Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2308 Dry Glory Art

Chapter 2308 Dry Glory Art


Mu Chengyin's reaction was extremely alert, and he caught Fang Yi's existence immediately.

The gaze like a poisonous snake could not help but sweep over.

However, when he saw that the person who came was Fang Yi, his expression suddenly became happy, and his eyes could not help but shine brightly, with a faint hint of greed.

"It's him! The Qing Emperor's successor!"

A group of Mu Shenzong disciples also recognized Fang Yi, and they all looked overjoyed.

"Young Master Fang is indeed a trustworthy person, so old and polite!"

At this time, Mu Chengyin also hurriedly went up to greet her, and even gave a slight salute.

"You're welcome!"

Fang Yi smiled lightly and said casually.

"Hey! Boy, you are really kind, and you dare to show up at this time, I admire you!"

At this time, in the crowd, the fat man from before yelled.

The sound of drinking was like thunder, shaking the eardrums of the crowd numb.

"Fan Gang, don't be rude!"

Hearing the words, Mu Chengyin drank a few words.

The fat man known as 'Fan Gang' couldn't help curling his lips immediately, with a displeased look on his face, and the fat on his face was shaking.

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile.

After the matter of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas, a martial artist with a five-layered physique dared to talk to him like this.

Instead, it piqued his interest.

Looking at other people, there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Since the son is here, let's set off!"

"This place is full of the eyes of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas. If you leave earlier, you will be safer."

At this moment, Mu Chengyin hurriedly said.

Seeing it, he was extremely anxious.

However, Fang Yi never thought about going on the road with such a group of people, so he said, "No hurry! And as you said, this place is full of the eyes of the true ancestors of the world."

"There are so many people going on the road together, and I have this Lord accompanying them, wouldn't that cause trouble for Mu Shenzong?"


Hearing this, Mu Chengyin's expression could not help but change.


Immediately, he wanted to ask, but Fang Yi had already spoken first.

"How about this! You go ahead first, and I will arrive later."

"This must never be allowed. You are a distinguished guest of our Wood God Sect. How can you let you go on the road alone, why not..."

Hearing this, Mu Chengyin was obviously a little worried.

I don't know if it was because Fang Yi suddenly disappeared, or because of other reasons.

And the group of Wood God Sect seemed to be a little worried.

"Since that's the case, then send someone to follow! By the way, you can also lead the way for me, it's just you!"

As Fang Yi said, he looked directly at the fat man from before.

The fat man didn't react at all when he heard the words, he looked carefree, but his face was rather dark, maybe he felt that the fat man was not smart enough and wanted to change to someone else.

But in the end, after thinking about it, I gave up.

And so it was decided.

Although somewhat unwilling, Mu Chengyin had no choice but to watch the two leave.

"Elder Mu, what should we do now? Return directly to the sect?"

A disciple asked.

"Send someone to watch them, but remember, don't get too close to avoid being discovered, and also, don't let the people of the true ancestor of the world notice the slightest news, otherwise..."


Everyone took orders and then disappeared.


"Just enter Starfish Gathering just like that? Are you sure?"

Gathering starfish was right in front of him, Fatty Fan Gang looked stunned, as if he had seen a ghost, his narrowed eyes revealed an inconceivable light.

It's no wonder that he is like this, the other party enters Gathering Starfish in such a swaggering manner.

Didn't it mean that the True Ancestor of the Four Seas is extremely tyrannical, and his subordinates are full of eyeliner!

How did it get here, and it turned out like this.

He had already prepared to hide and leave the Gathering Starfish area with the other party, but he didn't want to...

"if not?"

Fang Yi asked back, immediately ignored him, and went directly to Ju Haixing.

Seeing this, the fat man's face trembled slightly, and he followed immediately, not forgetting to say: "Brother, fat man, I really admire you, you are so brave..."

"Don't let anyone find out!"

He yelled all the way, excited and nervous, to the point where he had some guts.

Fang Yi couldn't help giving him a high look, and immediately asked: "I ask you, are all the disciples of the Wood God Sect like the ones I saw before, and the two Qis of Ku Rong and Rong Rong are out of balance?"

"you know?"

Hearing this, the fat man's eyes brightened, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

"Then do you have a solution?"

Immediately, he hurriedly asked, with a longing light in his eyes.

Fang Yi couldn't help curling his lips, he didn't know where he was, but he still said: "That's not necessarily the case, I just noticed something strange in your body."

"The specifics will be discussed later."

Fatty was not disappointed when he heard the words, instead he said full of expectation: "It will be possible, you are the descendant of Emperor Qing."

Immediately, he did not hide anything, and gave a general account of the situation of Mu Shenzong.

According to him, not all the disciples of the Mushen Sect are like this, most of them are just like ordinary people.

However, the strength of these people is very limited.

In a word, anyone who is successful and powerful in practicing Kurong Jue will become like this.

And those who are weaker, but there is no difference.

Those who can walk outside are all powerful disciples. Therefore, it gives the world an illusion that all disciples of the Mu Shenzong are like this.

But it's not true, only a very small number of people are like this.

Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that all the disciples of the Wood God Sect would be like this. If so, they would be with such a group of people all day long.

That feeling...

He had no choice but to give up the Wood God Sect.

"Besides, it is said that if you can practice the Kurong Jue to perfection, you can also restore your original appearance."

"But so far, no one in the Wood God Sect has been able to practice the Kurong Jue to perfection."

The fat man then added another sentence.

As if thinking of something, he hurriedly asked: "You have already practiced the Qingdimuhuangquan, and you must have also practiced the Kurong Jue. Why hasn't it changed, or has it reached perfection?"

The fat man looked expectant. This was also the reason why the disciples of the Wood God Sect were so eager for Fang Yi to go to the Wood God Sect.

Fang Yi couldn't help curling his lips.

He really didn't know the reason, and he himself was confused, and never thought about the discomfort of practicing Kurong Jue.

In fact, during his cultivation process, he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

As for reaching Consummation, it should be almost there.

Both Kurong Jue and Qingdi Muhuang Fist were born in the Wood God Temple. After reading it once, you can learn it by hand, and you hardly need to practice.

The two talked all the way.

Fang Yi finally had some understanding of the Wood God Sect, and he could quite understand the desire of Fatty and the other Wood God Sect disciples.

However, regarding Mu Chengyin, he faintly felt that the other party's purpose was not just that simple.

But what it is, I am afraid that only the Mu Shenzong will know.


(End of this chapter)

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