he doesn't resist, but that he has no way to resist. The gap between the two is too big.

However, everything in his imagination didn't happen, and the palm didn't fall for a long time. Instead, he seemed to hear a dragon chant faintly.

After that, the surroundings became quiet.

what happened?

He didn't know why, so he opened his eyes in a daze. At the entrance of his eyes, a familiar figure unexpectedly stood in front of him.

"Fang Yi? You... what are you doing?"

He was stunned, apparently not understanding what was happening.

But from the horrified eyes of the crowd around him, he faintly realized something.

"It's really you!"

The light in Lei Zhen's eyes suddenly changed, and two rays of light burst out.

"That's right! It's me!" Fang Yi nodded lightly, "If you don't tell me, I will almost forget that I killed a waste from the ancient gods. He also said that his brother's name is Lei Zhen, and he is ranked in the demigod list. No.12, is that you?"

It's really not that Fang Yi deliberately stimulated the other party, but he really forgot about it.

It wasn't until just now that he suddenly remembered.

Therefore, he shot to block the opponent.

He killed people, and he wouldn't let others take the blame for him.

Of course, the performance of Lin Lao and Qi Feng along the way also won his favor, so...

"Fang Yi, what are you talking about?"

Qi Feng was obviously still a little bit unresponsive, with a dazed expression on his face.

Subconsciously, he couldn't help looking at Fairy Leng Yue, trying to see something from her face.

But to his disappointment, Fairy Leng Yue still had a faint smile on her face as before, as if everything in front of her had nothing to do with her.

She is like an outsider, watching the excitement.

Although Qi Feng was very familiar with her expression, it was so unusual in the situation before him.

"Presumptuous! You are courting death!"

Lei Zhen Lei Ting was furious, and his whole body was bursting with breath.

As a strong man ranked high on the demigod list, he has never been so underestimated.

What's more, this person was the murderer of his younger brother, so the anger in his heart can be imagined.

The terrifying aura spread out, with him as the center, as if forming a huge energy storm, tearing everything around wantonly.

Everything is crushed into fine powder.

Space is no exception, collapsed one after another, extremely terrifying.

And quickly spread to all around.

"Go back!"

Lin Lao's face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of fear.

Although they are both in the seventh level of the combined body, the powerhouses on the demigod list give him the feeling that they are no longer at the same level.

Just like the aura in front of him, he fell into an abyss, as if death was approaching.

Immediately, he didn't dare to be careless, rolled up Qi Feng and was about to retreat.

"Old Lin, then he..."

Qi Feng subconsciously looked at Fang Yi in front of him.

"Idiot, what time is it? I haven't noticed it yet!" Elder Lin said involuntarily, rolled up Qi Feng and retreated violently.

In fact, his behavior seemed a little redundant, because Fang Yi was standing in front of them.

Maybe he didn't think Fang Yi could withstand Lei Zhen's blow, or maybe he knew how terrifying the top-ranked powerhouse on the demigod list was.

Therefore, he was eager to retreat.

But Fairy Leng Yue obviously couldn't, she seemed to be okay, but she had a look of teasing on her face.

But this made Qi Feng anxious, and hurriedly shouted: "Miss Leng..."

However, just in the middle of his words, his originally anxious expression turned into astonishment.

It turned out that the terrifying storm that seemed to be able to destroy everything stopped a few feet away from Fang Yi.

It was as if there was an invisible wall blocking everything.

Let that terrifying storm not be able to cross the thunder pool one step.

"what happened?"

At this moment, not only Qi Feng, but also Elder Lin and the experts of the Ancient God Clan all changed their expressions drastically.

Neither seemed to understand what was going on.

Until that faint voice sounded.

"No. 12 on the demigod list? So it's nothing more than that!"

The voice was indifferent, with a hint of disdain and disappointment.

The crowd was undoubtedly stunned, and dare to say that the powerhouses on the demigod list are nothing more than that, this... this is simply extremely arrogant.

But, the weird scene in front of me...

However, the weirder thing is yet to come.


Seeing Fang Yi stepping out, the surrounding space suddenly trembled. In the eyes of the crowd, Fang Yi, who seemed very ordinary, seemed to have turned into a giant of heaven and earth in an instant.

Terrifying energy surged around him, like an ancient beast that had been sleeping for countless thousands of years, completely awakening.

The monstrous air also rolled away.

The originally seemingly terrifying energy storm collapsed inch by inch under this wave of air, seemingly so vulnerable.

" is this possible?"

The pupils of the crowd shrank sharply, as if they had seen a ghost.

And that monstrous weather wave still swept away with an unstoppable momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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