Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2302 Countermeasures

Chapter 2302 Countermeasures


King Qingjiao heard the words, as if he had grasped at straws, but then he opened his mouth wide, but he didn't know what to say.

In the world of warriors, any promise is empty talk.

No one is so stupid as to let the other party go with just one sentence, so...

"You...what do you want?"

Immediately, he looked at Fang Yi with some apprehension, and asked.

"Simple, two ways, either die or surrender." Fang Yi didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly set out the conditions.

Hearing this, Qing Jiao King's face turned pale immediately, and there was even a hint of anger and unwillingness in his eyes.

He did not forget to say angrily, "You want me to submit to you? Just rely on your seventh level of fitness?"

As a powerhouse at the peak of the first level of the God Transformation Realm.

Asking him to submit to a body-fitting martial artist, although Qing Jiao King is afraid of death, but the dignity of being a strong man still makes him feel a great humiliation.

"What? Are you wronged?"

"Then you choose to die?"

Fang Yi didn't talk nonsense, his eyes turned cold, and the breath of the dark dragon suppressed him again.

As majestic as a prison, like a real dragon emperor.

Of course, this is only on the surface. In fact, he also feels a little guilty in his heart. He is not very clear about how much the underworld dragon's breath is suppressing the Qingjiao King.

One is not good, he is really afraid that the other party will jump over the wall in a hurry.

In that case, he may not be the opponent of the opponent.

Therefore, while suppressing, he couldn't help saying: "My cultivation may not be very good, but it is enough to suppress you."

"I have already condensed the spiritual seeds, and it is only a moment to step into the realm of transformation."

"At that time, even if you want to submit to me, I may not be willing to accept it."

These overbearing words undoubtedly shook the Qing Jiao King's heart a little.

He knows exactly how strong Fang Yi is. Once he steps out of the God Transformation Realm, he will definitely soar into the sky.

If you really surrender to such a person, it is not ashamed.


"And, don't you want to transform into a green dragon? Maybe I can help you."

Fang Yi's voice sounded again, showing both grace and power.

Hearing this, King Qingjiao suddenly felt like being electrocuted, his expression trembled, he looked at Fang Yi in horror, and said anxiously: "Really?"

If other people said this, Qing Jiao King would definitely scoff.

However, Fang Yi's aura of the supreme beast, although he is not sure what it is.

But what the other party said made me hold great hope, maybe...

"What do you say?"

Fang Yi did not give him an affirmative answer, but asked back.

In fact, this is just a bait, he has no idea how to transform into a green dragon.

It's just attacking its weakness.

"Okay! This king is willing to surrender!"

Finally, King Qing Jiao seemed to have made up his mind. In fact, he had no choice but to be suppressed.

He just lacked a reason to convince himself.

It is undoubtedly the best reason to convince myself to rest assured of my self-esteem, and to become a green dragon.

"very good!"

A smile appeared in Fang Yi's eyes.

Immediately, he didn't talk nonsense, and directly absorbed a trace of the soul of the Qingjiao King, and the life and death of the Qingjiao King was in his mind.

"Young master, please remove that breath."

After everything was over, King Qing Jiao finally couldn't help but speak.

Looking at his expression, it seemed that he was still full of fear of that breath, and he didn't dare to move.

Fang Yi smiled in astonishment, he did not expect that the aura of the underworld dragon would suppress the Qing Jiao King so much, and then with a thought, all that aura returned to his body.

Since then, King Qingjiao felt relieved.

Standing beside Fang Yi with a respectful and cautious look.

"I ask you, what is the strength of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas?" Fang Yi asked directly without talking nonsense.

This is undoubtedly the biggest problem right now.

"Master Hui, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas is a strong man in the Earth Soul Realm, better than this king... little demon..."

"There's no need to change your mouth."

Seeing the other party hesitating, Fang Yi said casually.

Hearing this, King Qingjiao is undoubtedly overjoyed, he is also a strong man in the God Transformation Realm, and he can't wait to surrender to Fang Yi, if...

Fortunately, the other party was reasonable, and he couldn't help but feel a touch of gratitude in his eyes, and continued:

"The True Ancestor of the Four Seas is extremely powerful, slightly better than this king, but in terms of physical body, this king relies on his body, so he is not afraid of him."

"It's quite rare for a human warrior to have such a powerful physical body."

As King Qingjiao said, he seemed to suddenly think of Fang Yi, that flesh body is the real terror.

Dang even did not forget to say: "Of course, no matter how strong he is, he cannot be compared with the young master. Under the same rank, the young master is enough to crush him."

Same level?

Fang Yi couldn't help grinning, "What about now?" He asked.


Seeing the question, King Qingjiao paused slightly, and then said: "It should be between brothers."

Between siblings?

Fang Yi's expression could not help but become a little dignified. His physical body was re-condensed through the three major temples. This true ancestor of the four seas actually has such a powerful physical body?

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the overlord who can rule one side in this kind of dragon and snake land.

Of course, it is not possible to judge accurately based on the words of King Qingjiao, and the true ancestors of the four seas did not say anything.

At least King Qingjiao has not fully seen how strong Fang Yi's physical body is.

"The physical body is the next best thing. The young master and this king are not afraid of him in the physical body. When it comes to the spiritual world, he is a strong man in the soul state. The spiritual world is extremely vast. I am afraid..."

King Qingjiao continued, with a hint of fear in his brows.


Fang Yi nodded subconsciously, not surprisingly, when a warrior reaches this level, every step he takes is heavenly.

The God Transformation Realm is divided into three souls, and the true ancestor of the four seas can reach the second soul, which shows its strength.

"What about the power of our two souls? But his opponent?"

Immediately, he couldn't help asking.


Qing Jiao King obviously hesitated, but he still shook his head and said, "I'm afraid not!"


Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help turning his head to look at him, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

"To be honest, although the power of the young master's soul is far beyond the body-fitting state, it has not yet opened up the spiritual world, and it cannot be compared with the transforming god state at all."

"Although the son can suppress this king, it is because of the aura of the supreme beast."

"But this breath, I'm afraid for humans..."

Speaking of this, King Qingjiao didn't say any more, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

That is to say, Fang Yi is still a lot worse than the God Transformation Realm, let alone the True Ancestor of the Four Seas.

Fang Yi couldn't help laughing at himself.

It seems that this time it is far away. The first time I entered was the spiritual world of King Qingjiao. If it belonged to other warriors, I am afraid it would not be so easy to get rid of.

Of course, there are three major temples, so he is not afraid.

"Then, what countermeasures do you have?"

After a pause, Fang Yi couldn't help asking, the so-called knowing yourself, knowing the enemy, and winning every battle, the one who knows the true ancestor of the world best is undoubtedly the King Qingjiao, so...

 On the first day of the new year, I wish you all a happy new year!



(End of this chapter)

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