Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2256 Nether Beast

Chapter 2256 Nether Beast

The vortex was bottomless, and Fang Yi didn't know how long it took to shuttle through it. He only saw one figure after another and was involved in it.

With luck, he disappeared out of thin air, and he didn't know where he was involved.

Those who were unlucky were directly torn into pieces, which was extremely tragic.

In Qi Feng's words, these few days are still relatively safe due to special reasons. In normal times, I don't know what kind of scene it will be.

Of course, these are relatively weaker ones.

As long as one's cultivation has reached the fourth and fifth levels of the combined body, as long as one is careful, one can still get through it safely.


At this time, Elder Lin reminded that the eyes looking into the depths of the vortex were also eager to move.

I saw that from the bottom of the vortex, it seemed like a huge eye of the wind, roaring wantonly.

Any warrior who falls into the period will be involved and then disappear.

"This is it?"

Fang Yi couldn't help being surprised, showing a hint of curiosity.

On the flying magic weapon, he had already learned from Qi Feng that at the bottom of the entrance to the Abyss of Nine Deaths, there was a huge wind eye.

The eye of the wind will draw the entering warrior into the abyss of nine deaths.

You must not resist, otherwise, not only will you not be able to enter, but you may even be torn to pieces.

Also, each person is involved in a different position.

It is said that the inside is extremely large, forming a space of its own, and the range that divine sense can explore is extremely limited.

How exactly, Fang Yi didn't know.

But since everyone said so, it was true, and he had no intention of resisting that storm.

Immediately, he fell into it, and felt a huge suction force coming.

This suction is really astonishing, which makes him a little scared, but if he really wants to resist, it may not be impossible, but it is not necessary.

"See you inside!"

As Lin's old saying goes, the whole person has been involved and disappeared.

And Qi Feng disappeared first.

After that, Fairy Leng Yue...

This storm does not seem to involve people randomly, but more like a selection, being drawn into different areas according to their strength.

Is it an illusion?

Fang Yi couldn't help feeling suspicious.

If this is the case, then this storm is extremely unusual, and I don't know...

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly, the suction rose sharply.

After that, what appeared in front of him was an endless dark abyss, and an extremely cold breath, as if it came from hell.

People can't help shivering, as if even the soul is trembling.

The breath of death spread.

The surroundings seemed to be an ancient Shura battlefield.

Not bad!

It was the battlefield, the black land, a mess, full of desolation, and death everywhere.

"Is this the abyss of nine deaths?"

Fang Yi's eyes could not help but light up slightly, and he looked around casually.

This space is indeed vast, and he is not sure how big it will be when the divine sense is blocked.

But what is certain is that this place is empty and dead, and it doesn't look like a place with any spiritual seeds.

But it's hard to say, judging by the situation in front of us, it might really be a certain battlefield in ancient times. If so, the belongings of the strong men who once fell here are undoubtedly a huge treasure.

And if this space can really imprison the soul.

Then their spiritual world collapsed, and finally, after endless years, they slowly collapsed.

The possibility of re-transformation into spiritual seeds is also great.

and so……

Involuntarily, Fang Yi's eyes lit up.

Immediately, he was too lazy to waste time, chose a direction at random, and left quickly.

There seems to be no difference around here, just luck.

I don't know how far I have traveled, and there seems to be nothing unusual around me, and I haven't encountered any danger, but there is no sound in the huge space.

It makes people panic.

full of death.

Fang Yi couldn't help being a little depressed, didn't he say that the abyss of nine deaths is extremely dangerous?


Ow! !

Suddenly, a howl came, breaking the peaceful space.

The howling sound was extremely violent and bloodthirsty, but just like that, Fang Yi couldn't help laughing.

Because he finally met a living creature, as far as he was concerned, it made no difference whether it was tyrannical or not.

However, everything seemed to be somewhat beyond his expectations.

In the pitch-black space, it seemed as if one after another faint green gemstones lit up, revealing a cold light, slowly approaching from all directions.


There was another howl, shaking the sky and shaking the earth.

Behind the countless green gemstones, a pair of even bigger gemstones lit up.

Like a bright moon, it illuminates the surrounding area in a faint green.

It turned out that those countless green gemstones were suddenly pairs of greedy eyes, and the owner of these eyes was a creature that looked like a wolf or a tiger.

The body is huge, each end is tens of meters away.

Especially the biggest one, just like a hill, lying in front of Fang Yi.


Fang Yi couldn't help curling his lips slightly.

It turned out that the biggest monster was only four times stronger, and the others were even more uneven.

There are even many who are comparable to the human heavenly infant.

With Fang Yi's current strength, such a group of monsters really can't arouse his interest.

Immediately, his face sank, and an invisible coercion also disappeared.

Try to disperse these monsters.

With his strength, once the coercion is released, these weak creatures are completely vulnerable, and I am afraid that they will be scared and run away in a moment.

However, the facts seem to be somewhat unexpected.

Those monsters didn't seem to react at all, but they still pressed forward step by step.


A flash of surprise flashed in Fang Yi's eyes, and then his eyes turned cold.

Since these evil beasts didn't know how to live or die, he naturally didn't bother wasting time, and a majestic aura followed, like mountains.

Boom boom boom! !

Immediately, the monsters walking in the front exploded almost without any accident.

However, the imagined flying flesh and blood did not appear.

Those monsters exploded and turned into thick black mist, exuding an endless ghostly atmosphere.

Then fell into the herd.

The monster that was approached was reintroduced into the body, and its stature also skyrocketed.

"Huh? It's not an entity? It's transformed from energy?"

Fang Yi was greatly surprised. This monster seemed to be no different from a flesh and blood body. He never thought...


At this time, the herd of beasts seemed to be enraged. With howling, countless monsters galloped towards them, like ten thousand horses galloping, and the earth trembled.

What's more, they completely ignore life and death and go on and on.

And it can't be killed at all, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

The energy that composes them evaporates from the ground, covering the entire space with layers of thick black mist.

Even Fang Yi was shocked in his heart.

Even if he is like this, if it is other people, let alone this monster, I am afraid...

What's more, I don't know what is hidden in the deeper depths.

(End of this chapter)

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