Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2306 Wood God Sect

Chapter 2306 Wood God Sect

"Where is this?"

In a daze, Fairy Leng Yue slowly opened her eyes. She only felt severe pain in her body, and her whole body seemed to be falling apart.

"You finally woke up!"

Immediately, a rather old voice rang in her ears.

"Eternal Evergreen Emperor?"

When she saw the owner of the voice clearly, her expression froze immediately, her eyes filled with disbelief.

" can you be here? What is this place, why..."

She asked repeatedly, looking a little anxious.

The Evergreen Emperor is another warrior from the spirit world besides Fang Yi that she saw, so it is no wonder that she is like this.

As for Gu Changqing, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

From Fang Yi's mouth, he has probably learned something about Fairy Leng Yue, except for the Snow Queen, of course.

It wasn't that Fang Yi concealed it on purpose, but the matter of the Snow Queen was too weird, and no one would believe it if he told it, so he just didn't bother to say it.

"You really don't remember anything?"

Gu Changqing gave Fairy Leng Yue a strange look, and said tentatively.

Hearing this, Fairy Leng Yue nodded numbly.

"Actually, that's what happened..."

Immediately, Gu Changqing did not hide anything, and explained the current situation of several people and some things about Tianshan in detail.

When the latter heard this, her pretty face turned pale.

However, these didn't surprise her. What surprised her the most was that she came here out of nowhere.

According to Gu Changqing, there is probably another person hidden in his body.

Talk about a dual personality.

Of course, Fang Yi came up with this excuse, otherwise he really didn't know how to explain it.

Instead of letting the other party keep asking, it is better to give the other party an explanation.

Moreover, strictly speaking, it is not wrong to use the dual personality on Fairy Leng Yue.

But this undoubtedly made Fairy Leng Yue more confused, and at the same time became preoccupied, as if she really doubted whether there was really another soul in her body.

"Senior Gu, have you really met me before?"

Fairy Leng Yue turned pale, and immediately asked.

"That's right! The old man did see you when he fused the spiritual seeds. At that time, your aura was even colder."

"It's very different from now."

"So, what Mr. Fang said should be correct, but the old man and you have only met once, so I don't know it very well. I am afraid that only Mr. Fang knows the details."

Gu Changqing didn't hide anything, so he replied.

"By the way! What about the other person? He was injured, how did I escape?"

Mentioning Fang Yi, Fairy Leng Yue couldn't help but think of the previous battle, and her pretty face suddenly turned pale with anxiety.

"Don't worry! Mr. Fang is as powerful as the sky, and everything is fine."

"As for you, you were naturally saved by Mr. Fang."

Gu Changqing smiled meaningfully, and then said: "Mr. Fang said that he has something to do, and he has already gone out. He arranged for you to recuperate here. I believe you will be back soon."

Hearing this, Fairy Leng Yue calmed down a little.

But afterward, she always felt that something was wrong, as if it was her own reaction.

Immediately, the two talked about some things about Tianshan again.


At the same time, Fang Yi returned to the sea of ​​suffering.

"I've seen your son!"

Compared with before, King Qingjiao looked more respectful, jokingly, even the True Ancestor of the Four Seas was severely injured by Fang Yi, although it was due to surprise and his restraint.

But it is also enough to show Fang Yi's strength and unlimited potential.

Given time, once he breaks through to the realm of transforming gods, he will surely soar into the sky.

At that time, even if they confronted head-on, they would not be afraid of the True Ancestor of the World at all.


Fang Yi nodded lightly, as a response, and immediately asked: "Is there any news about the true ancestor of the world? How is his injury?"

It's no wonder Fang Yi asked this question, the power of destruction made Gui Fuzi unable to resist at all.

Although the True Ancestor of the Four Seas is tyrannical, he may not be able to resist the intention of destruction.

If you can't resist, maybe...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a slight chill in his eyes.

King Qingjiao seemed to have seen through his thoughts, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes, but then he hurriedly said: "Mr. Hui! There is no news yet."

"However, judging from the situation when I fought against him at the beginning, his injury should not be serious."

"But, if you want to take him down completely, I'm afraid..."

King Qingjiao couldn't help but stop at this point, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

The implication could not be more obvious. It is impossible for the two of them to completely win each other with their strength.

Seeing this, Fang Yi felt a little sorry.

But he also understands that the best time is during the war, and it is impossible to miss that time now.

The other side of Gathering Starfish has been operating for a long time and has huge strength, so how can it be possible...

It seems that we can only talk about it later.

"By the way! How much do you know about Wood God Sect?" After a pause, Fang Yi couldn't help asking again.

Wood God Sect?

Seeing the question, King Qingjiao was stunned, and looked at Fang Yi with some puzzlement, as if he was saying: Aren't you the descendant of Emperor Qing, you actually asked me?

Of course, he naturally didn't ask directly, but replied: "Master Hui, this king has been living in a sea of ​​suffering, and he is not very good to Mu Shenzong."

"This sect seems to have declined, and there are only a handful of people who have reached the state of transforming gods."

"And, it's not normal."

"It's much weaker than the normal God Transformation Realm powerhouses, and there aren't many God Transformation Realm powerhouses who take them seriously."

There seemed to be some contempt in King Qingjiao's words.

But then he remembered Fang Yi's identity as the heir of the Qing Emperor, and immediately put away his contempt.

"Not normal? What do you mean?"

Fang Yi asked in astonishment.

"This..." King Qingjiao paused, and then said: "I don't know the details, but I heard that there is a transfer technique in the Wood God Sect, which can transfer the spiritual world opened up by the powerhouse to other people. people."

"Thus allowing that person to reach the state of becoming a god, but in fact, it is only a fake state of being a god, not true."

"In such a transferred spiritual world, not only can most of the power of the soul be unable to use, but also because it does not belong to oneself, it cannot grow."

"Once it is passed on, it means that this person has no possibility to advance."


Fang Yi looked surprised. Doesn't this mean that not only is his strength not as good as that of the general God Transformation Realm, but he also has no future?

Is there really someone who would do such a thing?

Fang Yi couldn't help being suspicious.

King Qingjiao obviously saw what Fang Yi was thinking, and said, "So, the real powerhouses of the God Transformation realm don't pay attention to them at all."

"Fortunately, they are still in a corner."

"Moreover, many of their disciples are abnormal, and not many of them are willing to deal with them."

King Qing Jiao continued to add.

"Isn't it normal? How is it not normal?"

Fang Yi asked.

"Here, they are either lifeless and emaciated, or they are full of blood and fat like pigs, or they are tall and burly, far from human, or they are short and dwarf, weak..."

"The Art of Withering Prosperity!"

Hearing these words, Fang Yi subconsciously thought of Mu Chengyin and Ku Rong Jue.

(End of this chapter)

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