Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2299 Battle of Souls

Chapter 2299 Battle of Souls

The whole body of the huge monster was glowing with blue light, and the pieces of blue scales were the size of a tabletop, exuding a cold and stern aura.

Countless scales, densely packed, form a huge body, like a mountain.

Before they got close, the powerful aura overwhelmed the crowd.

There is an inexplicable sense of suffocation.

A huge green dragon head protruded from the abyss, soundlessly, like a demon wandering in hell.

There was a frightening light in those cold eyes.

Let him stare at it, as if falling into an abyss, his whole body is icy cold.

"King Qing Jiao!"

The crowd was shocked, and their faces instantly turned pale.

Even the powerhouses on the list of demigods, such as the Red Scale Demon King and the Giant Moyan, are no exception.

Although they are high on the list of demigods, that is only relative to the Composite Realm.

In front of the God Transformation Realm, he is still small.

After all, not everyone has the strength to ignore realms like Fang Yi and Di Jianyi, what's more, what they are facing at this moment is the overlord of this sea area, King Qingjiao!

The only thing that made them feel lucky was that King Qing Jiao didn't even look at them.

His cold eyes kept staring at Fang Yi.

"Human, you are very good! In this sea of ​​suffering, it is amazing that you have such strength."

"But unfortunately, you met this king."

King Qingjiao was not in a hurry to make a move, but had a playful expression on his face, like a high-ranking king, looking down on Fang Yi with a scrutinizing gaze.

There was silence all around, and the crowd couldn't help but look at Fang Yi.

There was a hint of pity in his eyes.

Obviously, from their point of view, Fang Yi's end was already foreseeable.

No wonder, being targeted by the Qing Jiao King, the fate is obvious.

In fact, Fang Yi was a little startled by the tyrannical aura emanating from the Qing Jiao King's whole body.

And that powerful blood energy all indicated that the green flood dragon in front of him was the most powerful creature he had ever encountered in his life.

Whether it is the body or the soul, it is extremely amazing.

Immediately, his pupils shrank slightly, and two rays of light shot out.

Clenching five fingers, the huge fist has already been pushed out.

Boom! !

The surrounding sea of ​​bitterness churned, the heaven and earth trembled, and endless destructive power poured away in an instant.

Since he wanted to fight, there was no need for him to talk nonsense, and it was better to strike first.

The crowd didn't seem to expect that Fang Yi would strike first without saying a word, and his expression changed drastically, as if he was facing a big enemy, guarding against those green snake monsters.

The Qing Jiao King was also startled, but immediately, a hint of anger appeared in his eyes.

"Ignorant human beings dare to be presumptuous in front of this king. This king will let you know what despair is!"

Saying that, Qing Jiao King's bright moon-like pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly.

The tyrannical air swept out of his body in an instant, like a storm, and instantly stirred up the sea of ​​bitterness around him into a huge vortex, tearing towards Fang Yi.

Wherever it passed, countless warriors were involved and turned into pieces.

The broken limbs and broken bodies are all over the sky, which is extremely tragic.

Even Fang Yi's incomparably domineering punch was torn apart by the vortex.

The aura of destruction overflowed, turning the whole world into an endless hell.

Filled with the breath of death.

So strong!

Fang Yi couldn't help but secretly startled, and the crowd ran around in fright. With the two as the center, no one dared to approach them in the surrounding area.

The same is true for human beings, and the same is true for the Green Snake Monster Clan.

"Human, is this your ability? If so, then you will definitely die."

King Qing Jiao sneered, his cold eyes were full of greed.

Fairy Leng Yue, who had mixed into the crowd, was a little worried when she saw this.

It wasn't that she had a crush on Fang Yi, but just because the two of them came out of the spirit world together, and the other was the only person she knew, so...

As for the rest of the crowd, their expressions were different.

"Death? It's up to you! It's still far away!"

Fang Yi couldn't help snorting coldly at this moment, and when he finished speaking, his majestic figure also attacked again.

Moan! !

Between the heaven and the earth, there seemed to be thousands of dragons roaring, and Fang Yi's aura also rose steadily. In an instant, he seemed to have turned into a giant of heaven and earth.

With monstrous power, sweep the Quartet.

Compared with the oncoming Qing Jiao King, his aura was not weak at all.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Immediately, the two extremely powerful men exchanged blows instantly, and the world trembled violently, cracking inch by inch.

With the two of them at the center, the surroundings were completely turned into nothingness, and roaring energy overflowed, all exuding the aura of destroying heaven and earth.

too strong! !

At this moment, the crowd was almost sluggish, and no one thought that Fang Yi would be able to compete with King Qingjiao.

And looking at the aura of the two, there is even a faint feeling that they are evenly matched.

Even if King Qingjiao is slightly better, it is still very limited.

Just kidding, although the Qingjiao King is strong, Fang Yi is not weak, especially his physical body, which has been re-condensed through the three temples, even the Qingjiao King's body may not be as good.

If it weren't for the limitation of energy, Fang Yi could even suppress it.

Of course, this is only the physical body, as for the others...

At this moment, King Qingjiao is also getting more and more frightened as he fights, his huge pupils are full of inconceivable.

He never thought that there is actually a human body that can compete with him, and his cultivation is far inferior to his, but his physical body is still better than him.

How dare he believe it, how can he accept it.

"Human, damn you!"

"Even this king has to admit that you are amazing, but it's a pity, after all, you only have a seventh-fold fit, so die!"

King Qingjiao couldn't attack for a long time, and seemed to have lost his patience.

From its huge head, a magical energy swept out, like a storm, and Fang Yi was about to be involved in it in an instant.

Spirit world!

Fang Yi's eyes sank, revealing a bright light.

finally come!

As for physical strength, he really wasn't afraid of the Cyan Flood King, but the power of the soul and the spiritual world made him a little afraid.

All the things he experienced in the Abyss of Nine Deaths filled him with awe of the spiritual world.

At this moment, he even thought about leaving.

With his strength, if he really wanted to leave, even King Qing Jiao would be hard to stop him.

However, he has not yet entered the spiritual world of other warriors, and his heart is also faintly ready to move.

do not care!Sooner or later this day will come!

Immediately, Fang Yi's eyes widened, and he had already made up his mind. With the three temples in his body, he was full of strong confidence in facing any strong man.

What's more, in his opinion, the Qing Jiao King is not strong enough to make him retreat.

"Naughty animal! What about the spiritual world, I will crush you just like you!"

Fang Yi roared, and let the storm hit.

The next moment, a huge suction force tore at his soul, as if to drag him into an endless abyss.

And he, instead of retreating, advanced, facing the suction force and submerged into it.

At the same time, the figures of the two disappeared into the sky and the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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