Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2298

Chapter 2298

Among the countless green snake monsters, the ones facing them are especially huge, and the Snake King Belly is one of them.

At this moment, they all turned into human appearances, but they dragged a huge snake tail.

It seems extremely terrifying.

The breath is also extremely tyrannical, not weaker than those human cultivators on the list of demigods, especially their huge bodies, and they occupy an absolute advantage in this sea of ​​suffering.

If you really fight, I'm afraid it will be even worse.

"Damn little reptiles, just rely on you trash to die!"

Those who dare to call these huge green snake demons as little reptiles, I am afraid that there is no one other than the giant Moyan.

I saw him stepping out, the vortex trembled, and the terrifying power burst out from between his palms, enveloping the monstrous power, and directly rolled towards the green snake monsters.


At the same time, the blood-eyed Demon Lord and others also rushed out together.

Countless attacks collided with those green snake monsters, causing the whole world to tremble violently, as if it was about to collapse completely.

Although there are many green snake monsters, fortunately there are also many human warriors.

All of a sudden, a great war began to sweep across the world.

Fairy Leng Yue, who came afterward, couldn't help but a look of shock flashed in her beautiful eyes when she saw this scene.

Especially feeling the sea of ​​suffering around her, the pressure brought to her, and the restriction on the energy in her body, suddenly made her expression change drastically.

Fortunately, she seemed to realize that she was not special, so she calmed down a little.

It's just that the gazes towards those green snake monsters are still full of fear.

Subconsciously, she couldn't help searching the crowd, looking for Fang Yi's whereabouts.

Although she didn't like Fang Yi at all, but at this moment, the other party seemed to be the only person she could trust.

At least the other party will not want her life.

And both of them are from the spirit world.

Like her, those leaders of the Green Snake Demon seemed to be looking for something.

Finally, the figure with white hair and blue robe appeared in their sight.

"It's him! Take him down!"

The sword-belly snake king's eyes turned cold, and he pointed at Fang Yi, and several leaders of the big green snake demon rushed over.

None of these leaders of the Green Snake Demon is weaker than the strong ones on the half-length list. Coupled with the special factor of the bitter sea, the real combat power is even more astonishing.

But at this moment, there were four people who rushed up together.

It was obvious that he wanted to take Fang Yi down completely.

with a clear purpose!

"Sure enough!" Fang Yi couldn't help but secretly said in his heart, these sea people really came after him.

That being the case, then, he doesn't need to be polite.

Immediately, his eyes turned cold, and two rays of light shot out, revealing his killing intent.

boom! !

Immediately, he punched directly, and the endless destructive aura of Qingdimuhuangquan erupted instantly. The countless bitter sea creatures around were affected by this energy, and instantly withered and lost their vitality.

Wherever he passed, the surrounding world completely turned into a gray world.

The huge green snake demon was no exception.

Only a pair of shriveled bones remained.

not good!

The leaders of the four big green snake monsters, who had come rushing to shoot, saw this, and their expression changed drastically.

The first person bears the brunt of the attack, but it's too late to avoid it, so he can only go forward with all his strength, and the huge snake tail is like the whip of the god of death, sweeping away directly.

But it's a pity that the body was originally so hard that even magic weapons could hardly hurt it.

The moment he touched that punch, he seemed to be swallowed by some kind of giant beast, withered and corroded every inch.

There was no flesh and blood, revealing the white bones inside.

And, instantly spread to the whole body.

what! !

A startled and shrill howl followed, heart-piercing.

But it's a pity that in just an instant, its huge body has already turned into a pair of dry bones, and in the end its painful and distorted expression is completely frozen.


There was a sound of gasping for air from all around.

A dignified leader of the Green Snake Demon, comparable to a strong man on the list of human demigods, didn't even receive a single punch.

No bones left.

With such an ending, who can believe it.

Especially those green snake monsters, their eyes changed drastically, and the eyes they looked at Fang Yi also became terrified.

Human fighters are better, because they have seen the dominance of this punch before, and even the ghost ax almost killed them on the spot, not to mention these green snake demons.

Involuntarily, their expressions were also excited.

If before, they still had some ideas about Fang Yi, then after the ghost ax incident.

That delusion has long since disappeared.

Because the gap between the two is too big, they will not be so stupid as to seek death.

Seeing Fang Yi killing all directions at this moment, the blood in his body also evaporated. After all, at this moment, they were standing on the same front.

"Kill these beasts and rush out!"

The morale of the crowd was boosted.

With Fang Yi's punch, he couldn't help killing the leader of the Green Snake Demon, and also defeated the confidence of the Green Snake Demon Clan.

Let the morale of the green snake demons drop, and they are no longer as fierce as before.

On the contrary, human fighters become more courageous as they fight.

The result can be imagined.


Fang Yi, on the other hand, completely ignored the group of green snake monsters, and the place he passed was gloomy.

In the end, those green snake demons were already terrified at hearing the news, and they fled in fright before he approached.

The huge encirclement is also like a joke, like a plate of loose sand.

The crowd was overjoyed, and the way they looked at Fang Yi became a little different. Apart from fear, there seemed to be some respect.

A tribute to the strong.

"Stupid human beings, you should die!"

However, just as the crowd was excited, a roar came from the endless abyss.

The sea of ​​bitterness around him boiled.

The group of green snake monsters also seemed to be waiting for a savior, and they all looked in awe, facing the endless abyss.

"Not good! It's the Green Flood Dragon King! Everyone run away!"

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

King Qingjiao, the king of the Cyan Snake Monster Clan, his strength is comparable to that of a human being in the God Transformation Realm, and is far from being comparable to the ordinary God Transformation Realm.

The realm of transforming gods is divided into three levels, namely: human soul, earth soul, and heavenly soul.

But Gui Fuzi and others are all newcomers to the human soul realm.

It is also the most common and weakest group in the God Transformation Realm.

Even if Yan Kaishan of the soul clan is amazingly powerful, but the secret method of the soul is powerful, surpassing the general human soul state.

But compared with this Qing Jiao King, it is still not worth mentioning.

Because this Qing Jiao King is said to have reached the peak of the human soul, relying on the tyrannical soul and body, even the true ancestor of the four seas who gathers starfish can't do anything about it.

You know, the true ancestor of the four seas has stepped into the earth soul state.

If not, he would not be able to rule Gathering Starfish in this chaotic place.

Hearing about the Qing Jiao King, the crowd suddenly fell into a panic. They have been wandering around here for a long time. How could they be unfamiliar with the Qing Jiao King.

Immediately, countless people fled in a panic, scrambling for successors, as if they all hated their parents for losing two legs.

And at this moment, the huge boiling waves also became more turbulent.

From the endless abyss, a colossal monster also crushed it.

(End of this chapter)

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