Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2300 The Holy Beast Qinglong

Chapter 2300 The Holy Beast Qinglong

"Gone? They entered the spiritual world?"

"Kill it out!"

The crowd was in a trance, so naturally they would not miss such an excellent opportunity.

Immediately, countless powerhouses flocked to the Green Snake Demon, as if they were afraid of the reappearance of the Green Serpent King. These people seemed to be desperate.

Just kidding, if King Qing Jiao reappears, then the only thing waiting for them is death.

How they don't fight hard.

As for Fang Yi's life and death, no one cares at the moment.

If it is true, then only Fairy Leng Yue has a pretty face pale, but under such circumstances, it is already good for her to be able to protect herself, let alone other things.

As for the spiritual world, she has never even heard of it.

They had no choice but to follow the crowd and fight out together.

From time to time, he turned his head and looked at the direction where Fang Yi disappeared, with worry in his eyes.


This is a misty space, like a sea of ​​clouds.

Standing in the sea of ​​clouds, Fang Yi could not help frowning slightly as he looked at the vast expanse of surroundings.

"This is the spiritual world of King Qingjiao?"

He was surprised.

There seems to be nothing special, and there seems to be no big difference from the outside world.

However, just as he was thinking this way, a huge coercion swept over from the vast sea of ​​clouds, like a dark cloud overwhelming the top, making it suffocating.

The coercion is getting bigger and bigger, more and more vast, like giant peaks.

If this were an ordinary person, I'm afraid they would be crushed into slag in an instant.

But Fang Yi is obviously not comparable to ordinary people.

When he stepped on the ground, the three-color light from the three-color celestial baby came out through the body, like an invisible barrier, isolating that coercion.

"Small skills! What kind of spiritual world, it turned out to be nothing more than mediocrity!"

Fang Yi shouted loudly, and the three-color light burst out, piercing the sky.

There is a tendency to completely disintegrate that coercion.


At this time, there was a faint sound of dragon chant between heaven and earth, revealing boundless anger.

From the sea of ​​clouds, a cyan dragon claw directly protruded out, and the surrounding space exploded, as if none of them could bear the terrifying power of this claw.

The huge sky was almost completely covered by this cyan dragon claw.

This is?

How could it be a dragon claw?It is obviously the King of Qingjiao.

A look of surprise flashed in Fang Yi's eyes, and at the same time, the three-color rays of light converged and turned into a huge three-color handprint.

He faced the cyan dragon claw head-on.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and Fang Yi felt his heart agitated, and his sea of ​​consciousness trembled, as if it was about to burst.

The figure can't help but fly away, like a boring shell.

so strong?

His eyes were also condensed, and there was a flash of shock.

At the same time, it swept towards the source of the cyan dragon claws. Here, there suddenly hovered a huge cyan dragon, which was one of the four holy beasts, the Qinglong.

Qinglong's huge body and those eyes that ignore the common people make him the supreme ruler of this world.

But in the depths of those eyes, there was also a hint of shock.

It seems that he did not expect that Fang Yi was safe and sound after bearing his own claws, but was just blown away.

"Green Flood King? You are nothing more than a green snake demon, how could you be a green dragon? Impossible!"

Fang Yi's pupils shrank sharply, and a flash of horror flashed across his face.

In contrast, although the claw just now was domineering, the other party turned into a holy beast, Qinglong, which was really beyond his expectation.

You know, this is not comparable to Feng Yiyi's Xuanwu.

Xuanwu has not yet grown up, and it will not grow up at all in less than a few hundred thousand years, or even a few million years.

Moreover, the Four Holy Beasts are unique.

It is useless to really grow up. Strictly speaking, it is not considered the Four Holy Beasts at all.

But the green dragon in front of him is different. Seeing his huge body, almost occupying the entire sky, he has undoubtedly grown up, so...

Hearing Fang Yi's question, Qinglong was obviously taken aback.

Immediately there was a hint of contempt faintly.

"Ignorant human beings, today is your day of death, why don't you give me your life!"

The majestic voice sounded again.

As soon as the words fell, the huge green dragon's tail swept over, leveling the world. Compared with the previous claw, it was unexpectedly much stronger.

not good!

Fang Yi's complexion also changed drastically, and his whole body was a little confused, and he hadn't figured out what was going on.

Obviously the previous opponent was the Qing Jiao King, why suddenly turned into a Qinglong.

Could it be that the green dragon in front of him was transformed by King Qing Jiao?

Thinking of this possibility, his eyes suddenly lit up, but at this moment, the huge green dragon's tail swept over, and in a hurry, he was blown away again.

His face also turned pale.

It is really too domineering at the tail of the green dragon, like a prehistoric mighty force.

"Humans, I never thought that you are not only physically strong, but your soul is also so tough. Unfortunately, in front of this saint, you can only die."

Qinglong uttered words with incomparable majesty.

And Fang Yi finally realized something at this moment, and said with a sneer: "A mere snake demon dares to compare himself to Qinglong, it's ridiculous."

"I see that you can only entertain yourself in your own spiritual world."


These words undoubtedly hit Qing Jiao King's pain and made him furious.

The breath of the entire green dragon's huge body was also transpiring, as if it was about to destroy the world.

The sky collapsed inch by inch, which was extremely shocking.

This spiritual space was originally his spiritual world, and his happiness and anger are all in his mind, and the only thing Fang Yi, an outsider, can do is to stabilize himself and not be swallowed by the other party.

Of course, it would be great if they could defeat the opponent.


Just based on the aura emitted by the green dragon at this moment, Fang Yi has already denied this possibility.

The green dragon was transformed by the soul of the Qing Jiao King, and if he wanted to defeat him, he had to possess powerful soul power.

As for Fang Yi's soul power, it seems that at present, it is obviously much worse.

Unless... Dark Dragon!

However, the Snow Queen's warning is still in his ears. If it is not a last resort, he naturally does not want to use it, so...

Moan! !

Qinglong roared up to the sky, under his majestic attack, Fang Yi could only choose to dodge, fled around, looking for opportunities to take advantage of.

However, the spiritual world is similar to the inner world.

Once in, it is very difficult to leave.

"Ignorant human beings, no matter how much you can avoid it, you will eventually die."

Qinglong roared, and there were bursts of muffled thunder all around, as if the sky and the earth were pressed down inch by inch.

yes!The world is shrinking, rolling towards Fang Yi, like a huge cage, trapping Fang Yi in the period, and it is impossible to escape.


Fang Yi couldn't help cursing angrily, looking at the ruthless light in Qinglong's eyes.

He knew that he had no choice.

"Naughty animal, since you insist on courting death, then I will fulfill you."

Immediately, Fang Yi's eyes lit up, and there was a faint sound of a dragon chant from around him. The dragon chant seemed to be in hell, which made people tremble all over.


(End of this chapter)

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