Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2301

Chapter 2301

Along with the dragon chant, an endless energy of destruction burst out from Fang Yi's body.

That Qinglong was still full of disdain.

But immediately, the light in his eyes changed drastically, as if he had been frightened, his huge body was trembling faintly, appearing extremely fearful.

"how is this possible!"

Qing Jiao King's trembling voice also sounded.

Because before that aura of destruction, he actually felt an extremely small feeling.

In his opinion, although the aura is still a little weak, it is extremely pure, like the most noble existence in this world, supreme.

A kind of coercion from the depths of the soul, the source, made him almost breathless.

"No! Impossible! You are only human, how could..."

His expression changed drastically, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

But the next moment, within the three-color heavenly infant, the light of the spiritual seed suddenly flourished.

The dragon shadow entangled in the surroundings also instantly condensed with the destructive energy, turning into a huge dragon with teeth and claws.

The whole body of the divine dragon was like ink, exuding endless aura of destruction and death.

Incomparably majestic.

Like the ruler of heaven and earth above all living beings.

However, it is a little different from the real dragon, the surface is covered with a faint three-color light.

It makes it look more miraculous and less terrifying.

Of course, Fang Yi did this on purpose. In order to conceal the shape of the dragon, he had to cover it up a little.

But even so, with the agglomeration of the divine dragon, the originally huge green dragon trembled violently, trembling all over.

The cold eyes were filled with fear.

It seemed to feel something, something that made him extremely frightened.

It's no wonder that although Fang Yi covered up the shape of the dragon, he didn't cover up the breath of the dragon.

As far as Wanshou is concerned, the three true dragons are the most supreme existences.

The breath of the underworld dragon is incomparable and innate in suppressing the souls of all beasts, and no beast can compete.

Unless the power of his own soul far exceeds Fang Yi.

But in fact, although the Qingjiao King's soul power is strong, Fang Yi is not weak.

Especially after condensing the spiritual seeds.

He is only one step away from the God Transformation Realm, and the Qing Jiao King alone cannot form an absolute suppression on him.

As soon as the dark dragon appeared, let alone talk about it.

"Naughty animal! Don't let me die!"

Fang Yi yelled angrily, and the three-color dragon also roared up to the sky, and the endless destructive energy hit like a big wave in an instant.

Boom! !

Suddenly, the surrounding space trembled.

The huge green dragon seemed to be too frightened to move, allowing the destructive aura to strike.

Under the impact of the destructive energy, the huge green dragon's body unexpectedly shattered inch by inch, dissipating invisible like smoke.

Instead, there was a huge blue dragon king.

Finally, the Green Flood King revealed his body.

It's just that its eyes are full of fear at the moment, and its expression is like a frightened quail, not daring to move.

His whole body was shaking violently.

"So useless?"

A flash of astonishment flashed in Fang Yi's eyes, he was still majestic just now, how come...

Although the destructive aura of the underworld dragon is domineering, it shouldn't be like this, right?

Fang Yi couldn't help being a little puzzled.

However, he didn't know what the three true dragons meant to the beasts. Although the Qing Jiao King was mighty, the coercion from the depths of his soul made it unable to resist at all.

What's more, Fang Yi's condensed dragon breath is not just a little bit.

"No! Don't kill me!"

Finally, it couldn't help but begged for mercy.

Trembling all over, the eyes looking at Fang Yi were full of fear and despair.


Fang Yi couldn't help being startled, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and this was the end?The other party begged for mercy?

This was obviously unexpected for him.

I thought there was still a fierce battle, but I didn't want to...

But, let the other party go?How is it possible, Minglong has already appeared, looking at the other party's state at the moment, making him more convinced of the Snow Queen's words.

The matter of the underworld dragon must not be known to anyone, so...

He stepped forward step by step, with a little cold light in his eyes.

"No! Don't! I can help you, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas is still waiting for you to show up outside, then..."

King Qingjiao looked terrified and said hastily.

It seemed to be under the pressure of the dark dragon's breath, unable to move at all, as if it was imprisoned.

"What did you say? True Ancestor of the Four Seas?"

Hearing this, Fang Yi paused, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas is the ruler of the Juhaixing area, and his strength is evident in being able to rule Juhaixing in such a place where dragons and snakes are mixed.


"You said that the True Ancestor of the Four Seas is outside? Is there any evidence?"

"Could it be that you want me to let you go, and deliberately deceive me!"

Fang Yi scolded, his eyes became a little cautious.

Although he has never met the True Monarch of the Four Seas, being able to rule Juhaixing here makes him dare not be careless, because he must be a supreme figure.

"Yes! Of course there is!"

Seeing and asking, King Qingjiao said quickly as if he had grasped at straws.

"The True Ancestor of the Four Seas is astonishingly powerful, and he is still above this king. Everything that happens in this sea area is within his eyes and ears."

"Your appearance, as well as the Kunlun Eighth Realm, he must have been clear about it, so how could he not pay attention."

King Qingjiao spoke quickly, but the evidence it said was all its speculation.

"that's it?"

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning slightly, and asked, "If he's really there, why didn't he make a move?"

Fang Yi didn't believe it.

Several great masters of the God Transformation Realm appeared one after another, all coming towards him, and it would not be unacceptable to have one more Universal True Ancestor.

It's just that he has some doubts about the other party's purpose.

"It's very simple! He likes to make a last-minute shot the most, and one hit will determine everything."

"If this king's prediction is correct, he must be waiting for you to lose, and finally take you away from this king with thunderous means."

"This is also the reason why the king didn't make a move at the beginning."

"But your strength is too strong, and the Green Snake Demon Clan suffered heavy losses, so..."

King Qingjiao continued to speak, and looked at Fang Yi with some apprehension.

Hearing this, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but move, subconsciously, he believed the speculation of King Qingjiao.

It is said that the one who knows a person best is that person's opponent. King Qingjiao and True Ancestor of the Four Seas are both the kings of this area, and they are very familiar with each other.

The true ancestor of the four seas is very likely to be as he said.

What's more, several nearby god-transformation powerhouses have come. As the ruler of Gathering Sea Stars, there seems to be no reason why the True Monarch of the Four Seas should not come.

The so-called near water towers first get the moon, this is his territory.

"It's not impossible to save your life, but how do you want me to trust you?"

Immediately, Fang Yi's eyes darkened slightly, and he looked at the Qingjiao King.

(End of this chapter)

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