Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2252 1 Sword Killing

Chapter 2252

Lei Zhen's expression also changed dramatically, his eyes full of disbelief.

As the No. 12 powerhouse on the demigod list, he has never paid attention to warriors below the god transformation level. Only the strong men who are also on the demigod list can make him pay a little attention.

And it has to be top ranked.

Otherwise...he probably wouldn't even take a look at her.

Not to mention this seemingly unknown kid in front of him.

Therefore, he ignored the existence of several people from the beginning, not because he was careless, but because he disdainful.

There was disdain in his bones.

But now, it was this ant that he didn't see at all, but it seemed to become extremely tall in an instant.

He was so overwhelmed that he couldn't breathe.

Even he seemed to be looking up, especially the roaring breath, which made him feel powerless, as if he was facing a huge wave.

The energy storm around him also collapsed inch by inch.

"who are you?"

At this moment, his pupils stared like copper bells, full of disbelief.

Although he has not seen all the strong men on the demigod list, he has more or less known them.

But no one can sit in the same seat as the person in front of him.

Even, this aura made him doubt whether the other party was really at the Composite Body Realm, rather than just pretending to be at the Transformation God Realm.

With such a powerful combined state, even if the demigod list is in the top three, I'm afraid...

"Want to know who I am? I'm afraid you are not qualified!"

"Take my sword first and then talk!"

Fang Yi sneered, his eyes were also cold, and the sword intent surged all over his body, and the sword screamed continuously.

"You are presumptuous!" Lei Zhen was furious, he had always ignored other opponents, but now, the other party despised him so much, how could he bear it.

The terrifying energy in the body also burst out, like a demon king of hell.

Elder Lin and the others were already pale with fright.

Originally, he thought that he had already looked up to Lei Zhen enough, but he didn't think that the other party was even more tyrannical than he imagined.

This terrifying energy is probably not much worse than the God Transformation Realm, right?

Not to mention Qi Feng, the whole person seemed to be sluggish. It's not that he has never seen the strong on the demigod list. Not to mention, Chixiao Palace has Qi Tiancheng Senior Brother Qi, who is also ranked fifteenth.

It turned out that in his opinion, there should be no difference between the two.

But now that he felt this terrifying aura, he had to admit that there was a huge gap in strength even if it was just one person.

Involuntarily, his face became extremely pale.

Because of Fang Yi, and even more because of Fairy Leng Yue.

However, on the faces of the two of them, he did not see even the slightest hint of confusion or tension.

Even, there is disdain and playfulness.

Is it self-confidence?Still ignorant?

He didn't know, and looked blank.

However, in the eyes of the black-robed old man and others, this is undoubtedly ignorance, and ignorant people are not afraid.

All the powerful ancient gods were also full of sarcasm and contempt, as if they had foreseen Fang Yi's miserable end.

But, it backfired.

The terrifying energy around Lei Zhen, even though it was like a huge wave, enveloped the entire world.

However, from that terrifying energy, three-color rays of light burst out, like the rising sun, sweeping away all the haze, and illuminating the world.

The terrifying energy was annihilated one after another, like flying ash.

A bright three-color sword shadow also fell immediately, like a world-killing sword, shattering everything.

There is nothing to hide from everything.

Thousands of miles of sea area, everything is sinking.

"No..." Looking at this sword, Lei Zhen seemed to have been greatly frightened, his pupils were round, full of fear and despair.

The majestic energy around him disintegrated like flying ash in an instant.

He wanted to escape, but unfortunately...

Perhaps because he was too confident, he didn't leave any room for himself to retreat.

Or maybe it was because that sword was so fast, like a three-color divine thunder falling from the nine heavens.

So much so that he wanted to retreat at this moment, but it was already too late.

Only his extremely terrified and unwilling expression remained, and finally, it was completely frozen, because the sword had already fallen.


The resplendent three-color sword shadow pierced through the heaven and earth, annihilating all things, including Lei Zhen in it.

The light faded, and the surroundings returned to normal again, as if nothing had happened, except for Lei Zhen, who had completely disappeared without a single scum left.

And the surroundings fell into a deathly silence.

Elder Lin and Qi Feng stared wide-eyed, as if their eyeballs were about to fall out.

The mouth was so wide that he could stuff his fist, as if he had seen a ghost.

Even their bodies couldn't help trembling slightly, because the sword was so terrifying that their entire backs were soaked.

They are still so.

The old man in black robe and other powerful ancient gods can be imagined.

One by one, like sifting chaff, the whole body was shaking non-stop, and even the timid ones were already frightened and collapsed to the ground.

Looking at Fang Yi's eyes is like looking at death.

It's no wonder that Fang Yi completely wiped out Lei Zhen, the No. 12 powerhouse on the demigod list, with just one sword strike.

How dare they believe it.

How can we not be afraid?

At this moment, they even doubted whether the person in front of them was really a body fit.

Do not!Even in the God Transformation Realm, it may not be able to do this, right?

In the huge crowd, no one dared to make a sound, because Fang Yi didn't speak, so...

"Demigod list!"

Fang Yi murmured softly, with a hint of disdain, and his cold eyes could not help but sweep towards the black-robed old man and the others.

"No...don't kill us."

Sensing his gaze, the group of ancient god clan powerhouses suddenly fell into an abyss, their foreheads were dripping with cold sweat, and they even forgot to escape.

Or maybe they didn't dare to escape at all.

In front of such a strong man, fleeing is tantamount to death.

But, if they don't escape, can they survive?

The answer is undoubtedly no, Fang Yi is not stupid enough to let his enemies go, even if these people are not qualified enough.

However, if you dare to be an enemy with him, you must have the consciousness of death.


When the words fell, countless sword shadows fell from the sky, covering the four directions, like lightning from the Nine Heavens, tearing apart the heaven and the earth.

The blood splattered, and there were shrill howls, and one after another figures also fell.

Just kidding, Lian Leizhen is not Fang Yi's enemy with a single sword. With these people, it is even more impossible. It is a completely one-sided massacre.

Under the shadows of countless swords, they couldn't even escape, they could only let themselves be fished by mermaids.

Elder Lin and Qi Feng, who were standing aside, were completely stunned, unable to speak with their terrified expressions.

The gaze that looked at Fang Yi also became extremely fearful.

Even the faint smile on Fairy Leng Yue's face is completely different in their eyes at this moment.

Not only that, but in a certain abyss, the strong green snake demon who left before, the belly sword snake king, is also watching this scene in great horror at this moment.

Judging by his expression, he seemed to be planning to ambush Fang Yi and his party.

But at this moment, he didn't dare to make any more moves.

(End of this chapter)

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