Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2259 Weird Power

Chapter 2259 Weird Power

At this time, the countless monsters had already swarmed over.

It has to be said that these monsters are extremely extraordinary. Although they are not very powerful individually, they are superior in that they are numerous and cannot be completely wiped out.

Once a few were eliminated, the other monsters grew stronger again.

It can be said that it is a waste of effort.

The reason why Han Zhilin was injured was because of this.

It's not that he is not strong enough, but because these monsters are too weird, no matter how strong he is, his energy will eventually run out.

This creates the previous situation.

If he followed his previous plan and retreated while fighting, he would lure the monsters to other places.

Obviously unlikely to succeed.

Moreover, Fang Yi didn't have so much time to waste.

and so……

With a thought in his mind, he stretched out his giant palm, and suddenly, a dragon chant roared to the world, shocking all directions.

The incomparably majestic and supreme Dragon Yin, if it were an ordinary monster, let alone crawling on the ground, it would probably be too frightened to attack again.

Just kidding, the real dragon is the king of all beasts.

But these monsters in front of them, as if they didn't hear it, they still rushed forward without fear of life and death.


Fortunately, Fang Yi had expected it a long time ago, and he was not surprised, his eyes turned cold.

On the giant palm, a majestic power erupted instantly, turning into a huge phantom of a dragon.

The dragon roared like the ruler of heaven and earth.

The huge dragon's mouth sucked fiercely, and suddenly, a huge black vortex appeared out of thin air, like a bottomless black hole, wantonly swallowing everything around.

The countless monsters swarmed over, as if they were receiving an irresistible force.

They burst.

Then it turned into a thick black mist and vented towards the black hole.

As the black mist poured in, the black hole also exploded at a speed visible to the naked eye, wreaking havoc on the world.

Like a huge eye of the storm, it is extremely terrifying.

Those countless monsters had almost no power to resist, and they were pulled into the black hole one after another, like a rushing river.

The scene was horrifying.

Rao Han Zhilin couldn't help being stunned on the spot at this moment, his face turned slightly pale.

Just kidding, he has never seen such a spectacular scene and such a domineering method.

This is also thanks to him, if it was an ordinary weak warrior, not to mention being frightened to death by this scene, I am afraid that he would not be able to resist the huge suction force.

Although Fang Yi has deliberately avoided this place.

But it's still not something that ordinary warriors can contend with, let alone those monsters.

A steady stream of influx.

And without the slightest bit of black mist overflowing, there is no way to strengthen other monsters.

As a result, the number of monsters was not too small, and Han Zhilin was overjoyed in addition to being shocked.

In fact, it wasn't just him who was shocked.

Fang Yi is no exception.

Strictly speaking, he was more shocked than the other party.

Before, he was not very interested in those black mist that turned into monsters. Firstly, he was strong enough, and secondly, those black mist were full of death.

Let him repel instinctively.

However, after hearing what Han Zhilin said, he decided to refine some of the black mist to see if he could really obtain part of the memory of the so-called fallen strong.

Therefore, he used the devouring power.

But in the end, he didn't get any memory.

Instead, he found that the dragon veins in his body were extremely eager for some energy in the black mist.

Even within his body, the sound of dragon chant could be faintly heard.

This dragon vein, when the physical body was reorganized, was reshaped by fusing the real dragon's tail, and it was much stronger than before.

The desire of the dragon's veins is undoubtedly the desire of the tail of a true dragon.

However, what kind of energy is in this black mist that can make the real dragon's tail so eager?

Fang Yi's heart was full of doubts, and his eyes couldn't help becoming brighter.

Although he didn't know the reason for this, the thing that could make Longmai so desire must be extraordinary.

Therefore, he didn't bother to keep it, and devoured those monsters wantonly.

It's a pity that the trace of energy contained in it is extremely rare, but that's it.

The entire dragon vein is also shining brightly.

Different from the dragon energy that was full of infinite vitality and hope before, in his dragon veins, there seemed to be another energy growing.

That energy is full of death energy, and there is endless power of destruction.

Although in terms of quantity, the two are still far from being comparable, but the breath revealed from it.

The feeling given to Fang Yi was actually comparable.

"What exactly is this? Can it compete with the energy of a real dragon? And its attributes are almost opposite?"

"And can it make the dragon's veins so eager?"

Fang Yi was full of doubts.

But at this moment, it is obviously not the time to be entangled in these things. I don't know how much black mist has been swallowed by him, but the energy is negligible.

The rest, transformed by devouring supernatural powers, were all turned into pure energy and poured into his body.

Immediately, his breath surged, and compared to before, he seemed to be much stronger out of thin air.

Han Zhilin on the side was dumbfounded when he saw it.

A huge herd of beasts swarmed in, and he seemed to be an outsider, doing nothing.

Because those monsters were devoured by Fang Yi before they approached.

It wasn't until the huge black hole gradually disappeared that he finally met a few monsters.

But at this time, there were very few monsters around.

Fang Yi's body was almost saturated, so he stopped.

However, his whole body seemed to be faintly filled with an aura of destruction and death, which made people shudder.

"Brother Fang really is a real person who doesn't show his face. Han is very impressed. I'm afraid that most of the top [-] powerhouses on the demigod list are not as good as Brother Fang."

Han Zhilin did not forget to take the opportunity to compliment him at this moment.

He even compared Fang Yi with the top [-] powerhouses on the demigod list.

To him, this was undoubtedly Fang Yi's great compliment.

One must know that the Tianshan Mountain is so huge, and all the strong men who can enter the top twenty of the demigod list are all extremely monstrous.

It's a pity that he didn't see the scene of Lei Zhen's tragic death, otherwise...

"Brother Han has won the prize, but it's just some small tricks."

Fang Yi naturally didn't care, and said casually.

Although there were many monsters in front of him, none of them were truly powerful. Therefore, Han Zhilin only said a few polite words and didn't say anything more.

What's more, he didn't have the mind to care about these at the moment.

The fiery eyes had already looked forward.

"Brother Fang, it's not far ahead. Come and clean up the remaining monsters. I'll look around to see if I can open that sealed place."

"it is good!"

Immediately, the two of them didn't talk nonsense, and quickly moved forward.

Fang Yi swept all the way. These monsters were supposed to win by numbers, but now they don't have the advantage.

Naturally vulnerable.

Soon, the two came to a stone platform. The stone platform was inconspicuous, it looked like a larger stone, but those monsters were entrenched around here and refused to leave.

Not surprisingly, the sealed place should be here.

(End of this chapter)

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