Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2290 Nine True Dragons

Chapter 2290 Three True Dragons

It is said that there are hundreds of dragons in the world, but there is only one real dragon.

Therefore, when Fang Yi saw that divine dragon with the same aura as a real dragon, Fang Yi was full of doubts. Could it be that the divine dragon has a great relationship with a real dragon?

Or maybe it is a real dragon?

Or, there is more than one real dragon, that's why Fang Yi asked this question.

Fairy Leng Yue glanced at Fang Yi slightly, as if hesitating whether to tell Fang Yi, or what to say.

Finally, after pondering for a moment, she said: "Whether there is only one real dragon in the world is just a legend at present. No one knows what it is."

"There is a saying that there are three real dragons. One is the Canglong, the other is the Qianlong, and the third is the Underworld Dragon. The three real dragons belong to the three realms, the immortal, the spirit, and the underworld."

"As for the underworld dragon, it naturally belongs to the underworld. The underworld is also called the soul world, which is the realm of souls."

"You can imagine how strong the soul of the underworld dragon is. If you can fuse its breath with the spiritual seeds, the spiritual world you will open up in the future must be extremely amazing."


As Fairy Leng Yue said, she took a deep look at Fang Yi.

When Fang Yi heard this, his eyes couldn't help but move.

No wonder the soul power of the divine dragon was so strong before. If it weren't for the three major temples, let alone condensing the spiritual seeds, it would be considered good to be able to keep his life.

This time it was really fate, and it was a blessing in disguise.

"As for Canglong, naturally they belong to the fairy world, and you will understand when you enter the fairy world in the future."

"As for Qianlong, it belongs to the spirit world, and the entire nine mountains and eight seas are also part of the spirit world..."

Fairy Leng Yue continued.

There was a strange smile in his eyes, and when he talked about Qianlong, he gave Fang Yi a meaningful look.

Fang Yi understood it, and subconsciously thought of the real dragon that had fallen in Kyushu. Could it be the so-called Qianlong?

But, didn't the real dragon come from the fairy world with Fuxi and Nuwa?

Even if it is, it should be the Canglong?

"Among the three true dragons, there is no conclusion as to who is the strongest. According to legend, the Canglong controls life, and the Underworld dragon controls death."

"And Qianlong represents hope."

"Besides, Qianlong is also the most miraculous, everything is contained in the word '运', it may lurk anywhere, you think it is dead, but it may be beside you, and it may even be lurking in your body within."


Fang Yi was shocked when he heard this.

He couldn't help but took a deep look at Fairy Leng Yue, because he felt that the words were said to him deliberately by the other party.

Could it be that Qianlong is not dead?

However, Fairy Leng Yue didn't get entangled in this issue either, she just glanced at Fang Yi with a half-smile, and then continued.

"Besides, there is another saying, that is, there is only one real dragon."

"The so-called Canglong, Qianlong, and Minglong are just different forms of the real dragon. In the final analysis, there is only one."

"Even, there are more than these three forms of real dragons, and there are many other forms, such as golden dragons, purple dragons, etc., which represent the supreme imperial power. Legend has it that there are nine types."

"But the former theory believes that these are all done by Qianlong. It is hidden in the bodies of ordinary dragons and known to people, so it has been passed down."


Fairy Leng Yue finished speaking in one breath, and then looked at Fang Yi indifferently.

His eyes looked a little complicated.

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning, he really didn't expect that there were so many sayings in it.

Canglong, Qianlong, Minglong.

These three true dragons are one body after all, are they irrelevant?Even if it was him, he couldn't help being a little curious.

But what is certain is that the original real dragon breath in his body is very similar to that of the underworld dragon.

"It's your turn to say, what did you experience in the Qingdi inheritance space just now? Why does the spiritual seed have the breath of the underworld dragon?"

Seeing Fang Yi lost his mind, Fairy Leng Yue asked again.

Fang Yi was not in a hurry to reply, but looked at Fairy Leng Yue quite unexpectedly, and said, "You seem to be very concerned about this."

"Hey! A little bit."

Fairy Leng Yue gave a weird laugh, and just looked at Fang Yi without explaining the reason.

Fang Yi panicked a little.

Immediately, he didn't bother to hide it, so he briefly talked about Minglong.

Of course, the matters related to the three major temples were naturally concealed by him.

Fairy Leng Yue heard that, her eyes were bright, and she looked at Fang Yi in disbelief, as if she didn't believe what Fang Yi said, that Minglong was suppressed so easily.

But then, as if remembering something, he nodded subconsciously.

There was still a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect you to be so lucky!"

Immediately, she glanced at Fang Yi enviously.

"I forgot to tell you something, the legend about the real dragon is not only these, but also the most important one."

"Whether it is the first statement or the second, there is this one."

"That is, as long as these three true dragons can gather together, they will be able to learn the ultimate secret of the Three Realms, the secret of detachment."


A look of shock flashed across Fang Yi's eyes. What is the ultimate secret?

Detachment?What do you mean?

Although Fang Yi didn't understand, he had a bad premonition, especially when he sensed Fairy Leng Yue's strange gaze.

Subconsciously, he couldn't help asking: "Is it very dangerous?"

"What do you say?"

Fairy Leng Yue asked back, and then added: "Even the strongest in the Three Realms are eager to obtain this secret."


Fang Yi's heart sank suddenly, and he looked at Fairy Leng Yue in disbelief.

It seems to want to confirm whether the other party is joking.

But the other party's expression, no matter how you look at it, there is even a hint of longing in the cold eyes.

It made him feel a little flustered.

The other party did not lie.


"Remember in the future, don't let people know that you are carrying the body condensed by Qianlong and the soul condensed by Dark Dragon, otherwise..."

Fairy Leng Yue gave a warning at this time, and her face became extremely dignified and a little cold.

Fang Yi was stunned, but then suddenly raised his head to look at Fairy Leng Yue.

"How do you know Qianlong? You really are the Ice Queen!"

His pupils shrank, and two cold lights shot out.

This time, Fairy Leng Yue didn't deny it anymore, but looked at Fang Yi lightly, although her eyes were still cold, but there was an intriguing expression.

"Tell me! What happened to Wuxian and the others?"

Fang Yi shouted sharply, and the long sword in his hand was already out of its sheath.

Fairy Leng Yue was indifferent, and her aura suddenly changed, she was no longer the Fairy Leng Yue back then.

Instead, she completely turned into the Snow Queen.

Together with the surrounding space, it seemed to be frozen, and Fang Yi was no exception, unable to move at all.

"If you want to know, then practice as soon as possible."

The cold voice sounded again.

Following that, the extremely cold air disappeared in an instant, and along with it, Fairy Leng Yue fell to the ground like a deflated balloon.


(End of this chapter)

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