Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2274

Chapter 2274


Deathly silence!

In the huge world, there was no sound at all, and the crowd was completely sluggish, like stone sculptures, mouths closed in astonishment.

However, compared to the expression of fear before, at this moment, apart from fear, they actually had a faint sense of joy.

yes!happy! !

Jun Wudao is so cruel, in order to survive, even his own clansmen will not be spared.

Such a rebellious act undoubtedly made the crowd despise him.

No mercy.

But after being happy, they looked at Fang Yi one by one, and became extremely fearful, as if they were looking at death.

No one made even the slightest sound.

Not even daring to escape.

Jun Wudao can't escape, let alone them.

The surrounding atmosphere became extremely strange and depressing, and it was like a torment for everyone.

The cold sweat on his forehead rolled down like rain.

Boom! !

At this moment, there was a muffled thunder sound from the sky and the earth.

The Eternal Evergreen Emperor, who was merging the spiritual seeds, suddenly burst into breath, and a bright blue light also burst out from his body.

It turned into a gigantic eternal green pine.

And it is still climbing, as if it wants to cover the whole world.

"Look! He...he is going to succeed in the fusion and break through to the God Transformation Realm."

The faces of the crowd changed drastically, and there was a look of longing in their eyes.

Of course, it's just a desire. After experiencing the Scarlet Scale Demon Lord and Jun Wudao, who else would dare to take a step forward?

Even the giant Moyan who has always been fearless.

At this moment, his face was also shrinking, as if he was afraid that his huge figure would attract Fang Yi's attention.

It seems a little funny.

However, if Fang Yi really wants to make a move, there will be no fish that slip through the net.

He just disdains it.

Except for the soul clan, he has no enmity with these people, so he never thought about killing them all.

But the crowd obviously couldn't stay anymore at this moment, they didn't know what Fang Yi thought, and besides Fang Yi, there was also the Evergreen Emperor.

The other party was about to break through to the God Transformation Realm.

Before, countless people besieged each other, once they waited for the opponent to break through, then...

How do they not panic.

"Run away!"

I don't know who yelled, and suddenly, the crowd fell into chaos and fled in a hurry.

Fang Yi naturally disdains to make a move. He is not even interested in the powerhouses on the demigod list like Mo Yan, let alone these ordinary people.

Seeing this, the crowd undoubtedly fled faster, as if they hated their parents for losing two legs.

Even the giant Mo Yan and the others couldn't help but retreat quickly when they saw this.

As for the Scarlet Scale Demon Lord, he was hit flying by Fang Yi before, causing him severe injuries, but he did not die.

Seeing that the Eternal Evergreen Emperor is about to merge successfully at this moment, his face is full of unwillingness.

But he can only be unwilling.

In the end, he had to retreat far away.

As a result, only Fang Yi and the eternal green pine were left on the field.

Oh!No, there is another figure, that is Fairy Leng Yue, there is a strange smile in her eyes, the corners of her mouth are slightly pursed, and Zha Fang Yi can't help walking.

Compared with the direction of the crowd turning away, it is so eye-catching.

"It's her! A disciple of the Ice God Palace, a holy monk who is frozen with a sword."

Finally, the crowd recognized Fairy Leng Yue.

There was also a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

These two combined seventh-layer peerless evildoers who appeared one after another undoubtedly shocked everyone. The former sealed the moonless holy monk with a sword.

In the latter, one man is invincible to ten thousand men, and he can kill Jun Wudao with one sword.

Let the so-called demigod list almost become a joke.

Involuntarily, they were looking forward to the fight between the two to see who was stronger and who was weaker.

Their expectations obviously won't come true,

Fairy Leng Yue strolled over, side by side with Fang Yi, looking at the eternal green pine.

"It's them!"

Looking at the figures of the two, and thinking of the entanglement between the other party and the soul clan before, the red scale demon monarch seemed to remember something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Many other strong men also seemed to have reacted, and there was a fiery light in their eyes.

But that's all, no one dared to take a step forward.

And one by one hurried away.

"Hey! They seem to recognize us."

In the empty world, Fairy Leng Yue couldn't help but glanced at the fleeing crowd, and said indifferently, with a hint of playfulness in the corner of her mouth.

"That's right!" Fang Yi replied casually.

Now that he made the move, he was naturally already prepared to be exposed.

So I didn't take it to heart at all.

Fairy Leng Yue was similar, she didn't seem interested in entanglement on this issue, instead she said: "You are so generous, you even gave up your spiritual seeds first."

"Don't you know the value of this thing?"

As Fairy Leng Yue said, she couldn't help but look at Fang Yi.

"There is a difference! Whoever you fuse with is not all a God Transformation Realm. If that is the case, of course it is him."

"And, this is his chance."

"Could it be, do you still want it?"

Fang Yi replied, and at the same time looked deeply at Fairy Lengyue, his words were obviously tentative.

But Fairy Leng Yue seems to be completely immune.

And at this time, the eternal green pine seemed to have swelled to the limit, exuding an aura as majestic as hell, as if it was a god who surpassed all living beings.

Hahaha! ! !

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of wanton laughter.

The joy that has been suppressed for a long time and then completely released is undoubtedly revealed.

This laughter naturally came from Emperor Evergreen.

A burst of bright light flashed across the huge evergreen pine, and the figure of the evergreen emperor also appeared.

Compared to before, the breath is already much stronger.

There is no doubt that he has already broken through to the realm of transforming gods.

"Mr. Fang, thank you, Chengquan!"

After the excitement, the Evergreen Emperor hastily punched Fang Yi with a sincere attitude.

Although he had broken through to the God Transformation Realm, Fang Yi standing in front of him at this moment still gave him a feeling that he couldn't see through, so he didn't dare to be careless.

Moreover, like Fang Yi, he also felt lonely when he came to this world.

In this vast Tianshan Mountain, only he and the blood demon ancestor came from the spirit world.

Now there are finally two more.

What's more, Fang Yi saved him today and fulfilled his dream.

"You're welcome, this is your chance."

Fang Yi said lightly, and then asked again: "By the way, Wan Gu..."

"Mr. Fang, don't call him that. In the spirit world, Gu dared to call himself the Great Emperor, but here he absolutely dare not. Gu also named himself Gu Changqing."

"Master Fang can just call him by his first name in the future, and if you can afford it, you can also call me Brother Gu."

Gu Changqing?

Fang Yi nodded in surprise, and it was worthy of the name.

Immediately, he was not polite, and said: "Brother Gu, why are you here? But you came with the blood demon ancestor? What about the other blood demon ancestor? Is he still there?..."


(End of this chapter)

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