Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2261 Harvest

Chapter 2261 Harvest

Obviously, Han Zhilin knew nothing about what happened just now.

And that was just a golden handprint, which also burst.

However, everything was far from over, and the golden light of the golden body rose again, and there was even a hint of irresistible anger faintly.

Countless golden lights gathered in one place and transformed again, forming an incomparably ferocious face.

This is?

Seeing this face, Han Zhilin's expression changed drastically, his face was also completely pale, obviously he knew something.

"How is this going?"

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help asking, although he had some vague guesses.

These golden energies are obviously pure soul power, and they are attached to the golden body. In all likelihood, they come from this person.


Han Zhilin said with a trembling voice, "I... I don't know, but I have heard that the soul power of the masters of some sealed places has not completely dissipated."

"It is even possible to deliberately leave a loophole to lure warriors who come to explore."

"Thus taking their physical bodies and replacing them."

what! !

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yi's face couldn't help but change.

No wonder it is said that the abyss of nine deaths is extremely dangerous, and it is indeed full of murderous intentions everywhere.

Even this sealed place is no exception.

If he is plotted against by a peerless powerhouse, he may be unable to escape, just like at this moment, the endless golden light is like a golden ocean, covering the surroundings.

Even Fang Yi felt the great coercion from his soul.

Not to mention Han Zhilin, his face was extremely pale and he looked terrified, holding the previous items in his hand, but he didn't have the heart to check them out.

He didn't forget to say: "What should I do now?"

Obviously, he was a little out of shape.

Fang Yi was fine, the blow just now had already taught him the strength of the opponent's soul power.

Although the power of the soul is tough, it is not much stronger than him.

More importantly, the power of the soul was on the verge of collapsing, giving him the feeling that he was in a daze, as if he had lost his intelligence and only had some instincts left.


The hideous face bared its teeth, but did not speak.

The two golden handprints condensed again and came towards the two of them respectively, seemingly without much movement.

However, the coercion on the soul is no small matter.

Fang Yi didn't react too much, but Han Zhilin's forehead was already dripping with cold sweat, his figure kept retreating, and his face was ashen.

It is no exaggeration to say that without Fang Yi, he would probably perish.

Even if you are lucky enough to save your life, you may not be able to escape.

"Break it for me!"

Seeing the golden handprint strike again, Fang Yi didn't dare to be careless, and three colors of light burst out in his eyes.

A bright three-color sword shadow also went away.

Although the golden handprint was tyrannical, it seemed that it couldn't withstand the blow from the three-color sword shadow. It trembled violently, and then burst inch by inch.

In addition, the power of the palm that was slapped on Han Zhilin also dropped sharply.

Just kidding, although Fang Yi did not break through to the realm of transforming gods, he could condense the spiritual world.

However, the three-color heavenly baby condensed by the three major temples is obviously not comparable to ordinary people.

Even compared to the Ghost Axe of the Shengong Camp, the real powerhouses of the God Transformation Realm are not much weaker.

The golden body master in front of him, although the strength in front of him must surpass Ghost Axe, his soul has already collapsed.

Nature is not the same.

Boom boom boom! !

There were faint muffled sounds from the sky and the earth, and that ferocious face became even more ferocious, like an evil ghost from hell.

The expression seemed to be extremely painful.

At this moment, Han Zhilin also seemed to have narrowly escaped death, as if he had been picked up from the water.

His face was pale and bloodless.

But seeing this situation, he still did not forget to say: "Brother Fang, let's go!"

Seeing it, he seemed terrified, he had no choice but to escape.

However, Fang Yi was naturally not.

"Not urgent!"

He said lightly, and at the same time as he spoke, the eyes of the three-color celestial baby also brightened, and the three-color light came out through his body, like a giant net, directly enveloping that ferocious face.

Seeing this, Han Zhilin couldn't help being shocked, his eyes filled with disbelief.

The footsteps that were about to flee could not help but stop.

With the same seventh level of fusion, the opponent is so domineering, no doubt far beyond his imagination.

In fact, Fang Yi was not as good as he imagined, at least in terms of soul.

And the reason why he dared to do this was because of Luo Shu.

Luo Shu has countless illusions, not only the physical energy, but also the soul, just like the huge net at this moment, it is not difficult to find it if you look carefully.

Those are suddenly mysterious runes.

And under the shroud of those runes, the originally bright golden light gradually dimmed.

Covered by the three-color light, and finally completely wrapped.

Disappear again.


Han Zhilin was stunned, and looked at Fang Yi in disbelief, such a powerful soul power, just like that?Where did you go?

Or maybe completely annihilated?


Naturally, the power of the soul was not annihilated, but was imprisoned in Fang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness by the three-color light.

These are pure soul powers, once refined, they can be used for one's own use, how could Fang Yi be polite.

Moreover, it may contain part of the master's memory, once refined...

Of course, if you want to refine it, you can't do it in a short while.

Fang Yi was not in a hurry when he arrived.

And the original golden body, after losing the attachment of the power of the soul, the golden light receded instantly and turned into an ordinary corpse that could no longer be ordinary.

What's even more weird is that after that, the corpse was annihilated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Little by little, like fly ash.

Accompanied by that, there was also a dead air that seemed to come from hell, which was much stronger than those monsters outside.

How much stronger.

It seemed that the owner of the corpse was hurt by this dead air.

Even his immortal body couldn't resist, and could only be annihilated here in the end.

"What kind of energy is this?"

Fang Yi's eyes were full of suspicion, but the entire dragon vein in his body was ready to move.

Until he incorporated this death energy into the dragon's veins, everything never subsided.

"Brother Fang is indeed very human. If it wasn't for Brother Fang today, Han would probably have to confess here."

Looking at everything in front of him, Han Zhilin seemed to have finally come to his senses, with a complicated expression, joyful and worried.

The joy is naturally the harvest.

What worries him is that Fang Yi's strength is too strong, which makes him feel insecure.

"Brother Fang, thanks to you this time, Mr. Han dare not take the credit. This time, Mr. Han only takes one-third of the harvest. What do you think?"

Immediately, he tried again.

Obviously, he doesn't know what Fang Yi thinks, what if...

So, he settled for the next best thing.

But Fang Yi is naturally not such a person, and said with a faint smile: "If you agree to split the split, you can split it equally. How can you change it temporarily?"

"That's it, let's take a look at the harvest this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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