Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2270 Action

Chapter 2270 Action

"Evil barrier, don't hand over your spiritual seeds yet!"

Jun Wudao had obviously lost his patience, or maybe it was because he was really afraid that the other party would hand over the spiritual seeds to the Scarlet Scale Demon Monarch. In that case, he undoubtedly didn't want to see it.

Therefore, he couldn't wait, and a giant palm had already grabbed it.

Seeing him like this, the Scarlet Scaled Demon Lord was naturally unwilling to lag behind and attacked at the same time.

And the other people also had their own thoughts, and surrounded the Eternal Evergreen Emperor.

It can almost be said that it is certain death.

If nothing else.

But obviously, this kind of situation will not happen, because Fang Yi does not allow it, and there are too few strong people in the spirit world.

Moreover, he also wanted to ask the Evergreen Emperor some questions.

and so……

Just as the countless attacks swept away like huge waves, the crowd almost concluded that the Evergreen Emperor was doomed.

Unexpectedly, a bright three-color sword shadow fell from the sky.

With the power to open up the heavens and the earth, destroy everything.

Time seemed to be frozen at this moment, only that radiant sword shadow seemed to wander outside of time, slashing down with unrivaled momentum.

brush! !

The heavens and the earth were split, and a huge chasm formed in the void.

The chasm was intertwined with three-color rays of light, as if separating everything, like a heavenly chime in front of everyone.

blocked all attacks.

No matter how tyrannical those attacks were, they were still unable to cross the sky, and they were annihilated one after another, dissipating invisible like flying ash.

"what happened?"

Undoubtedly, the expressions of the crowd changed drastically, and no one thought that there would be people who would dare to block that crowd of strong men at this time.

And it really stopped it.

That sword, like opening up the world, is incomparable.

It makes them feel so unreal, like a dream.

Not to mention Jun Wudao and his party, all of them were horrified and full of inconceivable.

How dare they believe that the power of that sword blocked all the attacks?

You know, they are not ordinary people, and the last one is the top [-] strong men on the demigod list. So many strong men attacked at the same time, but they were blocked by a sword.

I'm afraid it can't be done in the God Transformation Realm.

In fact, if so many attacks are superimposed, even if Fang Yi has the ability to block the sky, it is impossible to block it.

But the fact is obviously not, these people have their own minds, and the attacks are also very scattered, and the three-color sword shadow is enough to keep them out.

"It's you!"

Jun Wudao's sharp blade-like pupils also swept towards Fang Yi at this moment, revealing a cold light.

The crowd was no exception, looking at Fang Yi in horror.

There are also various discussions.

"Who is this person? He is so tyrannical? He blocked so many strong men with one sword?"

"Who says it's not? It's very strange. I didn't expect that the Abyss of Nine Deaths will welcome so many strong people this time. There was a disciple of the Ice God Palace before, and now there is another one."


The Tianshan Mountains are vast, crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and there are many peerless powerhouses that are unknown to outsiders.

The crowd knew it all along.

But it's just knowing, and I haven't experienced it as deeply as today.

Not to mention one Ice God Palace disciple, but now there is another one, plus the tree demon, there are three out this time alone.

And just looking at it now, these three are all first-class superpowers, enough to be ranked in the top ten of the demigod list.

Especially the disciple of the Ice God Palace, even the Moonless Saint Monk had to retreat. How can such a strong man not be named on the list of demigods not shock them?

Adding these two, how many powerhouses are hidden in Tianshan Mountain?

And so domineering.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't find you, but you can't wait."

Jun Wudao spoke again, his eyes were extremely gloomy, as if he wanted to kill someone.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being startled. The implication was that they knew Fang Yi.

"Jun Wudao, it seems that you two are old, then I will leave this kid to you."

At this moment, the Red Scaled Demon Monarch couldn't help but move his eyes, obviously thinking about it, and while speaking, he was already attacking the Eternal Evergreen Emperor like lightning.


Jun Wudao was furious, no matter how he agreed, he was about to make a move.

But at this time, another three-color sword shadow fell, and the sword shadow seemed to appear out of thin air, cutting down the sky.

Rao was the Red Scaled Demon Lord, his expression couldn't help changing drastically.

Fortunately, he had been prepared for a long time, and he slashed with all his strength. The huge blade pierced through the void, like a heavenly knife.

But it's a pity, no matter how strong that knife is, under the shadow of the three-color sword, it still has nothing but collapse.

Boom boom boom! !

There was only a loud bang, and the huge sword light exploded inch by inch.

The huge body of the Crimson Scaled Demon Lord was also blasted out like a cannonball, and the blood in his mouth was like a spring, swaying the sky like a sudden rain of blood.

what? ?

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the crowd opened wide, full of disbelief.

The Scarlet Scaled Demon Lord is the fifth superpower on the demigod list, but now...

One sword, just one sword, was severely injured.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how would they dare to believe it.

One by one, dumbfounded, as if completely petrified.

Jun Wudao was no exception, his pupils shrank suddenly, and two rays of light shot out, which was incredible and deeply shocking.

The Scarlet Scale Demon Lord ranked fifth, while he ranked fourth.

There is only one person between the two, and no one knows better than him how strong the Scarlet Scaled Demon Lord is.

But now, the Scarlet Scaled Demon Monarch was defeated by a single sword, so he...

Immediately, he couldn't help turning slightly pale.

And Fang Yi, naturally ignored him, and couldn't help stepping forward step by step, soaring up, like a great emperor walking in the void, and finally stopped in front of the Evergreen Emperor.

"Young master Fang, come here without any harm!"

The Evergreen Emperor laughed at himself, and at the same time did not forget to give Fang Yi a slight bow.

The expression was a little lost, and there was a trace of unwillingness.

But, after that, he still poked his hand, and a group of bright rays of light appeared in his hand.

That ray reveals an incomparably pure power of the soul, and when people touch it, they can't help but have the urge to take it for themselves, it is the spiritual seed.

The crowd can see that everyone is greedy and eager.

Just kidding, a spiritual seed is equivalent to a strong man who transforms into a god, how can the crowd not desire it.

However, at this moment, no one dares to be the first bird.

The lesson of the Red Scaled Demon Lord is still vivid in his memory.

Fang Yi looked at the spiritual seed, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten. This is the legendary spiritual seed. If he doesn't desire it, it is obviously impossible.

Eternal Evergreen Emperor obviously also saw it.

Moreover, since he took out this seed, he has obviously made a decision.

What's more, he has no choice, he has already been seriously injured, and he would rather leave it to Fang Yi than to leave it to others.

"Since the young master is here, then this one belongs to the young master!"

As he said that, he handed over the spiritual seeds at the same time, and there was a hint of flattery on his face.

yes!It's really flattering, because he knows that once Fang Yi gets this spiritual seed, it won't take long for him to achieve the state of becoming a god.

And he, relying on what he did today, might have a chance in the future, so...

But the crowd was undoubtedly completely stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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