Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2260 Golden Corpse

Chapter 2260 Golden Corpse


Fang Yi sensed a little, and realized that there was something strange about the stone platform.

This sealed place doesn't seem to be very hidden, maybe it's because the seal has been loosened by too long a time, so it's not hard to find.

Think about it too!If not, Han Zhilin might not be so easy to find.

However, discovery is discovery.

If those monsters cannot be dealt with, even if they are discovered, it will be futile, just like Han Zhilin before.

Thinking about it, there should be quite a few warriors who can find out where this seal is.

But I am afraid that there is no one who can really enter.

After all, with so many monsters, ordinary people would not even dare to approach them, let alone destroy them.

"That's it!"

Han Zhilin also had a look of excitement at the moment, ready to move.

He began to grope around the stone platform.

Fang Yi also looked at it slightly, but there is a way to break all the seals.

As Han Zhilin said before, there are various ways to open the seal, including the power of blood, special exercises, souls, and so on.

Of course, there is also the most violent one, which is to directly smash the seal by relying on strong strength.

Just like the seal in front of you.

It has loosened a bit, causing energy to leak out, making it easy for Han Zhilin to discover.

At the same time, the power of the seal gradually weakened.

According to Fang Yi's estimation, with one strike of his sword, he could probably smash the seal directly.

However, he was not in a hurry to make a move.

First, Han Zhilin seemed to have a plan in mind, so he was happy to let the other party show it. Second, to be honest, this sealed place made him a little disappointed.

The looseness of the seal force means that even if the master who set up the seal is powerful, he probably wouldn't be too exaggerated.

And from the power of the seal, he didn't feel too strong aura.

and so……

"Have it!"

Also at this moment, Han Zhilin's eyes lit up, as if he had found a way to break the seal.

Between the brows, there is a bit of complacency.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help complimenting casually, "Brother Han is really amazing! Then open it! Let's go in and see what's inside."

"it is good!"

Han Zhilin glanced at Fang Yi, and there seemed to be some unwillingness in the depths of his eyes.

But the matter has come to this point, and we have to start talking.

I saw his ten fingers knotted, and a majestic energy shot out from his fingertips and threw it on the stone platform.

The next moment, a faint ripple rippled from above the stone platform.

It seems to be a portal leading to an unknown space.

"It really is a sealed place!"

Han Zhilin was overjoyed, his body moved, and before he had time to greet Fang Yi, he sank into it like a lightning bolt and disappeared.

Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head, seemingly disappointed.

However, he didn't care.

These warriors risked their lives to enter the abyss of nine deaths.

After finally finding a sealed place and successfully opening it, I naturally don't want it to be taken over by others.

Immediately, he moved his feet and disappeared over the stone platform in an instant.

This is still a pitch-black space, seemingly no different from the outside world, the only difference is that there is no death air that seems to come from hell.

Or maybe ghost spirit.

Just like the ordinary dark space outside.

However, at the end of that darkness, there were faint strands of bright golden light.

It seems that some peerless treasure is about to be unearthed.


Han Zhilin was undoubtedly overjoyed, his eyes seemed to be shining brightly, his figure was even more "shuttle" and he flew out, as fast as a thunderbolt.

Fang Yi's eyes could not help but move, thinking: Could it be that there is really some treasure.

Thinking about it this way, he also headed in that direction.

This is? ?

When the two of them came to the golden light, their eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

I saw that the source of the golden light was suddenly a body covered in gold. Although the body was broken, even the head was gone.

But his whole body still seemed to contain infinite energy.

Gives a very powerful feeling.

In front of him, there is even a stone platform, which is similar to the stone platform outside.

On the stone platform, there is a long sword, several jade slips, and a storage ring.

It was as if the owner of this corpse had placed everything here before he died, waiting for someone who was destined to inherit it.

Seeing this, Han Zhilin's expression became brightened, and his eyes shone brightly.

A giant palm also poked out directly.

But then, as if he realized something, he quickly withdrew his palm, looked at Fang Yi and said with an embarrassed smile: "Brother Fang laughed, this is the first time Han has entered the sealed place, so..."

He was slightly embarrassed and looked apologetic.

But in fact, there is a different kind of light in the depths of the eyes.

It's just that in view of Fang Yi's strength, he didn't dare to act rashly, or maybe he was afraid that Fang Yi would take the opportunity to make a move.

He looked extremely vigilant.

Fang Yi smiled lightly, and said slowly: "Brother Han, don't worry about it. We are both warriors, so Fang can understand."

In fact, this sealed place was discovered by the other party. Although Fang Yi was somewhat interested in it, if the other party had no other intentions, he would not do anything.

But if not..., he is not a good person.

"It's good that Brother Fang understands, Han is being rude."

"No matter what the harvest is this time, the two of you will share it equally. What do you think?"

Han Zhilin tentatively said at this time.

With his strength, if Fang Yi really wants to monopolize it, he obviously has nothing to do, so he has to try this way.


Fang Yi nodded readily.

In this regard, he really has no opinion, he is not a person who eats alone.

"That's great!" Han Zhilin was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then he stretched out his giant palm again, and took the objects on the stone platform.

However, just as his giant palm was about to fall.

The body that was originally shining with golden light seemed to have some kind of induction, and countless golden lights gathered in one place.

It turned into a huge golden handprint.

At the same time that Han Zhilin grabbed those items, the golden handprint also grabbed him directly.

Seemingly silent.

Han Zhilin didn't seem to react at all, his eyes were fixed on the object in his hand, like crazy, as if his soul had been hooked away.

"It's weird!"

Fang Yi's expression couldn't help changing, the golden handprint actually made his three-color heavenly babies feel palpitations.

This was an attack from the soul, and the opponent seemed to want to completely wipe Han Zhilin out.

Although Fang Yi didn't have a good impression of Han Zhilin, the two of them were considered companions at the moment, and it was obviously not his style to ignore their companion's death.

Immediately, his eyes turned cold, and the three-color Tianying also slapped suddenly.

The three-color rays of light burst out, directly facing the golden handprint.

boom! !

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound from the sky and the earth, and Fang Yi felt the sea of ​​consciousness tremble.

And Han Zhilin, as if waking up from a dream, his expression changed drastically.

"what happened?"

He asked anxiously, with a dazed look on his face and a hint of fear.

(End of this chapter)

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