Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2257 The Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 2257 The Ancient Battlefield


After a burst of bombardment, Fang Yi had no choice but to give up and continue fighting with these monsters.

Because these monsters do not seem to be living bodies at all, but are composed of countless energies, and the energies that make up them are extremely strange and full of dead energy.

Just like the ghosts on the ancient battlefield.

Once a little bit of those dead spirits are stained, the consequences will be disastrous.

Of course, although Fang Yi is not afraid, it is useless to do these useless efforts. It is a waste of time.

Therefore, he had to run away.

Along the way, there are countless monsters like this.

These monsters seem to have appeared out of thin air. Strictly speaking, maybe they didn't exist in the first place.

It was only after sensing the fluctuation of the warrior that it condensed.

This space is still empty.

Boom! !

However, just at this moment, there was a sound of fierce fighting coming from the front, accompanied by roars of beasts, which was quite astonishing.

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move.

This space was too weird, and he wanted to find someone to ask about the specific situation. Immediately, he went towards the source of the sound to see what was there.

Not what he expected.

Not far ahead, a figure was besieged by countless monsters transformed from dead energy.

The figure was a young man, his face was full of gloom, giving people a gloomy feeling, his face was slightly pale, and his body was covered with blood, as if he had been seriously injured.

Although the cultivation base can reach the seventh level of fit.

However, under the siege of countless monsters, the situation is also precarious.

It seemed like defeat was possible at any time.

"You're lucky!"

Fang Yi's eyes moved slightly, and a bright sword shadow fell from his hand.


Immediately, a huge sword shadow streaked across the pitch-black night sky, incomparably gorgeous, and the most leading group of monsters exploded instantly.


The young man's expression couldn't help but also changed, as if facing a formidable enemy.

In this abyss of nine deaths, the enemies are not only these monsters, but also the human beings who entered together.

and so……

However, this sword was aimed at a monster, which made the young man slightly calmer.

However, when he saw Fang Yi, a look of astonishment flashed under his eyes, and then his expression became even colder.

Even more nervous, a look ready to go.

Fang Yi only thought that he was thinking about it, and didn't think too much about it.

"Brother, there is no need to do this. Fang has no malicious intentions, but just wants to ask about the situation here."

Fang Yi smiled, expressing his kindness.

Although he is not a good person, but he is not likely to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

The young man raised his eyebrows obviously, as if he was a little suspicious.

At this time, countless monsters came rushing in again like a tide, fortunately Fang Yi blocked it, otherwise, no matter how hard the young man can hold on, I'm afraid...

"Let's get out of here first!"

After confirming that Fang Yi was not malicious, the young man hurriedly said.

As he spoke, he flicked his foot and shot it like an arrow.


"Han Zhilin, thank you brother for your help, didn't you ask for advice?"

In an open land, the young man who declared himself his family name was quite magnanimous.

However, the vigilance in his eyes still hasn't relaxed in the slightest.

"Fang Yi!"

Especially when Fang Yi announced the name, the depths of his eyes moved slightly, as if...

"What? Could it be that Brother Han has heard of Fang?" Fang Yi smiled lightly, taking away a little curiosity, and asked.

"That's not it."

Han Zhilin hastily said otherwise, and continued: "It is because I have never heard of it that I am surprised. A person as powerful as Brother Fang is definitely not an unknown person."

"It seems that Han is still too ignorant."

Although Fang Yi just slashed a few times at random before, the power revealed naturally cannot be hidden from Han Zhilin's eyes.

It's normal for him to say this.

Fang Yi didn't have any doubts, just smiled, and then cut straight to the point, and asked directly, "Brother Han, how long has it been since you entered the abyss of nine deaths? What's so special about it?"


Fang Yi was not polite, and directly asked the question in his heart.

Han Zhilin looked at Fang Yi with some doubts, but Fang Yi looked serious.

Don't hide anything, just tell what you know.

But in fact, he doesn't know much.

As Fang Yi guessed, this place is likely to be a battlefield, and those monsters, according to what he said.

It was transformed by the Yin spirits after the fall of those super powerhouses.

Especially those who are strong in the God Transformation Realm, those who have condensed their spiritual world, their spiritual world collapsed, and the dissipated soul power combined with the dead energy, turned into a unique monster here.

In fact, Elder Lin knew all of this.

It's just that at the beginning, Fang Yi's strength was only fourfold, so he naturally didn't bother to tell Fang Yi.

After that, Fang Yi's performance was too domineering.

How could he remember these.

"So? Aren't these monsters a big trouble?"

Fang Yi murmured, his brows furrowed.

Han Zhilin glanced at Fang Yi again, and seemed to have some thought deep in his eyes, and said again: "Brother Fang doesn't know something, in fact, although these monsters are a trouble, they are also an opportunity."

"Oh? What do you say?"

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

"It's very simple, because they are all transformed by the ghosts of those super powerhouses. If you can refine them, you may be able to obtain some of the memories of those super powerhouses during their lifetime."

"And most of these memories are based on their skills and supernatural powers."

"There used to be quite a few warriors who successfully obtained their inheritance."

Is there such a thing?

Fang Yi's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Moreover, this space is not as simple as it appears on the surface. It is said that there are many sealed places here, which contain endless treasures."

Han Zhilin continued.

"The sealed place? What is that?" Fang Yi asked in surprise.

"The so-called sealed places are actually those super powers who, when they were dying, sealed everything about themselves with their great supernatural powers. They didn't want to end up throwing their corpses into the wilderness."

"At the same time, wait for someone who is destined to inherit everything you own."

"And the means to open these seals are various, some are opened with the power of blood, and some are opened with unique exercises. Similar to this, they are almost all reserved for their descendants."

"There are quite a few more, we just need to discover them with our own strength, and then open them."

"Compared to these, those ghost beasts are much lower-level, but they are enough for ordinary warriors. Besides, there are many treasures scattered by the strong. As long as you are lucky enough, you may have a chance to find them."

As Han Zhilin said, his eyes looking at this space became extremely longing.

Although this seems to be a space with nothing, but in fact, there are endless treasures inside.

Even Fang Yi's eyes could not help but brighten at this moment.

The Abyss of Nine Deaths turned out to be such a place, but...

(End of this chapter)

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