Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2275 Conjecture

Chapter 2275 Conjecture

"Mr. Fang doesn't know something..."

Seeing and asking, Gu Changqing did not neglect, and came one by one.

According to what he said, after the two entered Tianshan, they went to the ancient demon clan because of the blood demon ancestor.

The joining of the two great powerhouses, the Ancient Demon Clan will be regarded as very courteous.

However, in the ancient demon clan, Gu Changqing only stayed for a short period of time. For one thing, he was not a member of the demon clan, but belonged to the demon clan.

Although the members of the demon clan didn't say anything on the surface, they naturally talked about it behind the scenes.

Secondly, the location of the ancient demon clan is comparable to the demon domain of the spirit world, the demonic energy is strong, but the spiritual energy is very thin.

So after hesitating again and again, he still left the Ancient Demon Clan.

The blood demon patriarch naturally couldn't leave. He was originally a member of the demon clan, and there was nothing more suitable for him than the ancient demon clan. Therefore, the two separated.

However, the two did not break off contact.

Always looking for opportunities to break through.

It wasn't until not long ago that the two of them came to the abyss of nine deaths together, and that's what happened next.

After hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but nodded.

"So, the blood demon patriarch has left the abyss of nine deaths."

"Not bad!"

Gu Changqing nodded, "That day, when the blood demon patriarch made a breakthrough, he directed Gu to this place, so he hurried back, because he just broke through and still needs to consolidate his cultivation and open up the spiritual world."

As he said that, Gu Changqing's eyes were also a little eager to move.

Obviously, these are also about to be something he will do.

It seems that they are a little impatient.

However, he still did not forget to say: "When Gu came here, he finally lived up to his painstaking efforts and successfully obtained the spiritual seeds, so he couldn't help but fuse."

Unexpectedly... almost made a big mistake, thanks to Mr. Fang's help, otherwise..."

As Gu Changqing said, he still had lingering fears.

His face was also full of gratitude.

"This is what you deserve, you don't have to!" Fang Yi smiled lightly and didn't care.

At this time, Fairy Leng Yue seemed a little impatient. She was naturally not interested in the ancestor of the blood demon. What interested her was this sealed place.

Immediately, she asked, "What's the difference here? Why did you and the blood demon ancestor get the spiritual seeds successively?"

Her tone was taken for granted, even faintly condescending.

After all, Gu Changqing is also the eternal evergreen emperor of the spirit world.

Now it has broken through to the realm of transforming gods.

That's all for Fang Yi. He didn't even bother to look at a character like Fairy Leng Yue in the spirit world, but now he actually spoke to him in such a tone.

Suddenly, a look of displeasure flashed in the corner of his eyes.

Just because the other party was with Fang Yi, he didn't show it, but his tone was a little impatient, and said: "What about other sealed places, Gu has never entered, so there is no difference."

There was obviously some perfunctory in his words.

This is because of Fang Yi, if not, I'm afraid...

Immortal Leng Yue couldn't hear it.

Immediately, her eyes froze slightly, and an invisible soul power burst out of her body instantly, crushing towards Gu Changqing.

Gu Changqing's complexion changed instantly, and he was terrified.

How could he have imagined that a seven-fold body would possess such powerful soul power.

Even his state of transformation into gods is far behind.

Although he just broke through, the opponent's soul power is a bit too weird.

Involuntarily, his face turned slightly pale.

Fang Yi naturally sensed all this, but he just smiled lightly and didn't stop it. The Tianshan Mountains are vast, and all kinds of strong people emerge in endlessly.

It would be good if it can make the other party feel a little more awe.

"Oh? What about this sealed place?"

Fairy Leng Yue continued to ask, with a playful smile in her eyes.

Gu Changqing didn't dare to be negligent any more, and hurriedly said: "Actually, Gu doesn't know what this sealed place is like. He just learned something from the blood demon ancestor."


Immediately, he came quickly, without hiding anything.

In fact, he didn't intend to hide it, but he was a little displeased with Fairy Leng Yue's tone of superiority.

However, after experiencing what happened just now, he no longer dared to be careless.

According to him, this so-called sealed place is actually just a passage leading to the core area of ​​the Abyss of Nine Deaths.

The entire Abyss of Nine Deaths is not all the dark space outside.

It can only be regarded as the periphery.

No matter how deep it is, it is only the center of people's mouth.

But it wasn't actually, the real core area of ​​the Abyss of Nine Deaths was actually sealed as a whole, in the deepest part of this world.

And leading to it is this passage.

Ordinary martial artists don't know these inside stories, only some big forces and strong people know.

However, if you know it, you know it, not many people dare to step into it.

Because that represents endless danger.

Even among those big forces, this passage has been considered a forbidden zone below the God Transformation Realm.

That is to say, any strong person in the state of transformation into the gods will surely die if they step into it.

It is also because of this that the combined seventh-level peak powerhouses of the major forces dare not venture into this place, but the ancestor of the blood demon is different.

For one thing, he was new here, and he didn't have the fear of other people in this place.

Secondly, his time limit has come, so he has to make a last-ditch effort, and he cannot be hesitant, so...

He stepped here.

And successfully obtained the spiritual seeds and was promoted to the realm of transforming gods.

As soon as this news came out, it undoubtedly alarmed those strong men who were already ready to make a move, which attracted so many people.

Because the fact of the blood demon patriarch is tantamount to breaking the so-called restricted area.

And if the news about Gu Changqing spreads again, it will definitely cause a great commotion, and by then, there will definitely be more powerful people coming.

Of course, Fang Yi was not interested in these.

What he was interested in was the core area of ​​the so-called Abyss of Nine Deaths.

Dang even couldn't help asking: "How is it there? Did you go in?"

Fairy Leng Yue also looked curious.

"Mr. Fang was joking. With Gu's ability, I'm afraid he won't be able to step out of it. Gu was just lucky. He accidentally obtained a spiritual seed in this passage, and that's why..."

Gu Changqing didn't hide anything, and told the truth.


A look of surprise flashed in Fang Yi's eyes. There was the blood demon ancestor in front, and Gu Changqing in the back. In this way, isn't there a lot of spiritual seeds in that passage?

If this is the case, why don't those who are strong in the transformation of gods explore in the meantime?

In this way, there must be a lot of gains.

Fairy Leng Yue obviously had the same doubts, so she asked directly.

"The two of you don't know something. It's not that simple here. According to the experience of the blood demon ancestor and Gu Mou, as well as Gu Mou's own personal experience."

"Every warrior who enters that passage may enter a different space."

"So...that possibility doesn't exist at all."


Immediately, Gu Changqing told about the experience of the blood demon patriarch and himself, and at the same time raised his guess.

Fang Yi's eyes brightened when he heard this, because...

(End of this chapter)

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