Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2297 Siege

Chapter 2297 Siege

"It's not good! The exit has been blocked by the Sea Clan. Apart from the Green Snake Demon Clan, there are other Sea Clans..."

In the Abyss of Nine Deaths, although there are nine entrances, there is only one exit.

And in the sea of ​​bitterness near the edge of the deep sea.

This is the territory of the Sea Clan, where all kinds of powerful bitter sea creatures are everywhere, and usually few people dare to approach them. This is another reason why warriors dare not step into the abyss of nine deaths.

Because it is easy to step in, but extremely difficult to get out.

If it was normal, there would be nothing, the only thing to be wary of was those bitter sea creatures.

It is impossible for the Sea Clan to stay around here all the time.

But this time, the movement of the Abyss of Nine Deaths was so loud that countless Sea Clans had blocked the exit, and anyone who came out of it would not be able to escape from their grasp.

Countless casualties!

In the Abyss of Nine Deaths, there was even more panic.

At the exit, a large number of warriors gathered, and no one dared to take a step out of the huge black vortex.

From the vortex, some torn limbs and fragments could be faintly seen, as well as a strong smell of blood.

"What should we do now? These damn sea people, damn it!"

"Grandma, why not fight out together!"

Someone in the crowd shouted.

But no one dared to take the first step, just kidding, a bad one is irreversible, so...

"I think it's better to forget it! In the worst case, we will continue to explore in this abyss of nine deaths. I don't believe that the Sea Clan can keep guarding."


Someone suggested it, and someone ordered it.

The Abyss of Nine Deaths is full of secrets and treasures, if not for their lack of strength, they really don't want to leave.

But if the outside world is equally dangerous, why not...

However, a sneer disrupted their calculations, "Think of beauty! If you miss these few days, the exit will be as unstable as the entrance."

"At that time, even a seventh-level fit fighter will be in great danger to pass through the period. As for you..., hmph!"

The implication could not be more obvious.

The faces of the crowd all changed drastically.

This time, the Abyss of Nine Deaths was full of disturbances, and more than half of the people came here to try their luck.

They don't have such a deep understanding of the danger of the Abyss of Nine Deaths, especially when they pass through the entrance safely, and the various things inside, they still have a faint feeling that it's nothing more than that.

But in fact, they are only on the periphery, and they don't know anything about the real danger of the Abyss of Nine Deaths.

And the entrance coincides with the stability these days, so...

"Not at all! Then we have to go out?"


The crowd is still noisy.

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning slightly, he didn't care about the sea clan.

However, the exposure of his identity must have spread to the outside world. These sea people are guarding the exit at this moment. Could it be that they are coming for themselves?

He had to defend.

Ordinary sea people are fine, if those super strong, then...

Although he defeated Ghost Axe, he relied more on the strangeness of the Qingdimuhuangquan and the domineering aura of the underworld dragon.

It doesn't mean that his strength is stronger than that of God Transformation Realm.

At the very least, he has not seen the spiritual world of the God Transformation Realm, and its power is still unknown.

Moreover, thinking of the Snow Queen's reminder, it is best not to use everything about the underworld dragon.

Otherwise, no one knows what kind of strong will be attracted.

"Hey! What is the Sea Clan? The Green Snake Demon?"

Fairy Leng Yue at the side, hearing the discussion of the crowd at this moment, is completely like listening to a book from heaven, knowing nothing about everything.

It's no wonder that anyone who encounters such a thing finds it difficult to adapt.

Fang Yi didn't bother to explain, it was a long story.

However, the other party's current situation is the same as his own. Once he loses his protection, I'm afraid...

That's all!Seeing that you are out of the spirit world, let me help you!

Fang Yi nodded secretly.

He couldn't help saying: "You will know when you get out, for the sake of safety, you should pretend it well!"

"What about you?" Fairy Leng Yue couldn't help asking.

"Me! No need!"

Fang Yi replied.

It's not that he was a big fan, but that it was really unnecessary. If such a big thing happened, his aura might not be able to hide those super powerhouses at all.

As for those ordinary warriors, why should they hide it?

On the contrary, it was Fairy Leng Yue, whose aura before belonged to the Ice Queen. Now that the Ice Queen left, her aura also changed drastically, not too outstanding.

Those who are super demanding may not notice it, and it will be safer to disguise it.

"Okay!" Fairy Leng Yue said simply, and in a short while, she changed her appearance again.

And the crowd is still hesitating, not knowing what to do.

Boom! ! !

At this time, the ground trembled violently, as if some huge monster was running towards this side.

The crowd was terrified, and when they looked back, they saw the giant demon flames approaching quickly, and every time they took a step, the ground trembled.

Not only that, besides him, there are actually many strong men on the demigod list.

Crimson Scale Demon Lord, Blood Pupil Demon Lord, Qi Tiancheng and so on.

Like an appointment.

"It's a strong man on the demigod list, we are saved."

The crowd shouted and their faces were overjoyed.

"Grandma, these damn sea people, let's go out and kill them all!"

The giant Moyan shouted loudly at this moment, looking at his majestic body, it seemed to be faintly injured, and then looking at his extremely angry appearance.

It seems that he broke through this exit before and was beaten back, so...

"Yes! Kill them!"

When the crowd heard the words, they also echoed one after another, each with a high fighting spirit.

The Tianshan Mountains and the Kuhai Sea are very different from each other, and the two are hostile to each other, and there are many wars of various kinds.

Especially for these martial artists who are mixed in the sea of ​​suffering.

At this moment, there are many strong men on the demigod list standing up, why don't they be eager to try.


Immediately, the giant Moyan took the lead, and his huge body, like a mountain peak, stepped straight into the black vortex.

As he stepped in, the entire black vortex seemed to be suppressed.

And the crowd also rushed forward.

Fang Yi couldn't help but nodded slightly, then glanced at Fairy Leng Yue, and said, "You follow them too!"

"Me? If they find me..."

Fairy Leng Yue obviously hesitated, her face turned slightly pale.

"Then you just follow me. If you are torn into pieces by the God Transformation Realm, don't blame me for not reminding you."

As Fang Yi spoke, he didn't bother to talk nonsense, and with a flash of his figure, he quickly sank into the black vortex.

Fairy Leng Yue froze when she heard the words, her pretty face turned pale.

Then they settled down, and finally joined the crowd.

Boom! ! !

Within the vortex, bursts of muffled thunder came, and countless attacks fell like raindrops. The surrounding area was densely packed, and countless green snake demons had already surrounded the entire exit.

"Despicable humans, today is your day of death."


(End of this chapter)

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