Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2304

Chapter 2304


Fang Yi couldn't help being startled, Fairy Leng Yue's actions undoubtedly exceeded his expectations.

Also somewhat surprised was the True Ancestor of the Four Seas, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes, and there was a deep sense of contempt, "Oh! Just relying on you, a girl? You don't know how to live or die!"

He sneered.

At the same time, the giant palm that was originally grabbing Fang Yi couldn't help turning to Fairy Leng Yue.

Boom! !

The strong wind of fear swept away, and with the ability of Fairy Leng Yue, no matter how she was the opponent of this palm, her expression also changed drastically, and a touch of paleness appeared on her pretty face.

Fang Yi couldn't help but a look of anxiety flashed across his face.

But at this moment, he has no choice, it is almost impossible to save Fairy Leng Yue.

It is an excellent opportunity to seriously injure the True Ancestor of the World.

Immediately, his eyes turned sideways, and the breath burst out from his body, and his huge fist blasted out like a shooting star.

Endless destructive energy burst out, annihilating everything.

In order to be able to severely injure the opponent, he even did not hesitate to incorporate the terrifying death energy of the underworld dragon.

As the fist wind passed by, all vitality was exhausted, and the surroundings completely turned into a gray and white world, and everything disappeared like smoke.


It has to be said that the True Ancestor of the Four Seas is so amazing that he noticed something strange almost immediately.

Can be aware of Gui Zou, being entangled by King Qing Jiao, another giant palm grabbed Fairy Leng Yue again, he was exhausted and wanted to fight back, but it was too late.

That palm hit directly like a mountain.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Three loud bangs sounded almost at the same time, and the True Ancestor of the Four Seas and the Qing Jiao King clashed.

Fairy Leng Yue was shot flying, and Fang Yi's punch fell.

The surrounding world collapsed almost instantly.

As for Fairy Leng Yue, fresh blood gushed out of her mouth like a spring, like a rain of blood.

King Qing Jiao also retreated.

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas was no exception, backing back again and again, where Fang Yi's punch landed, it collapsed directly, as if it had been eaten by a giant beast.

And the meaning of destruction instantly spread to the whole body.

In the end, even a trace of blood spilled from his mouth.

"Injured? How is it possible?"

When the crowd saw this scene, their eyes were full of horror at the moment. No one could have imagined that Fang Yi, who had a seven-fold body, would actually injure the True Ancestor of the Four Seas. This is simply...

You know, that is a strong person in the earth soul state, such a pioneering work is simply unheard of.

Even King Qingjiao couldn't help being stunned, his eyes full of disbelief.

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas himself was similar, looking at his 'wound' in horror, as if he hadn't recovered yet.

It wasn't until he sensed that the 'wound' was expanding rapidly that he quickly took action to stop it.

However, the meaning of destruction obviously exceeded his expectations, making his face extremely pale.

In the field, the only one who was still standing there was undoubtedly Fang Yi.

It's just that he has no intention of fighting again at this moment, Fairy Leng Yue was wounded, and her life and death are unknown, no matter what, the other party was wounded for him, how could he ignore it.

Moreover, he had almost accumulated all his energy in that punch just now, but he failed to defeat the True Ancestor of the World, so it would be meaningless to stay any longer.

and so……

With a sudden figure, he rushed towards Fairy Leng Yue who was flying away in a hurry.

Roll up the latter, and it disappears like a streamer.

All this seemed to be slow, but in fact it all happened between lightning and flint. Almost at the same time as the three loud bangs came, Fang Yi had already swept away.

No matter how fast the True Ancestor of the Four Seas reacted, it was too late to stop Fang Yi.

What's more, the endless destruction is a child's play, even he has already suffered heavy injuries.

It's not enough to stop Fang Yi anymore.

"You bastard, I will kill you!"

Seeing the direction in which Fang Yi disappeared, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas was furious and shouted like thunder.

The crowd was all so frightened that they dared not even vent their breath.

But King Qingjiao couldn't help laughing wildly, "Hahaha!! Old Freak of the World, you have been so shrewd all your life, you never thought you would be tricked one day!"

"It deserves it!!"

As he said that, his huge green flood dragon tail did not forget to roll towards the True Ancestor of the Four Seas.

He was also extremely shocked in his heart. Although Fang Yi's strength had been taught for a long time, he never thought that that punch would be so domineering.

It seems that it is not just as simple as the Qingdimuhuangquan.

"Bastard! King Qingjiao, you actually conspired with that kid to plot against me."

"Don't you want the Eight Mirrors of Kunlun?"

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas confronted the tail of the green flood dragon and shouted.

This is also what puzzled him the most.

If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't have caused the current situation because Fang Yi's 'injury' wasn't prepared at all.

Otherwise, even if Fang Yi has the ability of the whole body, it will be difficult to hurt him.

"Hahaha!! Of course the King of Kunlun Eight Mirrors wants it, but I don't even want to make wedding dresses for others."

"Old Freak of the Four Seas, you have your day too."

The Qingjiao King seemed extremely happy, giving the crowd the feeling that he succeeded in calculating the true ancestor of the world, which made him happier than obtaining the Kunlun Eight Mirrors.

"Beast, you are courting death!"

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas was furious, and the two superpowers got entangled again.

The violent air waves spread everywhere, and the crowd all fled in fright.

An ambush battle ended in such a situation.

However, in the hearts of the crowd, it could not be calmed down for a long time. The previous scene made them unforgettable for a lifetime.

And this battle will surely spread in all directions through their mouths.


"Have you heard? Yan Kaishan was defeated and was seriously injured by Emperor Sword."

"Really? Di Jianyi is so domineering? Even Yan Kaishan is no match? Then if he breaks through to the God Transformation Realm, wouldn't it be..."

"Tsk tsk! Whoever says no, at that time, I am afraid that he can compete with the true ancestor of the world with his cultivation base that has just entered the state of transformation, and he will really defy the sky."

"Yes! It's really enviable."

Gathering starfish, everything that happened in the Abyss of Nine Deaths has already spread here.

The crowd was talking.

"Hey! Tell me, who is stronger, Di Jianyi or that man?"


"No one knows, but that person not only shattered half of Ghost Axe's body, but also seriously injured the True Monarch of the Four Seas in the end. I'm afraid...he is slightly better."

"Cut! Who said that he was just a sneak attack, if it wasn't for King Qingjiao, he could also hurt the True Ancestor of the Four Seas?"

"That's right! The two should be brothers, and I really look forward to a battle between them."


The crowd also joined in.

Obviously, at this moment, they became very interested in who was the stronger of the two powerhouses.

"It's a pity, I'm afraid there will be no chance, that person has already fled. The True Ancestor of the Four Seas and his subordinates are looking for the whereabouts of that person everywhere, even if he is given the courage to show up."

"No one! It's a pity..."

There was a sigh of regret from the crowd, as if they were sorry for not being able to see this battle.

However, they didn't notice at all that in the corner, a white-haired figure was leisurely drinking, and suddenly it was Fang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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