Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2266 Frozen 1 Sword

Chapter 2266 Frozen Sword

There was silence all around, and the crowd seemed to have fallen into a sluggish state, all of them dumbfounded.

Maybe they never imagined in their dreams that someone is really so arrogant.

So lifeless.

Dare to say that it made the holy monk without moon despair, this..., if they hadn't heard it with their own ears, I'm afraid they wouldn't believe it was true. Who is the holy monk without moon?

When had he been so ignored, so humiliated?

If it is said that before, the crowd only thought that Fairy Leng Yue was going to have a bad luck.

So at this moment, they looked at Fairy Leng Yue as if they were looking at a dead person.

There is pity, but more is contempt.


The Scarlet Scale Demon Lord and the others also sneered.

How strong the Moonless Saint Monk is, no one knows better than them who are also on the list of demigods. Even the general god transformation state, except that the spiritual world is incomparable to the body state.

I am afraid that his own energy may not be able to compete with the Moonless Lord.

But now, a martial artist who seemed to be only in the early stage of the seventh level of fusion, actually yelled to make the moonless monk feel desperate.

How they don't despise it is completely a joke.

"Hahaha! Saint Monk Moonless, it seems that your name can no longer scare people."

The Red Scale Demon Lord even laughed out loud.

His words seemed to be a sarcasm to the Moonless Sage.

But more, it is still a satire on Fairy Leng Yue. As the top few powerhouses on the demigod list, Fairy Leng Yue ignores the holy monk without a moon, which undoubtedly makes him extremely unhappy.

At the same time, he put on a look of watching a good show.

It seemed that Fairy Leng Yue's miserable end had been predicted.

Among the people present, if there is one person who is optimistic about Fairy Leng Yue, it is undoubtedly Fang Yi.

Fairy Leng Yue killed the giant starry sky beast with a sword, and killed the old soul, he still vividly remembered, and at that time the opponent was only a sixth-fold body.

And now...

Even he is not sure about the opponent.

Although he knew that this power might not belong to Fairy Leng Yue herself, but from the Snow Queen.

But what is the relationship between the two, he has not yet figured out.

However, this does not hinder Fairy Leng Yue's performance.

"The poor monk has not killed anyone for a long time, because it seems that there are not so many people who are not open-eyed in this world."

"However, today, it seems that an exception will be made!"

The Moonless Saint Monk was undoubtedly extremely angry.

The originally fair face also became paler, as if there was no trace of blood in it, and a pair of ecstatic eyes flashed even colder.

Like a snake and a scorpion, being stared at by him makes people shudder.

"It's up to you?! Also worthy?"

Fairy Leng Yue was still icy cold, as if she hadn't fluctuated at all from the beginning to the end.

It gives people the feeling of being extremely lonely and arrogant.

The crowd shook their heads, as if they were completely speechless, waiting to see her good show.

The Moonless Saint Monk's face was extremely gloomy at the moment, but he still tried his best to maintain a calmness and demeanor that matched his own strength.

He couldn't help shouting in a low voice: "Let's do it! The poor monk will give you a chance."

"If the poor monk makes a move, you will never have this chance!"

This is extremely arrogant.

But among the people present, no one dared to doubt.

Just kidding, no one knows the great name of the Moonless Saint Monk, who doesn't know, and the second-ranked superpower on the demigod list is almost as good as the God Transformation Realm.

How can a warrior who has just entered the seventh level of the body-fitting body be an opponent.

"you sure?"

Fairy Leng Yue did not refuse, but instead asked a question, which was playful.

"What? Regret it?"

The corners of the Moonless Saint Monk's mouth rose slightly, evil and ferocious.

Seeing this, Fairy Leng Yue couldn't help showing a trace of disgust on her brows, and said immediately: "What I hate the most is you, who is neither male nor female."

"Since you want to save face, Miss Ben will help you."

After the words fell, she saw her lightly slashing out with a sword.

brush! !

The bright sword shadow streaked across the sky, leaving a perfect arc.

A gust of extremely cold air swept out from the surrounding world, freezing every inch of it, and blossoming ice lotuses also bloomed.

Extremely cold!

Can!And that's all.

As expected by the crowd, this sword fits Fairy Leng Yue's cultivation very well.

Entered the Seventh Form of Fusion for the first time.

Although it is not bad, it also has a certain combat power against the seventh level of the general fit state.

However, it is undoubtedly a big joke for the holy monk Wuyue to even yell at him to let him know what despair is.

In the crowd, some people couldn't help being sarcastic.

"Heh! I thought that the disciples of the Ice God Palace really had some tricks, and dared to speak such wild words, but I didn't expect..."

"Who said it wasn't! It's a waste of a good skin. It turns out that you only have a face, but not a brain."

"Hmph! You deserve your own death!"

Obviously, no one is optimistic about this sword, or Fairy Leng Yue.

Everyone looked at Fairy Leng Yue with an idiot-like gaze, thinking that the latter had lost his mind and suddenly jumped out to seek death.

If there is an exception, it is undoubtedly Fang Yi.

His pupils could not help shrinking slightly.

Because of this sword, he seemed to see the scene where the opponent beheaded the giant starry sky beast again.

At that time, he didn't know anything about the secret art of the soul.

But at this moment, looking at that sword, he knew that that sword looked very ordinary, but it was aimed at the soul, I'm afraid...

Like him.

The Moonless Saint Monk was also full of disdain at first, with contempt in his eyes.

But with the fall of that sword.

His complexion also became more and more ugly, and in the end, there was a look of horror in his eyes, which was full of disbelief.

"what happened?"

The Crimson Scale Demon Lord and the others obviously sensed something strange at this moment, and their faces changed drastically.

However, the power of the soul in that sword did not leak out. Although they could see that there was something wrong with the monk without moon, they didn't know the specifics.

It's no wonder that anyone can connect a martial artist who has just entered the seventh level of the fusion with the secret method of the soul.

You know, the soul secret method is unique to the spiritual world.

Only those who are strong in the God Transformation Realm can display it.

Although Fairy Leng Yue is not in the state of transforming gods, she is a special existence, so naturally she cannot be judged according to common sense.

At this time, the crowd obviously realized that something was wrong.

Because the monk without the moon has not made a move.

However, in the eyes of most people, it is mostly because of disdain, wanting to create a more shocking effect, to make the other party happy first.

Wait for the moment when the sword shadow is about to fall, and then give the opponent a fatal blow.

Therefore, they all waited to see the last thunderous blow of the Moonless Saint Monk with anticipation.

However, that blow never came.

On the contrary, the expression of the Moonless Saint Monk became more and more frightened, and even his body seemed to tremble slightly.

Until the end, the sword fell, carrying ice lotuses all over the sky, completely turning him into an ice sculpture.

But he never made a move from beginning to end.

Just like that, under everyone's gaze, they turned into ice sculptures bit by bit.

And the expressions of the crowd, like him, turned into statues, completely dull.

(End of this chapter)

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