Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2273

Chapter 2273

No wonder!

With one slap, just one slap, Jun Wudao, who was ranked fourth on the demigod list, was pinched in the palm of his hand like an eagle catching a chick. How could the crowd not be surprised?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they probably wouldn't believe it even if they were killed.

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they couldn't help but wonder if it was their own eyes that were dazzled.

Otherwise, how could there be such an incredible thing.

That's the fourth-ranked powerhouse on the demigod list!

If Fang Yi was in the state of transforming gods, it might be easier for them to accept it, but in fact, Fang Yi is only a seventh-fold fit.

The gap between the two is so huge.

"no no……"

Jun Wudao's entire face had turned extremely pale, his eyes were full of fear, and he was strangled by the neck, unable to make any sound.

There was only that extremely terrified and extremely desperate expression.

As for other powerhouses.

At this moment, I naturally stayed on the spot, just kidding, who would dare to take a step forward?Doesn't that mean courting death?

That's all for the Scarlet Scale Demon Lord, although he was repelled by a sword, he still seemed to be caught by surprise.

But Jun Wudao, it was indeed a real frontal crush, there was no possibility of any tricks, and the two strong men lost successively.

And with such a miserable defeat, how could they dare to think anything wrong?

Even the body couldn't help trembling slightly.

His feet seemed to be filled with lead, and he could no longer move half a step.

The huge crowd didn't make any sound at all, and they didn't even dare to breathe out. The atmosphere became extremely strange.

In the end, it was Fang Yi who broke the silence, and the still indifferent voice sounded again.

"Sure enough, trash!"

He glanced lightly at Jun Wudao, showing disdain.

"Tell me! Where is the whereabouts of Fairy Shenmeng?"

Dream Fairy?

Hearing this, the crowd couldn't help but look at each other, obviously they were all very unfamiliar with this name.

Only Jun Wudang, his originally pale expression became even paler, and his body couldn't help trembling. At this moment, he just wanted to escape from the scene, but he didn't dare.

Therefore, he could only hope that Fang Yi didn't notice him.

The body can't help shrinking into a ball.

"I... I don't know, what Fairy Shenmeng, I just left the customs not long ago, so I don't know this person."

Jun Wudao was so terrified that he didn't dare to neglect the slightest, so he hurriedly said.

There is no such awe-inspiring look as before.


Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and subconsciously, he swept towards Jun Wudang.

Sensing this gaze, Jun Wudang only felt his legs go limp, and he almost fell to his knees, and said in a hurry: "I...we haven't found her whereabouts..."

"After she entered Tianshan, she had conflicts with us several times, but there was no news after that."

"It's all a misunderstanding!"

He almost begged.

He naturally already knew everything about what happened in the Shenjing space.

It was also because of this that he was so terrified, because he had already been beheaded by Fengshenmeng once, and now, if he was beheaded again, he would be completely lost.

The crowd obviously didn't expect Jun Wudang, No. 17 on the list of demigods, among the always domineering soul race.

At this moment, it turned out to be like a bereaved dog.

Really surprised the crowd.

"Misunderstanding? I killed you, so it's okay to say misunderstanding?" Fang Yi sneered.

Hearing this, Jun Wudang completely collapsed like a deflated balloon, his eyes full of unwillingness.

The eyes that asked for help could not help looking at Jun Wudao.

It's a pity that the latter is still held by Fang Yi at this moment, and he may die at any time.

"Let... let me go, the matter of Fairy Shenmeng has nothing to do with me."

Jun Wudao finally couldn't help but beg for mercy.

As the fourth most powerful man on the list of demigods, his words undoubtedly surprised everyone, but at the moment of life and death, he couldn't care less.

Although even if he was beheaded, he would not die completely.

But it is obviously unacceptable for him to recover his strength in a short period of time.

and so……

"Let go of you?"

Fang Yi was indifferent, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitched with sarcasm, and then he looked at Jun Wudang again, and said lightly: "It's not impossible, as long as you kill him, I will let you go."

The so-called "he" naturally refers to Jun Wudang.

As soon as these words came out, Jun Wudang's expression undoubtedly changed drastically, with despair and unwillingness on his face.

"No! You can't do that!"

He was obviously terrified, his face was ashen.

The crowd was also extremely astonished, full of disbelief. No one thought that Fang Yi would do such a trick to make the soul disciples kill each other.

Afterwards, he slowly released his fingers, and looked at Jun Wudao playfully, "The opportunity has been given to you, it depends on your own choice."

At this moment, the smile on the corner of Fang Yi's mouth was like a devil.

As for Jun Wudao, his expression seemed to be extremely complicated.

If he was in a place where no one was around, he might have killed Jun Wudang without hesitation.

But now, it is in public, once he really does this, then he will be cast aside by the world.

Even within the soul clan, I'm afraid...

The other party's intentions are to be punished, and it is clear that he wants to ruin his reputation.

But, in order to save his life and his cultivation, does he have any choice?

Involuntarily, his eyes became sharper, and his expression became more ferocious.

"No..." Jun Wudang clearly saw something, his expression was extremely flustered, his body moved, and he wanted to escape.

But unfortunately, Jun Wudao has already made a move.


Hearing a shout from him, a bright sword shadow has already been chopped off.

Jun Wudang split into two in an instant, leaving only a shrill and unwilling howl, and finally died completely.

The crowd was also completely stunned, watching this scene in disbelief.

Looking at Jun Wudao like a devil.

It seems that no one thought that Jun Wudao, who was ranked fourth on the list of demigods, actually chose to kill his tribe in order to survive.

And in public.

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth could not help but evoke a deep smile.

"The man has been killed, now I can leave!" Jun Wudao had no intention of staying any longer, but he still asked.

"Go? Of course! I always keep my word."

Fang Yi replied lightly.

Seeing this, the crowd couldn't help but become extremely complicated.

And Jun Wudao, hearing the words, didn't dare to stop at all, and the whole person shot away like a lightning bolt.

But the next moment, he sensed an incomparably fierce killing intent, as if the god of death had come.

Suddenly, his expression changed dramatically, full of fear.

He couldn't help roaring in his mouth: "You are shameless, you backtracked on what you promised."

"I only said to let you go? Why did I say not to kill you? Idiot!" Fang Yi smiled ferociously, and a bright three-color sword shadow fell immediately.


Almost without any surprise, Jun Wudao's majestic figure exploded directly in everyone's sight.

It turned into a thick blood mist and dissipated between heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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