Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2276 Mysterious Cave

Chapter 2276 Mysterious Cave

Because, according to Gu Changqing's speculation, the so-called core of the Abyss of Nine Deaths is very likely to be an assessment place left by a certain ancient power.

As long as you pass these assessments, you can get corresponding rewards.

And he and the ancestor of the blood demon must have passed some kind of assessment, so they obtained the spiritual seeds.

Thus successfully breaking through to the realm of transforming gods.

Of course, these are just his conjectures, and no one knows how.

However, he did not speculate randomly, but based on the experience of the two of them.

Fang Yi also very much agrees.

However, there are still many puzzles.

That is, when did this assessment start, and why didn't the major forces in Tianshan know about it?

Or, they already knew, but they just didn't tell the people below.

This kind of possibility seems to be very small. Now that I know it, there is no reason not to tell the people below, unless... no one can pass the assessment.

Or maybe, it was originally an assessment for the God Transformation Realm.

That's why it is known as the restricted area of ​​the fit environment.

But now, the Gorefiend Patriarch and Gu Changqing have passed the assessment successively, and successfully obtained the spiritual seeds, how can everything be explained?

Did the assessment suddenly become easier, or did it drop from the God Transformation Realm to the Composite Realm?

Of course, few people knew nothing about it.

But what is certain is that no matter what the reason is, the Abyss of Nine Deaths will surely usher in a large number of strong men, and by then...

Of course, it is also possible that this speculation is wrong.

After all, there are countless sealed places hidden in the Abyss of Nine Deaths, and it is even more likely that this is just one of them.

Everything is possible.

Exactly how, I am afraid that the only way to know the truth is to go deep into it.

Fairy Leng Yue's eyes brightened at this moment, obviously showing deep interest.

Fang Yi is similar.

Such an interesting place inevitably made him full of curiosity.

"What's your plan next?"

After a pause, Fang Yi asked casually.

"I want to find a secluded place to consolidate my cultivation and at the same time open up the spiritual world."

Gu Changqing's eyes were full of longing.

It's no wonder that he just broke through to the realm of transforming gods, and everything is still not stable, especially the spiritual world, which is still waiting to be developed, and he can't wait.

However, before doing this, you must find a safe place.

The Abyss of Nine Deaths is obviously not a safe place, especially after this incident, it will definitely attract a large number of powerful people.

Even the God Transformation Realm may come to find out.


Fang Yi nodded lightly, "Since that's the case, then let's say goodbye! See you in the future."

Fang Yi was too lazy to delay the other party's time, how could he not understand Gu Changqing's mood.

"Young Master Fang is laughing!"

Gu Changqing smiled embarrassingly, and then said: "Recently, Gu will be within the range of Gathering Starfish, and we will talk about it when the young master comes out."

"With the strength of the young master and this girl, I will definitely be able to get what I want."

Gu Changqing obviously also saw the two people's interest in this sealed place.

It's not surprising, if you were any warrior, if you knew all of this, you probably wouldn't miss this opportunity.

Not to mention Fang Yi and Fairy Leng Yue.

How strong these two people are, even Gu Changqing at this moment can't tell the truth.

Therefore, he has little doubt that the two can successfully obtain spiritual seeds.

"it is good!"

Fang Yi readily agreed.

Afterwards, Gu Changqing hugged his fist again before drifting away.

"Why don't you stay here!"

In the original place, only Fang Yi and Fairy Lengyue were left. Seeing Fairy Lengyue's slightly bright eyes, Fang Yi pondered for a moment, then said.

"Ah? Stay?" Fairy Leng Yue was obviously taken aback.

Then he looked very stubborn and said, "I don't! Why?"

"It's full of too many unknowns. Everything is Gu Changqing's speculation. It's still unknown."

"And from the experiences of the two of them, it can be seen that it can be said that there is a narrow escape, so..."

Fang Yi tried to convince Fairy Leng Yue.

But, before he finished speaking, Fairy Leng Yue said first: "So what? Are you afraid that something will happen to me? Are you caring about me?"

Fairy Leng Yue's eyes shone with splendor, which shone slightly.

The corner of his mouth also curled up in a smirk.

But the next moment, following Fang Yi's words, that trace of complacency turned into anger from embarrassment.

"I'm afraid that if you die, the Snow Queen will never appear again!"

"Asshole! Miss Ben wants to go in."

Fairy Leng Yue said stubbornly, with a hint of contempt in her eyes at the same time, she said disdainfully: "A mere abyss of near death wants to stop Miss Ben, and you don't take Miss Ben seriously."

"Besides, the blood demon patriarch and Gu Changqing were able to come out safely, do you think this lady is worse than them?"

Fairy Leng Yue looked unhappy.

Although part of her personality was sealed, she had never been so underestimated.

Fang Yi glanced at her helplessly, but still said in his mouth: "You are only powerful because of the soul power of the Ice Queen, and your physical strength..."

As he spoke, Fang Yi couldn't help showing a look of contempt.

Others may not know it, but he still doesn't know it. The reason why Fairy Leng Yue is so tyrannical and suppresses Holy Monk Wu Yue relies on the power of her soul.

As for the strength of the physical body, I am afraid that it is not much different from the general combined seven-fold.

And the power of the soul, with her physical body, I'm afraid it can't bear much.

Once entering this sealed place, no one knows what will happen, so Fang Yi let her stay.

But the result... is obvious.


Fairy Leng Yue choked, and didn't know how to refute, so she had to say arrogantly: "I want you to take care of it! Miss Ben will go and make a decision. If you are afraid, stay by yourself."

As she said that, she ignored Fang Yi, moved her body, and sank directly into a huge hole that was covered by Gu Changqing's body before.

The hole was pitch black, like the mouth of a giant beast.

Fang Yi couldn't help showing a trace of helplessness.

He is naturally not easy to stop, this is the other party's choice, although the Snow Queen may be sleeping in the other party's soul, but he can't restrict the other party's freedom.

Moreover, with the power of the other party's soul, maybe my worries are simply superfluous.

Therefore, he had no choice but to let the other party go.

However, in order to verify Gu Changqing's words, his figure suddenly jumped up, and he followed like lightning.

He wanted to see if the two entered together, would they enter different spaces or the same space.

The cave is extremely dark, without any light source, as if it is bottomless.

With Fang Yi's speed, this moment is enough to span an endless distance, but in this hole, it seems that he has never moved.

If it wasn't for the familiar breath that made him realize that he was going deep, he would have been a little suspicious.

And that familiar breath is exactly that dead breath that seems to come from the endless abyss.

As it got deeper, the death energy became more intense.

The dragon veins in his body became more and more eager to move.

(End of this chapter)

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