Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2269 Eternal Evergreen Emperor

Chapter 2269 Eternal Evergreen Emperor

"what is that?"

The crowd also flocked to it at this time, looking at the towering giant tree, everyone was shocked from ear to ear.

It's no wonder that the towering giant is too huge, like a giant umbrella standing between the sky and the earth, covering the entire sky, which is extremely terrifying.

Even the giant Demon Flame is insignificant in front of it, like an ant.

Not to mention others, they are like dust.

"Look! It's still growing, what... what is this thing?"

The crowd was horrified, watching from a distance and not daring to approach.

The Scarlet Scaled Demon Lord and the others seemed to know something, and they flew away quickly, with an incomparably hot light in their eyes.

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help but shoot out two rays of light.

Because from the huge towering giant tree, he felt a trace of extremely pure power, pure soul power, intertwined together, forming a seed the size of a fist.

It was being fused little by little by the towering giant tree.

That must be the legendary spiritual seed.

Immediately, his heart felt a little ready to move, but he didn't make a move.

Because he is too familiar with this towering giant tree.

Although other people can't recognize it, how can he not recognize it, that is the body of the Eternal Evergreen Emperor.

Not bad!

It is the Eternal Evergreen Emperor who entered Tianshan with the blood demon ancestor.

Unexpectedly, after the blood demon patriarch obtained the spiritual seed breakthrough, he also obtained the spiritual seed, and was at the critical moment of fusion.

If it were someone else, Fang Yi would naturally make a move without hesitation.

However, there are too few strong men from the spirit world in this world, so...

Fairy Leng Yue also seemed to recognize the Evergreen Emperor, with a playful smile on her face, but also did not make a move.

But the Scarlet Scale Demon Lord and the others would naturally not be polite.

As soon as he appeared, he attacked the towering giant tree with all his strength, and the majestic attacks converged into a river, like huge waves.

Even if the towering giant tree is so huge, it seems that it can't bear it at the moment.

Trembling violently.

"Old demon with red scales, how can I get your hands on the things of this seat."

At this time, Jun Wudao yelled, and with a huge palm, he slapped directly at the Red Scaled Monster Lord.

As for the others, he didn't care at all.

Because he hasn't seen it yet.

But the Scarlet Scale Demon Lord is obviously different. He is ranked fifth on the demigod list, only one place lower than him. It is still unknown which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

Therefore, he took the lead in launching the attack, obviously wanting to strike first.

Injure the opponent severely, and then slowly map it.

However, how could the Red Scaled Demon Lord be someone who is easy to deal with, and how could he be defenseless?

Seeing the opponent attacking, he also slapped the palm.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

The reputation is mighty!

All other warriors around were affected, but the towering giant tree was not affected much. Its branches swept over one by one, and several people were shot flying in an instant.

not good!

The expressions of the people changed greatly.

The towering giant tree that was suppressed originally seemed to have regained the initiative at this moment.

"Senior Brother Wudao, no! If the fight continues, this spiritual seed will definitely be fused by this tree demon, and by then..."

At this time, someone said anxiously.

The person who spoke was a man in green robe with sharp eyes.

When Fang Yi appeared, he glanced over just like Jun Wudao.

Combined with his words at the moment, it is obvious that this is also a strong soul clan, and his aura is comparable to that of Qi Tiancheng and his party.

It must also be a strong man on the demigod list.

Combined with the demigod list, Fang Yi has almost determined the identity of the other party, and it must be Jun Wudang, who ranks No. 17 on the demigod list.

That is, the person who was killed by Fengshenmeng.

Involuntarily, Fang Yi's eyes became a little sharp.

However, he was not in a hurry to make a move, he wanted to see how tyrannical the Evergreen Emperor had become after not seeing him for a long time.

Just based on the power displayed at this moment, compared to that day, it is already much stronger.

I'm afraid it is on par with the blood demon ancestor back then.

"Jun Wudao, how dare you! I am afraid that you will fail when I am a king. In the worst case, no one will try to win the spiritual seeds."

The Crimson Scaled Demon Lord was obviously also very angry at this moment.

There is a great determination to shoot and break up.

Of course, he just talked about it, spiritual seeds can be met but not sought, so it is obviously impossible for him to be so cheap and cheap for the Evergreen Emperor.

"Take down this tree demon first and prevent him from merging."

"After that, each will use his own means."

Seeing that the two extremely strong men were at a stalemate, at this time, another strong man spoke.

"Yes! Take down this tree demon first, otherwise we will all die when he is fully fused and promoted to the God Transformation Realm!"

Someone in the crowd chimed in.

Obviously, they are all worried. They besieged each other before. Once the opponent is really promoted, the result can be imagined...

"Hmph! Let's go and see!"

Finally, the two powerhouses put aside their grievances for the time being, and only waited to take down the tree demon, and then each used their means to seize the spiritual seeds.

And the other strong people around, seeing the two of them like this, are ready to move, because the conflict between the two is undoubtedly their opportunity.

But before that, the tree demon must be dealt with first.

Therefore, everyone worked together to attack the towering giant tree again.

Jun Wudao plus Red Scale Yaojun, two top five powerhouses on the demigod list, and several top [-] powerhouses on the demigod list, so many people, even if the towering giant tree can support them, at this moment I can't hold on anymore.

Although the Evergreen Emperor is tyrannical, he is the peak of the seventh level of fusion after all.

Even though he has fused part of the spiritual seeds, he is still in the state of integration and has not broken through to the state of transforming gods.

So, the result can be imagined...

Under those countless attacks, he had retreated steadily, as if he was about to collapse completely.

With a loud noise, his huge form seemed to be unable to support it anymore, and it collapsed directly, revealing his figure, which is the Evergreen Emperor.

However, his face no longer had the usual charm.

His expression also seemed languid.

Apparently it has been severely damaged.

This is because his main body is an ancient green pine with amazing defensive power, otherwise...

No wonder, being besieged by so many powerhouses, even the powerhouses in the Transformation God Realm might not be able to last long.

"He's dying!"

Seeing this, the few people undoubtedly cheered up, and their moves became more majestic.

Jun Wudao yelled loudly, and shouted: "Hand over the spiritual seeds, and I will save your life, otherwise..."

"Leave it to me, you and I are both monsters, I will keep you safe and sound."

Before Jun Wudao finished speaking, the Scarlet Scaled Demon Monarch also spoke, and even played the Yaozu card.

However, when he just made the move, he seemed to have completely forgotten about it. In his eyes, there was no monster clan or no monster clan, only spiritual seeds.

The two extremely powerful men once again confronted each other.

As for the Evergreen Emperor, his fierce eyes could not help but sweep towards the two of them fiercely.

Just inadvertently, he seemed to have discovered something, and finally landed on Fang Yi.


(End of this chapter)

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