Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2296 Invitation

Chapter 2296 Invitation

Wood God Sect?


Fang Yi was not surprised. He had already guessed something similar to the 'Qingdimuhuangquan' from the other party.

It's a pity that the aura on the opponent's body is obviously wrong.

Strictly speaking, it was the 'Kurong Jue' that went wrong.

The Kurong Jue is the foundation of the Qingdi Muhuang Fist, the strength of the Qingdi Muhuang Fist depends on the Kurong Jue.

As for the Kurong Jue, the focus is on the balance between Kurong and Rongrong. Once it is out of balance, it will cause serious consequences.

Just like the skinny old man at this moment, the reason why he is as skinny as a stick, leaving only skin and bones, and looks like a ghost, is because the death energy in the Kurong Jue is too heavy.

Only then did such a result come about.

Fang Yi just glanced at it casually, and he already understood the reason.

"What do you want me to do?"

Anyway, he also came from the Wood God Sect. Fang Yi immediately asked indifferently, instead of looking at the monk's face and the Buddha's face.

As for Fairy Leng Yue, she also calmed down slightly at this moment, but she still seemed a little apprehensive, staring at the two of them and did not interrupt again.

"Excuse me for my offense, how did you get the Qing Emperor's inheritance?"

Seeing the question, Mu Chengyin settled down, and then asked again.

As if afraid of Fang Yi's misunderstanding, he quickly added: "Young Master, don't misunderstand, being old doesn't mean anything else. Emperor Qing is the founder of our Mu Shenzong, but in the end, his whereabouts are unknown."

"So... this old man wants to find out where the Qing Emperor went in the end!"

Mu Chengyin looked sincere.

Fang Yi glanced at him indifferently, but had no intention of answering.

But after thinking about it, if he didn't say anything, it would make people suspicious, and the Qingdimuhuangquan had already been recognized.

That being so...

"I'm afraid I will disappoint you. I don't know where the Qing Emperor went in the end."

"As for the Qingdimuhuangquan, I obtained it from other places, not Tianshan."

Maybe Fang Yi deliberately concealed it.

This Kurong Jue and Qingdimuhuangquan, without hundreds of years of practice, would definitely not be able to reach his current level. If he told the other party, he had just obtained it in the Abyss of Nine Deaths.

Then if the other party doubts, he simply...

Mu Chengyin seemed to have expected it a long time ago, without the slightest doubt, instead he took a deep look at Fang Yi and asked, "But the Ten Thousand Demon Realm?"

He stared at Fang Yi closely, as if he was extremely nervous about Fang Yi's answer.

And Fang Yi couldn't help being stunned, and asked subconsciously: "Do you know about the Ten Thousand Demon Realm?"

Hearing this, a gleam of light flashed across Mu Cheng's dark eyes.


Because Fang Yi's rhetorical question undoubtedly confirmed the conjecture in his heart.

I saw a horrifying smile on his face as old as bark, and said embarrassingly: "To be honest, I didn't know at first, but there is a person, maybe you know him."

"He also comes from the Ten Thousand Monster Realm, and is currently in the Wood God Sect."


Fang Yi's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "Who?"

Subconsciously, he blurted out.

"Yuan Qitian!"

Mu Chengyin said a name that did not surprise Fang Yi.

Yuan Qitian, the former Demon King of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, was invincible, but he disappeared hundreds of years ago.

It turned out that he really came to Tianshan, and he was in Mushenzong.

"I've heard of this person, but I haven't seen him. I didn't expect him to be in your Wood God Sect." Fang Yi nodded lightly, admitting that he came from the Ten Thousand Demon Realm.

His tone was also much milder.

Seeing this, a gleam of joy appeared in Mu Cheng's dark eyes.

Then he said again: "My lord is a hero. Yuan Qitian entered Tianshan hundreds of years ago. It's normal that you haven't seen him before."

"However, if Yuan Qitian learns that there is such an amazingly talented and brilliant young master from the Wan Yao Realm, he must be eager to see him. I don't know, young master..."

The meaning of Mu Cheng's dark words was already obvious, he wanted to invite Fang Yi to go to Mu Shenzong.

Even Yuan Qitian was carried out.

Fang Yi couldn't help smiling in surprise, if he had the chance, he might as well go and have a look, and...

"Fellow Daoist, you are welcome, I will go in the future."

Seeing what Fang Yi said, Mu Chengyin was obviously not reconciled, and said: "Young master, if there is anything, you can just order it. Although my Mu Shenzong has fallen, I still have some strength, so I can relieve my worries."

"Since you have obtained the Qing Emperor's inheritance, you can just treat my Mu Shenzong as my family."

"For such a big event, I hope you can visit the Wood God Sect in person."

Obviously, Fang Yi received the Qing Emperor's inheritance, which made him urgently want Fang Yi to go to the Wood God Sect.

As for what the purpose is, it is not known.

"you sure?"

Fang Yi smiled lightly, "Once I get out of the abyss of nine deaths, I will be pursued by countless powerful people. At that time, you, the Wood God Sect, I'm afraid..."

Fang Yi had a half-smile, and looked at Mu Chengyin amusedly.

When the latter heard this, his expression changed.

Perhaps because he was too urgent, he actually forgot about it, but then, his eyes widened again, and he said: "Young Master has already used the Qingdimuhuang Fist, I am afraid that the Wood God Sect will not be able to dodge it even if it wants to."

As soon as these words came out, it was Fang Yi's turn to be startled.

It didn't seem to make sense either, as he became the heir of the Qing Emperor, the Mu Shenzong would have some influence.

"That's all! Let's talk about everything after we go out!"

Fang Yi pondered for a moment.

Forget it, it happened that Emperor Qing had hidden some things in the Wood God Sect. Once he got it, he could almost break through to the God Transformation Realm.

That being the case, you might as well take a trip.

At the same time, see if the other person is trying to play some tricks.

"That's very good, thank you son for fulfilling it!" Seeing Fang Yi agreeing, Mu Chengyin was overjoyed.

Hastily said again: "Since this is the case, there is no need to delay, then let's go on the road!"

He looked extremely anxious, his eyes flickering.

Fang Yi glanced at him lightly, smiled in surprise, and said, "No hurry! I still have a friend nearby, so I must greet him first."

"Besides, you and I go together? Could it be that you really want to bring disaster to the Wood God Sect?"

Fang Yi smiled but wasn't smiling.

Even though he has obtained the Qing Emperor's inheritance, those extremely powerful people all know that he has nothing to do with the Wood God Sect.

But once the two of them are really together, it will be completely different.

Hearing the words, Mu Chengyin was also stunned, with a hint of fear flashing in his eyes, and quickly said: "Thank you for your kindness and reminder, young master, since that's the case, the old man will wait for young master outside."

"As long as there is anything necessary, the young master can tell you as much as you want, and there are many disciples of the Wood God Sect nearby."

"Good talk!"

Fang Yi nodded lightly, and then the two separated.

Looking at Mu Chengyin's disappearing figure, Fang Yi's mouth curled into an intriguing smile.

"This person must have no good intentions!"

At this time, Fairy Leng Yue suddenly said something.

"Oh? Why?" Fang Yi was quite surprised and asked subconsciously.

"It's very simple. As soon as he said that he would bring disaster to the Wood God Sect, he ran faster than a rabbit. How could he sincerely invite you to the Wood God Sect?"

Fairy Leng Yue said firmly.

"It seems that you are not stupid!" Fang Yi smiled lightly, and then drifted away.


(End of this chapter)

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