Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2265 You will only despair

Chapter 2265 You will only despair

Fang Yi naturally has no interest in this question.

However, it has to be said that the Moonless Saint Monk gave him an extremely extraordinary feeling, far surpassing that of the Scarlet Scaled Demon Lord.

At least, the Scarlet Scaled Demon Lord has never looked at him since he appeared until now, while the Moonless Monk cast his eyes on him immediately.

Obviously, the other party found him.

Although he may not be aware of how strong he is, but he must be aware of his extraordinary.

His eyes are also extremely deep and thought-provoking.

Fang Yi didn't avoid it either, and looked at each other.

Even if he came here, it would only be a matter of time before he was exposed. What's more, he didn't even think about hiding it, but no one would be able to find out.

"Saint Monk Wuyue, I didn't expect you to come. It is rumored that both you and Di Jianyi can condense spiritual seeds with your own strength."

"It's just a rumor."

The appearance of the Moonless Saint Monk made the surrounding crowd dare not neglect him in the slightest.

Even the six powerhouses are no exception.

However, the Scarlet Scale Demon Lord is obviously an exception. He himself ranks fifth, and his strength is tyrannical.

Even if he is not as good as the Moonless Saint Monk, in his mind, the difference must not be much, so naturally he is not afraid.

Therefore, when he spoke, he was not so polite, with a faint hint of irony.

However, the holy monk Wuyue didn't seem to care, and smiled indifferently, with an extremely evil smile, and there was a sense of female charm, which surprised Fang Yi.

It's as disgusting as swallowing a fly.

Looking at the crowd around him, he was not surprised, and some even showed obsessive expressions.

"Whether it's a rumor or not, it's too early to say."

"The poor monk came here just to take a look at it casually. I don't want to, but there is an unexpected discovery."

His voice is extremely soft and ethereal, like a woman.

While talking, she frowns and smiles like a woman, full of coquettishness, which makes Fang Yi really unbearable.

What's more terrible is that his eyes were cast on Fang Yi, playfully, it seems that the accidental discovery he mentioned refers to Fang Yi.

The crowd was obviously a little confused.

However, the eyes couldn't help but follow him.

Sensing everyone's gaze, Fang Yi didn't react at all. He was used to this kind of situation.

The only thing he wasn't used to was the Moonless Sage Monk.

A good monk is not a good monk, but he is neither male nor female.

"Accidental discovery? The Moonless Saint Monk wouldn't say it was this kid, would he?"

The Scarlet Scaled Demon Lord couldn't help but sneered, sarcastically.

He didn't take the words of the Moonless Saint Monk seriously at all, just kidding, how could an ordinary seven-layered body fit into his eyes.

So do crowds, for the most part.

But the Moonless Monk obviously had no intention of explaining, and still stared at Fang Yi.

Fang Yi was stared at with goosebumps all over his body. He was about to speak, but he didn't want to. At this time, another voice sounded first.

"Hey! You are enough! Be your bald donkey."

"What's the matter with staring at a big man?"

The sound is crisp and pleasant.

At least it sounds like this to Fang Yi at the moment.

But in the ears of others, it is undoubtedly extremely arrogant, and it can even be said that it is life and death.

Dare to humiliate the Moonless Sage like this, what is it if it is not death?It is foolish to say that life and death are trivial.

The originally charming expression of the Moonless Saint Monk undoubtedly froze.

It sank instantly, extremely ugly.

His eyes suddenly became fierce, and he swept towards the source of the sound.

Crowds are no exception.

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile lightly, because this voice was all too familiar to him, it was Fairy Leng Yue.

as predicted!

Looking for the reputation, I saw Fairy Leng Yue walking slowly towards her. Under her feet, ice lotuses bloomed, and lotuses grew every step of the way.

The breath is stronger than before, and I don't know how much stronger it is, and it has suddenly reached the seventh level of integration.

Coupled with her rather cold and beautiful face.

For a moment, Fang Yi seemed to see the Snow Queen, and his pupils shrank.

Not to mention the crowd, they were stunned on the spot.

"Who is this? Such a cold breath?"

"That's right! It's really powerful, but why have you never heard of it?"

"Hmph! So what if she is strong? If she dares to humiliate the Moonless Monk like this, she will die."

All kinds of discussions followed.

However, Fairy Leng Yue turned a deaf ear to it, with a hint of contempt in her eyes, she looked at the Moonless Monk lightly, like a high-ranking queen, examining her subjects.

The demeanor can be described as extremely arrogant.

"It's a mistake again!" Fang Yi couldn't help muttering.

Since Fairy Leng Yue suspected of awakening the memory of the Ice Queen, this is not the first time he has seen such a situation.

It's no surprise.

However, with the improvement of strength, it is even more intimidating than before.


Even the holy monk without moon couldn't help shrinking his pupils slightly, shooting out two brilliant lights.

"Amitabha! The female benefactor is so domineering. If the poor monk is not mistaken, it should come from the Ice God Palace!"

I don't know if it's because of the fear of the Ice God Palace, or other reasons.

The Moonless Saint Monk was not in a hurry to make a move.

Instead, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

When the surrounding crowd heard the words, they were all in an uproar.

The Ice God Palace, not only in the spirit world, even in this Tianshan Mountain, has many legends.

Every disciple of the Ice God Palace is extremely tyrannical, how can everyone not be shocked.

"It seems that you, a bald donkey, are not useless, at least you have some knowledge."

Fairy Leng Yue said indifferently, with a light-hearted demeanor.

Although the voice was faint, it was no less than a thunderclap to the ears of the crowd.

Dare to say that the Moonless Saint Monk is useless, who else in this world is an idiot?I'm afraid that even a strong person in the Transformation God Realm would not dare to say such wild words!

But now, there is such a person who dares to make such wild words.

And no matter how you look at it, you don't look like an idiot, which makes the crowd dare to believe it.

One by one, dumbfounded, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

With the huge crowd, the atmosphere became a little weird.

And the moonless holy monk, no matter how deep the city is, his eyes are full of fierce light at this moment.

As the second strongest person on the list of demigods, if he hadn't discovered that the other party was from the Ice God Palace, the previous sentence would have killed the other party ten times.

Now, how could he bear it any longer.

"Amitabha, the almsgiver is very generous. Since this is the case, let the poor monk come and learn."

"I've heard for a long time that the disciples of the Ice God Palace are all tyrannical, but don't let the poor monk down!"

Saying that, the holy monk without the moon has already taken a step.


Suddenly, there seemed to be a sound of a big bell coming from the sky and the earth, shocking the sky and the earth.

Seeing this, the crowd couldn't help retreating again and again, for fear of being affected. Just kidding, regardless of the strength of the woman, the Moonless Sage can be said to be the pinnacle below the realm of transforming gods.

None of them can contend with the mighty power radiating from every gesture.

How dare they stay where they are.

"Disappointed? No! You will not be disappointed, only despair." The faint voice sounded again.


(End of this chapter)

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