Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2291 The Confused Cold Moon Fairy

Chapter 2291 The Confused Cold Moon Fairy

In an unknown space, a world of ice and snow, like an ice age.

At the end of the ice and snow, a huge palace stands majestically.

The colorful glow loomed, making the palace look magnificent.

Inside the palace, a icy figure was closing his eyes tightly at this moment, and his whole body was integrated with this world, making people almost distinguish the difference between her and this world.

She was dressed in a white robe like snow.

It seems that there is no dust in the world, and it has an extremely holy and cold breath.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes suddenly, as if she had returned from a fugue, and two cold lights burst out.

The surrounding space seems to be frozen.


She murmured softly, with disbelief in her eyes.

"Aunt Xue!"

Just at this moment, another crisp and agile voice sounded.

Accompanied by this sound, a pink figure flashed past, extremely fast, like a ghost.

The figure fell, and it was suddenly a girl in a pink dress.

There was a hint of playfulness on the girl's beautiful face.

Looking at Aunt Xue in her mouth, she was still a little anxious, and couldn't help asking: "How is it? Aunt Xue, didn't you say it will be soon? Why did it take so long, have you found it..."

The girl asked repeatedly, looking like a curious baby.

On the icy face of the woman in white robe, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, revealing a hint of pampering.

"Of course, tell your mother! He's fine, and Kyushu is fine."


"Where is this?"

At the same time, Fairy Leng Yue also slowly opened her eyes in the cemetery in Abyss of Nine Deaths.

She looked blank.

When he saw the tombstones around him, his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of horror.

"What... what's going on here? Why am I here? Where is this?"

She seemed extremely flustered, and it was no wonder, because she clearly remembered that she was clearly in retreat, but somehow she suddenly came to this place.

And it's still such a cemetery, so it's no wonder if you don't panic.

However, before she could react, a long sword was already on her neck.

"You... who are you? What do you want to do?"

Maybe it was because she was too flustered, or maybe it was because Fang Yi had undergone some modifications, so that she didn't recognize Fang Yi in the first place.

His expression looked terrified.

But Fang Yi couldn't help frowning, but still shouted: "Stop pretending to be a ghost, what kind of tricks do you want to play?"

While speaking, he also returned to his original appearance.

"It's you!"

Finally, Fairy Leng Yue recognized Fang Yi, and her eyes showed even more fear.

During the Tiankuixing battle, she could still vividly remember the opponent's dominance, but now that the opponent's sword was on her neck again, how could she not be afraid.

"What else do you want? You have already killed the Pavilion Master, I...we..."

Pavilion Master?

Fang Yi was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't realize it immediately, but then he naturally thought of Zihuang.

"Are you still pretending to be garlic? Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

His eyes turned cold, and he sternly shouted.

But having said that, he didn't make a move, because he really couldn't figure out, what the hell is the Snow Queen doing?

He had already appeared before, but now, his aura has changed drastically.

Could it be that the other party has already left?

But what is her intention?

It doesn't seem like he is hostile to himself, if there is, in the situation just now, he has no power to fight back.

Moreover, she also warned herself to conceal the matter of Minglong.

But, that being the case, why did she kidnap Ji Wuxian's second daughter, and why didn't she mention the second daughter before?

Fang Yi's heart was full of doubts, and his gaze towards Fairy Leng Yue became a little unfriendly.

Because he is still not sure whether the other party is acting again.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about."

"I still want to ask you, I am obviously in seclusion, and I have just broken through to the sixth level of the combined body, but somehow I came here suddenly, is it you..."

Having said that, she seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly froze on the spot.

Then he looked up and down in disbelief.

"What's going on? I've only broken through to the sixth level of the combined body, why is it now at the seventh level of the combined body??"

She looked terrified,

It's no wonder that anyone who encounters such a thing can't accept it for a while.

Although this is a great good thing, if you don't know about it, you will inevitably panic, as if your life is in the hands of others at any time.

"What's going on? What's going on? Where is this? What did you do to me?"

At this moment, she questioned Fang Yi instead.

And look at his expression, he couldn't be fake, his face was slightly pale, and he was even sweating coldly.

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning slightly, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

But I still tried to ask, "You really don't remember anything? Then do you know Tianshan? And Mingyue?"


Fairy Leng Yue looked bewildered, needless to say, her expression said everything.

"What about Tianshan and Mingyue? I don't know what you're talking about. I only know that I'm in retreat on Feixianxing. Where is this? I want to go back."

Fairy Leng Yue stood up and looked around blankly.

"Can not go back!"

Fang Yi glanced at her again, and retracted the long sword at the same time.

Because from the other party, he didn't feel the slightest breath about the Snow Queen.

Not even the breath of the fake Ice Queen from before.

and so……

"Can't I go back? Why? What is this place? You brought me here?"

"What the hell do you want to do?"

Fairy Leng Yue sternly said, there was a hint of anger in her eyes.

Fang Yi was speechless, for a while, he really didn't know how to explain to the other party, and he had no intention of explaining, so he could only say: "It has nothing to do with me, it's your own fault."

"And, you are not at a loss."

Not only is it not a loss, it is simply a big gain, not to mention anything else, the cultivation base alone has fully improved a large level.

If the inheritance of the Xuanbing island master is also counted, it is simply inestimable.

I just don't know, whether this inheritance falls on the other party's head, Fang Yi has no intention of asking.

And Fairy Leng Yue seemed to be in deep thought at the moment, trying to figure out what was going on.

Because she knew that most of what the other party said was the truth. With the strength of the other party, if she really had any evil intentions towards her, there was no need to do anything extra, and she would have done it long ago.

So... She wondered if she had forgotten something.

But at this time, Fang Yi had already cast a final glance at the cemetery, turned and left.

"Hey! Wait!!"

Looking at the endless void around and the cemetery, Fairy Leng Yue couldn't help but feel weak for a while, and hurriedly chased after her, not forgetting to say: "How did you get out of this ghostly place..."

The silent cemetery returned to normal again.

In the endless void, the two figures also slowly disappeared into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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