Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2258 The Sealed Land

Chapter 2258 The Sealed Land

"What about the others? Brother Han, do you know how big this space is?"

Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

He wasn't worried about the safety of the few people. Qi Feng and Lin Lao, the two of them actually chose to enter here, naturally they were already prepared for danger.

As for Fairy Leng Yue, there is no need for him to worry.

Even he was not sure about the opponent's strength, maybe it was the Snow Queen.

How could it be dangerous.

And the reason why he asked this was because he was a little curious when he entered.

It was as if the storm was being sent into different regions according to each person's strength.


Han Zhilin's words seemed to confirm this point.

"Brother Fang doesn't know something. This space is so huge that every warrior who enters will be drawn into any place at will."

"A relatively, not too dangerous place."

"It seems that this space gives anyone a chance, and won't let warriors fall into desperation once they enter."

"However, after that, it is full of various crises, just like those monsters, it can be said that they are close to death..."

Han Zhilin seemed to still have lingering fears.

If it wasn't for Fang Yi just now, I'm afraid his situation is extremely bad.

Fang Yi also nodded subconsciously. In this way, it was almost the same as what he had guessed.

The two of Qi Feng and Fairy Leng Yue are also in this space, but they are relatively more peripheral.

Also a safer place.

However, it is only limited to the moment of entering, and no one knows what will happen afterwards.

"How long has Brother Han been here? With Brother Han's strength, although it is not possible to completely wipe out those monsters, it should not be difficult to escape!"

At this time, Fang Yi asked quite playfully.

that's the truth.

Although Han Zhilin's strength is not worth mentioning compared to Fang Yi, he has reached the seventh level of fusion.

And it gave Fang Yi the feeling that he was faintly stronger than Elder Lin.

Such a strong man, not to mention beheading those monsters, is definitely more than enough to protect himself.

But what about the fact?

On the contrary, the opponent was seriously injured, and under such circumstances, he still refused to retreat, which is quite intriguing.


Seeing Fang Yi's question, Han Zhilin's eyes couldn't help moving, as if he was a little flustered, and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Brother Han, if it's difficult, just pretend that Fang didn't ask, and Fang will say goodbye, and we will see each other again."

Fang Yi wanted to leave after speaking.

No matter what difficulties the other party has, he has no psychological understanding.

According to his guess, if he is so unwilling to leave, it is probably because he has discovered something, and this discovery is worth his desperate fight.

If it were someone else, I am afraid that he would not leave easily.

But Fang Yi is not.

He is not going to snatch other people's discoveries, and this is only the periphery, so there are no great discoveries.

To be honest, he really didn't care much.

What's more, the other party is kind to him, so...

However, even though he thought so, others may not.

From Han Zhilin's eyes, it is not difficult to see that he probably thought Fang Yi was trying to test him, if one is not good, then it is very likely...

Or maybe, he knows that he can't accomplish anything with his own strength alone, so...

"Brother Fang is out of touch. Brother Fang has saved Han's life, so how could Han hide something?"

"Dissatisfied with Brother Fang, Han probably found a sealed place."


Hearing this, Fang Yi's eyes lit up.

Sealed land!

No wonder the other party was injured and refused to leave. It turned out to be a sealed place, so it was no wonder.

Involuntarily, Fang Yi also showed a hint of interest, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Han, is there a sealed place outside the Abyss of Nine Deaths?"

No wonder he asked this question.

Han Zhilin has said before that the real treasures are in the deep place, the sealed place.

Just didn't expect...

"Of course!" Han Zhilin nodded affirmatively.

"There has always been a sealed place on the outskirts of the Abyss of Nine Deaths, but it is extremely rare, and few people can find it. Moreover, even if it is found occasionally, it cannot be compared with the sealed place in the depths."

"However, since the last time, the situation has been a little different."

As Han Zhilin said, there was a longing light in his eyes.

"Oh? Last time?"

Fang Yi pondered for a while, and couldn't help thinking of the blood demon ancestor, and asked, "Is it because of the blood demon ancestor of the ancient demon clan?"


"That's him! Legend has it that he discovered a sealed place just outside the Abyss of Nine Deaths."

"And obtained spiritual seeds in it, and broke through to the realm of transforming gods in one fell swoop."

Mentioning the blood demon patriarch, Han Zhilin was full of envy.

For everyone who is a seven-layer fit expert, breaking through to the realm of transforming gods is undoubtedly their biggest dream.

The Gorefiend Patriarch got his wish, how could they not be envious, because of this, so many powerhouses poured into the Abyss of Nine Deaths this time.

It was so!

Fang Yi couldn't help but suddenly realized that he only knew the breakthrough of the blood demon ancestor, but he didn't know the key to it.

Involuntarily, he also became more and more curious about the sealed place.

It's not that he covets what's in it.

"Brother Fang, you and I are destined, why don't we venture into that place together?"

At this time, Han Zhilin also sent out an invitation.

Now that he decided to speak out, he was naturally prepared.

And with his own strength alone, let alone breaking into that place, it would be extremely difficult to break through those herds of beasts. One is not good, just like him at the moment.


Fang Yi glanced at the other party.

Having said all that, he will naturally not be hypocritical.

Immediately, Han Zhilin took a rest, and the two returned by the same route.

Han Zhilin's strength is not bad, although he suffered some injuries, but during the conversation just now, he had already taken a lot of pills.

It doesn't seem to be a big problem at the moment.

Ow! !

Before the two got close, the countless monsters swarmed in like a tide, densely packed.

Fang Yi couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Han Zhilin cursed even more, shouting: "These damned beasts, why are they always guarding here, no matter how much they can be lured away, otherwise, Han wouldn't have been hurt by these beasts."

Han Zhilin looked quite angry.

However, Fang Yi couldn't help being taken aback by these words, and said casually: "Didn't Brother Han say that these monsters are all transformed by the ghosts of those super powerful men?"

"Could it be that they still retain some kind of instinct to protect their physical bodies?"

Fang Yi just said casually.

But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he immediately felt that it was very possible.

Han Zhilin's eyes could not help but brighten up, revealing a hot light.

"Brother Fang is right. Mr. Han had some doubts about whether it was a sealed place before."

"Hearing Brother Fang's words at this moment, I think there is no doubt about it."

Han Zhilin's expression was undoubtedly brightened, his eyes were about to move, and he seemed to be impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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