Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2303 Calculation

Chapter 2303 Calculation

"Hmph! This Green Flood Dragon King is getting worse and worse. After so long, he still hasn't dealt with that kid."

Outside, the war is still going on.

The encirclement circle of the Green Snake Demon Clan almost collapsed, and the human fighters became more and more brave as they fought, but again, the damage was not small, and the scene was already a sea of ​​blood and corpses.

And in an unknown space, there are two figures watching all this indifferently.

The one who spoke was a middle-aged man with a deep breath.

He has a tall body and a resolute face, giving people a great sense of oppression and majesty, like an iron-blooded general galloping on the battlefield.

His whole body was filled with killing intent, which was extremely frightening.

It is the legendary True Ancestor of the Four Seas.

And beside him, there was another figure, that was an old man in gray, whose cultivation had also reached the peak of the seventh level of fusion.

Not even weaker than those powerhouses on the demigod list.

It's just that standing next to the true ancestor of the four seas, it seems a little insignificant.

"Master Four Seas, is it possible that King Qingjiao knows that you are in the dark, so you can't come out?"

The gray-robed old man tentatively said with suspicion in his eyes.


True Ancestor of the Four Seas denied it, "He knew it was inevitable, but he couldn't hide it. With the power of his soul, the spiritual world can't last long."

"So, he is most likely to attack by force, take down that kid in one fell swoop, and then stay entangled with me."


As he said that, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas couldn't help showing a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

Based on his understanding of King Qingjiao, this is probably the case.

But in fact, the other party has not yet appeared.

"Could that kid be so amazing? Not only can his body compete with the Qing Jiao King, but his soul can also compete? But he is not a powerhouse at the Transformation God Realm, and he hasn't opened up the spiritual world yet. How could he..."

The gray-clothed patriarch seemed to have thought of a certain possibility, his face full of shock.

Two bright rays of light also shot out from the eyes of True Ancestor of the Four Seas.

Immediately, he said slowly: "Nothing is impossible, it must be extraordinary for that kid to break through Tianchi and suppress a group of strong men on the list of demigods."

"Being able to compete with the Qing Jiao King is not too unacceptable."

"And, isn't there a precedent! Yan Kaishan was defeated, right?"

At this time, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas said quite meaningfully.

Hearing this, the grey-clothed old man's complexion couldn't help changing, he nodded subconsciously, and said, "That's right! Yan Kaishan was indeed defeated, and half of his body was cut off by the Emperor Sword one by one."

"Although my life is saved, it may be difficult to recover in a short time."

The gray-clothed patriarch was full of amazement.

Obviously, he seemed a little hard to accept this matter.

After all, Yan Kaishan is not an ordinary God Transformation Realm, but the result is...

"What an art of cutting the sky and drawing swords! The Emperor's family is really extraordinary." The True Ancestor of the Four Seas couldn't help but admire, with a sharp light in his eyes.

"But it's good, at least he didn't manage to kill Yan Kaishan this time."

"That means that although the Sky Slashing Swordsmanship is amazing, it has its limits, and it's not as heaven-defying as it is in the legend."

Immediately, he added another sentence.

Powerful sword moves are not scary, what is scary is the unknown.

Although Yan Kaishan lost this battle, he finally let others see where the limit of Emperor Jianyi is, so...

"Master Sihai thinks that kid has the strength to compete with Emperor Jianyi?"

The gray-clothed old man turned back to the topic and asked, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

"Not necessarily!"

True Ancestor of the Four Seas smiled but said, "Maybe stronger?"


As soon as these words came out, the gray-clothed old man's eyes were filled with astonishment, and his face was full of disbelief, "Impossible! There is only one Emperor Sword One."

Subconsciously, he retorted.

"Maybe!" The True Ancestor of the Four Seas smiled, as if even he himself didn't quite believe what he said.

But then he still said, "But, at least, King Qingjiao is much stronger than Yan Kaishan."

The gray-clothed patriarch did not refute these words.

"By the way! There is also a girl, is there any news about her? Why didn't I see her appear?"

After a brief silence, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas asked again.

"Going back to Lord Sihai, our people only saw them leave the crowd together at the end, and after that, there was only that kid and that girl, probably still inside and not coming out."

The old man in gray replied respectfully.

The girl they mentioned naturally refers to Fairy Leng Yue.

"Keep an eye on this seat. The thing is likely to be on her body. No matter who it is, neither of these two people can let it go."

True Ancestor of the Four Seas scolded.

"Yes!" Hearing this, the gray-clothed old man quickly took orders.

Then he said a few more words and then retreated.

Among the crowd, Fairy Leng Yue had also escaped from the siege of the Green Snake Demon.

However, she did not leave in a hurry, but looked at the place where Fang Yi disappeared from time to time.

"It's been so long, could it be..."

Just as she was thinking wildly, suddenly, there was a roaring sound in the space, accompanied by a faint ripple.


Fairy Leng Yue's eyes suddenly brightened.

really!The next moment, Fang Yi's figure flew upside down from the ripples.

However, his face was as white as paper, and blood was still overflowing from the corner of his mouth. He seemed to be seriously injured and dying.

not good!

Seeing this scene, Fairy Leng Yue's expression changed drastically. Although she didn't have a good impression of Fang Yi, he was the only person she could trust in this strange environment.

She naturally didn't want the other party to have an accident.

Almost subconsciously, she flashed by like lightning.

However, no matter how fast she was, someone was faster than her.

I saw a terrifying giant palm, which seemed to come from the void, passed through the endless space, and grabbed Fang Yi directly.

The crowd who were in the fierce battle could not help but change their expressions at this moment, and they were extremely terrified.

Because that giant palm is too frightening, overwhelming the world.

"Bastard! Old thief of the world, you are really despicable, go to hell!"

Suddenly, a shocking shout of anger came, and from the ripples, the huge body of the Qingjiao King had already turned into a blue lightning, and rushed towards him.

With monstrous rage, swept the Quartet.

"Hahaha!! King Qingjiao, is it up to you?"

However, what responded to him was an unrestrained laughter, and the figure of the true ancestor of the world also condensed.

Like a Void Emperor, oppressing the world,

The two extremely powerful men also blasted out a blow each, and the surrounding world was wiped out inch by inch.

At the same time, the giant palm of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas also grabbed Fang Yi.

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly. His injury was fake, in order to convince the other party to believe it was real, so he sent a thunderous blow. He didn't want serious damage, but just smashed the opponent's giant palm and escaped from this place.

Therefore, he has already accumulated all his energy and is ready to go.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden shout.

"Bastard! Don't hurt him."

I saw Fairy Leng Yue roaring towards her with an incomparably fierce killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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