Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2282 Doubt

Chapter 2282 Doubt

"It's the spiritual world, and it can reveal what you most desire deep inside."

Fairy Leng Yue looked at Fang Yi with surprise in her eyes, and said.

Spirit world!

really!Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move, everything was as expected, it was really the spiritual world.

"How do you know? You have experienced it too?"

Subconsciously, Fang Yi asked casually.

"Of course, otherwise, how could I have come here? It is a road to refine the mind. If you can look directly at the weakest side of your mind, you will be able to pass it successfully. Otherwise, you will die."

"And once passed, the mind will be extremely powerful, and it is only a matter of time before the spiritual seeds are condensed."

After taking a few more pills, Fairy Leng Yue finally regained some blood on her face.

After all, she is a strong seven-fold fit body. Although her injuries are serious, she recovers very quickly, not to mention Fang Yi's help, so...

On the contrary, at this moment, he looked at Fang Yi in surprise.

It seems that he did not expect that Fang Yi could pass the test of the road of refining the mind.


As for Fang Yi, his eyes had already brightened, revealing a bright light.

In fact, since he came out of that space, he sensed a slight change in his soul, but he couldn't tell what the change was for a while.

Listening to Fairy Leng Yue's words at this moment, it seemed as if she had grasped something.

"You know this too? You won't tell me, it's such an inexplicable memory, right?"

After pondering for a moment, Fang Yi took another deep look at Fairy Leng Yue.

The latter didn't take it seriously, as if he had long been used to it.

Indifferently said: "Otherwise?"

She didn't even bother to quibble, with a look of what you can do to me, "Don't forget, you just owed me your life."

Fang Yi was speechless.

If he was full of doubts about Fairy Leng Yue before, then at this moment, that doubt has been eliminated a lot.

After all, it was a matter of life and death just now, and if the other party was really the Ice Queen, there was no reason not to make a move.

Then, maybe what the other party said is true.

Everything is just the memory of the Snow Queen.

"Then, what is this place, do you know?"

Looking up and looking around, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

"How would I know? I just came in, and I was just about to see what was going on, when I found you. Who would have thought that you would want my life?"

Fairy Leng Yue's face was full of shame, as if she had already settled for Fang Yi.

Judging by her posture, it seems that this matter must depend on Fang Yi.

Fang Yi was speechless, but there was nothing he could do. After all, this matter was ultimately his fault.

"Okay! Let me help you recover from your injuries first!"

Immediately, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, anyway, he was already here, and he was not in a hurry.

Moreover, based on the previous experience, there might be many ghosts in the tomb, so it would be safer to take a look at it first.

Fairy Leng Yue obviously didn't feel well either.

That blow would have killed someone else, that is, her.

However, there was not much pain in her brows. Instead, she watched Fang Yi heal her wounds, with a strange look in her beautiful eyes.

But in the end, he slowly closed his eyes.

Time goes by like this.

In Fang Yi's body, the longevity meridian was running at full capacity, and majestic vitality permeated his whole body, glowing with a faint blue light.

The cyan light is reflected on those tombstones.

One of them, as if inspired by something, also emitted a similar light.

Moreover, there is a tendency to merge with that light.

The faint light vaguely reflected the words on the tombstone, "Tomb of the Qing Emperor of the Wood God Sect in Tianshan Mountain."


"how do you feel?"

I don't know how long the time has passed. At this moment, Fang Yi finally opened his eyes.

Fairy Leng Yue's beautiful pupils also moved slightly, and opened at the same time, her originally pale face had turned rosy at this moment.

The breath is stable, and it seems that there should be no serious problems.

Just still a little weak.

"It's almost done! Let's talk about it after looking around!" Fairy Leng Yue had a reluctant look on her face.

But he couldn't bear to be curious about the surroundings, otherwise, he might take the opportunity to ask Fang Yi what to do.

"it is good!"

Naturally, Fang Yi couldn't wait to look at those tombstones.

"The Tomb of Ziwei Tianjun Qin Feng!"

"Tomb of Youtian Kunpeng!"

"The Tomb of the Immortal Lord Ten Thousand Fires Burning the Heavens!"


"Huh?" Seeing the names on these tombstones, Fang Yi's pupils shrank slightly, which was exactly the same as what he saw in the spiritual world.

In this way, was he in the spiritual world before, or in this space?

Or maybe, he is still in the spiritual world at this moment?

Compared with his astonishment, Fairy Leng Yue's eyes became a little brighter, even showing a frightening light.

It seemed unbelievable, but also shocked.

"Let me ask you, do you know how to confirm whether you are in the spiritual world?"

Looking at everything in front of him, Fang Yi finally couldn't help asking.

His face could not help but turn slightly pale.

yes!He felt a little guilty, just because all this was too weird, the so-called spiritual world was completely beyond his imagination.

He couldn't even tell whether he was in it or not.

In this way, what if you face a strong person in the God Transformation Realm?

Isn't that...

"What's the matter? Why do you ask this question?" The strangeness in Fairy Sneak's eyes disappeared, and she returned to normal again.

Looking at Fang Yi with a little curiosity, he asked.

"I told you before that when I met the Ice Queen, the situation is exactly the same as now, even the names on these tombstones are exactly the same."

"But I can't tell the difference between now and before."

Fang Yi didn't hide anything, and said directly.

His eyes looked at Fairy Leng Yue eagerly, obviously wanting to know the answer, because it made him feel completely out of control, as if his life was in the hands of others at any time.

"Is this the scene you encountered in the spiritual world before?"

Hearing these words, it was Fairy Leng Yue's turn to be astonished, her eyes filled with disbelief.

Even a little creepy.

Fang Yi couldn't help feeling whether he said something wrong, but subconsciously, he nodded, "That's right! That's it!"

"That tombstone is the tombstone of the former emperor of Tianshan Mountain."

As he spoke, he pointed to a stone tablet in a certain corner and said.

When Fairy Leng Yue heard the words, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, and her feet moved accordingly, and she came to the stone tablet in an instant.

I saw that it was written: "The Tomb of Emperor Wuque, the Lord of Tianshan Mountain."

Seeing these words clearly, Fairy Leng Yue was stunned, and then took a deep look at Fang Yi.

"What? Isn't it right? Or is there something wrong with me coming here in the spiritual world?"

Sensing the strangeness of the other party, Fang Yi couldn't help asking, with deep doubts in his eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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