Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2281 Misunderstanding

Chapter 2281 Misunderstanding

"do not care!"

Fang Yi put his mind to one side, since he had already arrived here, he was always a little bit unwilling to retreat like this.

Moreover, if there is an assessment, he may not fail to pass it.

Besides, since it was an assessment, it might not be as dangerous as imagined.

After making up his mind, Fang Yi didn't hesitate any longer, and went deep into it slowly.

He walked extremely carefully and cautiously.

After all, the Abyss of Nine Deaths is not an ordinary place, it is known as the restricted area of ​​the Fusion Realm, and there are not a few people who have fallen here even in the Transformation God Realm.

Coupled with his previous experience, he had to be careful.

Fortunately, everything is business as usual all around, and nothing unpredictable is happening.

Only this dark passage seemed to be bottomless, and every step deeper seemed to span an endless space.

Came to some unknown place.

However, the surrounding area was still pitch black, and nothing unusual could be seen.

What kind of place is this?

Fang Yi was full of doubts.

If it weren't for the increasingly thick dead air around him, he really doubted whether he had been standing still.

I don't know how long has passed.

Time here seems to have no meaning at all, and there is still no change in the surrounding area. There is a dead silence, as if frozen, which makes people feel a creepy feeling.

As if abandoned by the long river of time.

Even Fang Yi couldn't help but panic in his heart.

Especially as the surrounding area became more and more open, the divine sense could no longer detect it, and he seemed to be completely lost in it.

In this darkness, it is impossible to tell the direction at all. At first, the passageway was narrow, but at this moment, the back road seemed to have disappeared, and there was only an endless nothingness.

If it were someone else, they would probably be in a panic.

But Fang Yi was extremely calm.

Because of the dead air that seemed to come from the abyss of hell, since there was no way out, he fortunately went towards that dead air.

Using that dead energy as a guide, head towards the place where the dead energy is strong.

Although he doesn't know how wrong it is to do so.

However, since Longmai is so eager for that death energy, there might be something in it that he needs.

and so……

I don't know how long it has passed, and this endless dark space seems to have no end.

Fang Yi had almost lost his patience.

Finally, whether it was an illusion or real, a ray of light finally appeared in front of him, and that light gave Fang Yi a feeling of déjà vu.

"what happened?"

Fang Yi frowned, because the bright light was just like what he had experienced before.

The weird atmosphere of nothingness around him seemed to be withdrawn.

"Could it be that the cemetery is not far ahead?"

Fang Yi guessed secretly, because everything in front of him was exactly the same as he found the cemetery with Fairy Leng Yue before.

The difference is that there is no Fairy Leng Yue at this moment.

Do not!Strictly speaking, Fairy Leng Yue at that time might just be an illusion, not real, and the real Fairy Leng Yue might still be trapped in a certain spiritual world.

Immediately, Fang Yi became more curious, and his figure couldn't help but move towards the light source.

"It's really a cemetery!!"

After a while, his eyes brightened, because the desolate land and the huge tombstones appeared in his sight again.

The cemetery really does exist!

This should be the core of the Abyss of Nine Deaths.

Fang Yi's expression brightened, and his heart seemed a little ready to move, because he felt that he was getting closer to the truth.

However, just when he was extremely excited and was about to rush to the cemetery.

In the cemetery, behind a certain huge tombstone, a familiar figure suddenly appeared.

The figure's eyes were cold, as if he couldn't believe that someone could come here, and looked over with surprised eyes.

It's just that when she saw Fang Yi, her eyes couldn't help moving, and a flash of disbelief flashed across her eyes.

As for Fang Yi, his eyes were full of astonishment, his pupils widened.

Because that figure is none other than Fairy Leng Yue.

"How is it possible? Why is she here? Could it be that she is still in the so-called spiritual world and has never come out?"

At this moment, even Fang Yi couldn't help but panic flashed in his eyes.

If he was really in the spiritual world all the time, how would he get out?If you can't get out, don't you want to be trapped and die in it?

"It's you!"

Fairy Leng Yue spoke first, her eyes were still extremely cold.

But soon, the coldness disappeared, and in turn, it returned to its usual appearance.

"Ice Queen! Take my life!"

Perhaps it was the previous experience, coupled with the cold gaze of Fairy Leng Yue at this moment, which made Fang Yi confirm that the other party was the Queen of Ice and Snow.

Even, maybe the other party has always been here.

It's just that he turned around the outside world for some reason, so at this moment, he could see that boundless anger rising again.

The long sword in his hand couldn't help but slashed away.

The resplendent sword shadow was extremely fierce, even Fairy Leng Yue couldn't help but change her expression drastically.

For a moment, her eyes became cold again, but the flash was gone, replaced by Fairy Leng Yue's frightened expression.

"Hey! Bastard, are you crazy, it's Miss Ben!"

Fairy Leng Yue shouted, dodging hastily.

But it's a pity that Fang Yi's sword was too fast, and his heart was full of overwhelming anger, which can be imagined.

Rao Fairy Leng Yue couldn't dodge it, but fortunately she blocked the blow with all her might, but with her physical strength, how could she be Fang Yi's opponent.

As a result... she was blown away, like a shell fired.

The blood in the mouth can't help gushing out, like a sudden rain of blood.

" could this be?"

Looking at this scene, Fang Yi seemed to have finally come to his senses, full of disbelief.

Because, if the other party was really the Ice Queen, how could she be blown away by him?He will never forget the previous experience. The Ice Queen's overbearing made him feel a chill down his spine just thinking about it.

Then, the person in front of you...

not good!

Immediately, his complexion changed drastically, and his figure swept away like lightning, dragging Fairy Leng Yue who was flying out.

"How are you?"

Fang Yi asked anxiously, and at the same time quickly circulated the Longevity Sutra and poured it into the opponent's body.

At this moment, Fairy Leng Yue seemed to be sluggish, but fortunately she was a seventh-layer fit expert after all, so she wouldn't die on the spot.

Coupled with the powerful vitality of the Longevity Sutra.

It finally saved her life.

At the same time, she slowly opened her eyes, "Bastard! You owe me your life."

After saying this, she seemed to faint again.

Fortunately, Fang Yi took a few pills for her in time, and at the same time, he ran the Longevity Sutra with all his strength, and began to repair the injuries in her body.

"Hey! You really want me to die! The shot is so ruthless!"

Fairy Leng Yue said again, Fang Yi's answer seemed a little nervous in her eyes.

"It has nothing to do with you. I thought you were the Ice Queen. I met her before, and..."


(End of this chapter)

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