Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2289 Inheritance

Chapter 2289 Inheritance


When he opened his eyes, the huge towering giant tree had disappeared.

The Wooden Temple has also submerged into the body again, and it has become brighter and brighter than before, and it is not worse than the other two temples.

Apparently, this is what it originally looked like.

Fang Yi couldn't help but feel happy.

Unexpectedly, coming to the Abyss of Nine Deaths this time, the Wood God Temple was restored, which is really a surprise.

If that and the spiritual seed are added, this line of work can be said to be extremely rewarding.

And... wait!

Suddenly, Fang Yi faintly sensed something strange, the terrifying death aura hadn't dissipated yet, and was pervading between the heaven and the earth.

It's just that I don't know if it's because of the condensed dragon.

The death aura that was originally extremely terrifying and palpitating, felt faintly kind at the moment.

So much so that Fang Yi didn't notice it at first.

Even, the entire dragon vein in his body is greedily absorbing this energy.

With him as the center, it is like a huge vortex.

The aura all over his body also skyrocketed, revealing the meaning of endless destruction and death, making people shudder.

At this moment, he seemed to have transformed into that divine dragon.


Why is this aura completely different from the real dragon's, but they don't resist each other?Instead, they can share a dragon vein?

This really made Fang Yi a little unbelievable.

Moreover, this power is so overbearing, like a hell king, it always makes him a little afraid.

However, he also faintly felt that if the dragon veins were prevented from continuing to absorb, it might be a big loss.

That's it!

It's up to you!

After pondering for a moment, Fang Yi's eyes widened. Since all the spiritual seeds came from this, he didn't care about adding more.

There are three major temples, which gives him great confidence.

After making up his mind, he simply stimulated the dragon veins with all his strength and frantically absorbed this energy.

And his aura also rose steadily.

The spiritual seed also seemed to have an induction, and its light became more and more intense.

I don't know how long it took.

It wasn't until Fang Yi felt that the entire dragon vein had reached saturation and could no longer hold more energy that he stopped absorbing it, and it was at this time that he suddenly discovered that his cultivation had reached the peak of the seventh level of fusion.

"So fast?"

He was overjoyed, and opened his eyes again.

Immediately, bright eyes shot out, extremely deep, as if from hell.

There was a breath of destruction.

So powerful!

A strong feeling also arises spontaneously.

It made Fang Yi feel like a balloon full of air, ready to burst at any moment.

Hahaha! ! !

Involuntarily, his wanton laughter also spread throughout the void.

After a short period of excitement, he finally calmed down, and his bright eyes couldn't help turning to the endless dark abyss, where the dead energy came from before.

And the place where the towering giant tree took root.

Where there is nothingness, as if leading to another space.

In addition, in that nothingness, there is actually a figure.

The body of the figure exuded a faint blue light, just like the towering giant tree before, and even had a trace of the breath of that giant tree.

Just getting fainter.

It seems that this light is completely maintained by the towering giant tree before.

The giant tree disappeared, and the light was about to dissipate.

"Is this the Qing Emperor?"

As soon as Fang Yi moved, he landed in front of the figure in an instant.

As if sensing his arrival, a faint light poured directly into Fang Yi's body from above the figure.

With the passing of this ray of light, the figure seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, turning into fly ash little by little, disappearing invisible, as if it had never existed.

As for Fang Yi, he couldn't help showing a dazed look on his face.

This figure is indeed Emperor Qing, and that light is the last legacy he left behind.

and some things about his life.

Besides, there is no information about this space and why he died here.

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning.

However, he has already figured it out, what Fairy Leng Yue said is right, and he will naturally know when his own strength can be touched.

Can't force it.

And the strength is not enough, even if you know it, there will be some good results.

Immediately, he didn't bother to pay attention to these anymore, and began to study the inheritance of the Qing Emperor.

It is said to be the inheritance of the Qing Emperor, but in fact, it mainly comes from the Wood Temple. However, there is a "Kurong Jue" and "Qing Emperor Wood Emperor Fist" among them, which really caught Fang Yi's eyes.

Both of these two exercises were born out of the Wood God Temple, but they are used extremely skillfully.

It has the effect of reversing life and death, which is extremely miraculous.

If it were someone else, they might not be able to comprehend it for hundreds of years or thousands of years if they wanted to practice.

But in the hands of Fang Yi, who has already controlled the Wooden Temple and practiced the Longevity Scripture, it is like a hand.

"Sure enough!"

After some attempts, Fang Yi couldn't help but be overjoyed.


"Damn! Why haven't you come out yet? Didn't he die in some inheritance space?"

Outside, Fairy Leng Yue stood in the cemetery, looking around.

There was still a hint of worry on his face.

Compared to before, her aura was much stronger and colder. With her as the center, the surrounding space seemed to be in a frozen state.

And move as she moves.

"It's not that bad, is it? If so, then..."

Involuntarily, a faint paleness appeared on her face.

The chill that penetrated the whole body also enveloped the entire cemetery in an instant, as if it was about to completely freeze the entire cemetery.

Fortunately, at the next moment, a bright cyan light burst out, and Fang Yi's figure also appeared.

And that coldness dissipated in an instant.

Instead, it was an extremely playful and teasing voice, "Hey! Why is it taking so long? Miss Ben thought you died inside."

"Tianshan Wood God Sect Qing Emperor? This is the inheritance you inherited, it's really not good."

The voice naturally came from Fairy Leng Yue.

Just like before, there was even a hint of contempt faintly.

Fang Yi was speechless and didn't bother to talk to her.

At this time, Fairy Leng Yue seemed to have discovered something, "Huh? The peak of the seventh level of fusion has actually condensed spiritual seeds, really..."

"Wait! What's going on? Why does your spiritual seed have the breath of a dragon?"

Suddenly, Fairy Leng Yue's eyes changed drastically, and a hint of disbelief flashed across her.

Dark Dragon?

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move. Could it be that the dragon is the underworld dragon that Fairy Leng Yue talked about?But what is the origin of Minglong?

Involuntarily, Fang Yi looked at Fairy Leng Yue suspiciously.

But at this time, Fairy Leng Yue had already spoken first, "Tell me, what exactly did you encounter inside? Why not only do you have the breath of a dark dragon in your body, but even your spiritual seeds have the breath of a dark dragon?"

Fairy Leng Yue seemed a little anxious and seemed to be quite concerned.

Fang Yi glanced at her, and asked without answering: "What is the dragon?"

(End of this chapter)

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