Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2307 Mu Chengyin's Purpose

Chapter 2307 Mu Chengyin's Purpose

Could it be said that the imbalance of Kurong Jue was not just a matter of Mu Chengyin in Mu Shenzong.

But a common phenomenon?

In that case, could it be that there is something wrong with the Kurong Jue?

However, I didn't find any problems during my cultivation!

It seems that the reason for this can only be judged by waiting for the Wood God Sect and seeing the Kurong Jue they practiced.

"That's right! Are there any disciples of the Wood God Sect around here?"

After a pause, Fang Yi couldn't help but ask again.

"This! I haven't paid attention to it, but if the young master wants to know, I will let the people below investigate." Said, King Qingjiao has already ordered.

After a while, you have already got the news.

After all, this Sea of ​​Bitterness is the domain of the Green Snake Demon, and there is nothing they can hide from them here.

"Okay! I should be in the Wood God Sect for a while now, so take care of yourself!"

With that said, Fang Yi was about to leave.

"and many more!"

At this time, King Qingjiao shouted hastily, and at the same time took out a storage ring in his hand.

"This is?" Fang Yi was slightly surprised, and looked at King Qingjiao with some puzzlement.

"There are some soul-refining stones here, which are beneficial to my son's cultivation, and will also help you to open up the spiritual world as soon as possible in the future." King Qingjiao said, and handed over the storage ring at the same time.

Soul refining stone?

When Fang Yi heard this, his eyes couldn't help but move.

He had obtained a little of this thing in the sealed place of the Abyss of Nine Deaths before, and he also learned its purpose.

It can't help but be a must for condensing the soul, and it is also the currency among the powerhouses of the God Transformation Realm.

Moreover, in the future, we will need this thing to open up and expand the spiritual world. Unexpectedly, King Qingjiao would take the initiative to give it to him, which really surprised him.

Immediately, he was not polite, and took the storage ring directly.

Take a look at the divine sense.

Sure enough, thousands of soul refining stones were being pushed inside.

"Young master is about to make a breakthrough. With these soul refining stones, it should be able to help you stabilize your cultivation and open up your spiritual world."

"Unfortunately, this soul refining stone is too rare. Even in the area that this king rules, it is extremely rare. There are only a few of them, but fortunately, they are enough for your son's temporary use."

Although King Qingjiao said so, his expression was faintly smug.

Because soul refining stones are no more than ordinary things, ordinary warriors enter the sea of ​​bitterness, and sometimes they can't find one for several years.

Not to mention thousands of pieces.

It seems that this is only a thousand pieces, and the number is not huge.

But this is no better than a spirit stone. It is definitely a huge fortune in the outside world.

To be able to collect so many soul refining stones in a short period of time is only possible for an overlord like him who rules the sea of ​​bitterness.

So... He is naturally a little complacent.

However, if he knew Fang Yi's thoughts, he might swallow his blood.

Because Fang Yi's first thought when he saw these soul refining stones was, so few?

Not bad!

Maybe it's because he has seen too many spirit stones, or maybe it's because of the smug look of the Qingjiao King, which made him think that there must be a lot of soul refining stones in it, but he didn't want to...

Of course, this thought only flashed through his mind.

The expression of King Qingjiao had already told him how precious the soul refining stone was, and before that, he and Han Zhilin had obtained a total of hundreds of soul refining stones in that sealed place.

There are very few points for the two of them.

In this way, it can further explain the preciousness of the soul refining stone.

It's just that he came to Tianshan for a short time, and he has never used the soul refining stone, so...

"I have a heart! I appreciate your kindness."

Fang Yi looked at King Qingjiao quite unexpectedly, and the other party's move undoubtedly benefited him a lot.

However, he didn't know that King Qingjiao actually thought that his cultivation was too low. Once the news of his surrender was reported, it would be a shame, so...

"My lord, you are too polite!"

Qingjiao King looked very generous.

"Unfortunately, there are no soul crystals in this sea area, otherwise..."

He looked a little sorry.

"Soul Refining Crystal?" Fang Yi's eyes could not help but move, and he asked immediately, "Are there many Soul Refining Stones in this sea of ​​bitterness?"

"Let's say less! It's not too little, but, for countless years, the internal consumption of the strong in the bitter sea, coupled with the influx of a large number of warriors from Tianshan, so..."

The meaning behind King Qingjiao's words is already obvious.

When it comes to Tianshan warriors, he is still a little annoyed.

"However, although they are rare in this peripheral area, there are many in the depths of the sea of ​​bitterness."

"Unfortunately, it's too dangerous there."

King Qingjiao's words were full of fear, even for him, the overlord of the peripheral area of ​​the sea of ​​bitterness.

The situation inside can be imagined.

Fang Yi's heart couldn't help but move, and he was a little ready to move, but it was obviously not the time, and his cultivation was not good enough.

At the very least, we have to wait until we break through to the God Transformation Realm.

After that, the two chatted a few more words.

Most of them are about some situations in the depths of the sea of ​​suffering, and the end of the sea of ​​suffering.

It's a pity that King Qingjiao doesn't know either. According to him, the area he rules is just the edge of the sea of ​​bitterness, not even a drop in the ocean.

Fang Yi was really surprised when he heard this.

Guang Tianshan and the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness are already so huge, what about the other eight mountains and seven seas?

What will it be like?

Is there a strong man above the legendary level?


"Qi Elder Mu, there is no news about that person yet, could he have already left?"

Somewhere in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, a group of people are gathering at this moment.

Tall, short, fat, and thin, with strange shapes, he looks different from ordinary people at first glance, and the leader is Mu Chengyin.

At this moment, his bark-like face had a gloomy look.

"From my point of view, he probably ran away. He actually hurt the True Ancestor of the Four Seas, and he dared not show up. Our plan has also come to naught."

In the crowd, a fat man said carelessly.

Everyone also nodded.

After all, it was the true ancestor of the four seas who was injured by the other party, and here is a gathering of starfish, only fools dare to show their faces.

"Then what should we do? Go back directly?"

"Otherwise? What else can we do?"

"Grandma, I thought that the appearance of the descendant of the Qing Emperor could solve the problem of the Kurong Jue, but I didn't expect..."

"No, I have to find him. I don't want to be like this forever. Back then, I was like a tree facing the wind. Now it's good..."

The crowd shouted one after another, obviously a little unwilling.

Although warriors don't really care about their appearance, no one wants to make themselves look like this.

Although a powerful warrior can even change his appearance.

But the Ku Rong Jue in the body, the Ku Rong Qi cannot be stabilized, no matter how it is changed, it will be futile and cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

"Is this the purpose of Mu Chengyin?"

Somewhere in an unknown space, Fang Yi was watching this scene indifferently.

I guessed in my heart.

After parting from King Qingjiao, he came to this temporary meeting point for the disciples of the Wood God Sect, and heard these words.

If it's just like this, then it's nothing, it's human nature.

Immediately, he stepped forward...

(End of this chapter)

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