Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2309 4 faces embattled

Chapter 2309

"Report to Master Sihai, there is no whereabouts of that kid at the moment."

Ju Haixing, somewhere in the main hall, the face of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas was slightly pale, his eyes were closed tightly, the original 'wound' has not improved in the slightest at this moment, it is still collapsed.

Even, there is still a terrifying sense of destruction spreading around.

Fortunately, it was blocked by a bloody energy.

However, the bloody energy was obviously a bit unbearable compared to the destructive intent.

It is entirely relying on the continuous replenishment that slowly consumes that sense of destruction. Fortunately, that sense of destruction is extremely rare, otherwise, the consequences will be unpredictable.

And during this time, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas didn't go anywhere, and all of them were recuperating here.

"Damn it, that little bastard, I will kill him!"

Suddenly, the True Ancestor of the Four Seas opened his eyes, and two sharp rays of light shot out, full of overwhelming hatred.

The gray-clothed old man below all turned slightly pale with fright.

"What about the girl?"

Slightly calmed down, the True Ancestor of the World asked again.

"Going back to Lord Sihai, the girl is nowhere to be seen, but she has probably fallen from the palm of the Lord."

The old man in gray replied again, with doubts in his eyes.

The girl they talked about was of course Fairy Leng Yue, and it was precisely this that he was suspicious of.

According to the rumors, the girl was so powerful that even the Moonless Saint Monk couldn't take a sword from the other party, but after that, her performance was astonishing.

Even the True Ancestor of the Four Seas couldn't help being a little surprised.

"My lord, is the wounded girl really the girl from before? Is the Eight Mirrors of Kunlun in her hands?"

The gray-clothed old man tentatively said.

Hearing the words, True Ancestor of the Four Seas seemed a little unsure, and said, "Not necessarily, it's too different from the rumors, it might be another person."

"No matter who it is, this seat has been watching closely during this time. If there must be someone, maybe the kid hasn't left yet."

"There is also King Qingjiao, this evil beast is also extremely abnormal."

"Be sure to find the whereabouts of the two of them before the others."

True Ancestor of the Four Seas gritted his teeth, that battle undoubtedly made him so angry that his heart could not be calmed down.

If it weren't for this damn injury, he would have gone to find it by himself, so there is no need for these men.

However, when he thought of this injury, he was shocked in his heart. A martial artist with the seventh level of fitness actually possessed such a powerful destructive intent.

He almost didn't have much power to resist, and could only rely on the majestic energy consumption.

This is incredible.

At the same time, it also filled him with a trace of fantasy about the meaning of destruction, and he became even more eager to find Fang Yi.

However, I'm afraid he never dreamed that Fang Yi was right under his nose.

Swaggeringly entered Gathering Starfish.

"Have you heard? The Soul Clan dispatched a large number of strong men, and they are on their way."

"Cut! I guessed it a long time ago. Jun Wudao and Jun Wudang were killed successively. The soul clan has always been domineering, so how can they swallow this breath."

"That's right, and looking at the situation at the beginning, there seems to be old grievances between the two. Thinking about it..."

"It's not just the soul race. I heard that the ancient god race, the ancient demon race, and all major forces, a large number of powerful people are coming, saying that that kid has the Kunlun eight mirrors..."

"Yes! I've also heard that that kid offended too many powerful people in the Abyss of Nine Deaths, and I'm afraid there will be nothing good to eat in the future."

"It's your own fault, it's fun to watch Gathering Starfish now."

"What's the excitement? I'm afraid that kid would have fled long ago. He's only here now. It's too late."

"Late? That's not necessarily the case. I heard that the entire teleportation array in the starfish gathering area has suspended teleportation. Even if that kid escapes, he won't be able to escape very far."

"That's right! People all over the world are looking for him now, I'm afraid..."


All kinds of discussions came from Juhaixing Street.

During this period of time, Fang Yi was undoubtedly inseparable from the topics discussed by all warriors.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, has long been used to it, and doesn't take it seriously at all, as if the object of discussion has nothing to do with him.

Compared to his calmness, Fatty obviously couldn't do it. He looked trembling and looked at the crowd around him vigilantly, as if he was afraid of being recognized.

Fortunately, not many people paid attention to him, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hey! Dude, aren't you being too ostentatious? If you are discovered, we will be miserable."

He reminded carefully.

It seems that he is quite afraid of death.

"If you are afraid, you can leave, and I can go by myself." Fang Yi smiled lightly, not paying attention.

However, what the crowd said made him a little depressed.

If the teleportation array is not open, it means that there will be a lot of trouble out of thin air, and a lot of time will be wasted, but he has no other way to do this.

Then there are the soul race, these people finally can't sit still.

In his aura, there is still the soul-chasing imprint of the soul clan. Originally, he planned to keep this imprint for the soul clan to take the initiative to find him.

But for now, it seems that it has to be erased for the time being.

Otherwise, although he is not afraid, it will definitely bring disaster to Mu Shenzong.

Before deciding whether to use Wood God Sect as the base, it is undoubtedly the best to keep a low profile for the time being, so...

"Master Fang, you are finally back!"

In the hall, seeing Fang Yi finally returned, Gu Changqing seemed relieved.

Then he looked at the fat man behind Fang Yi, quite surprised, but did not ask.

When it was Fatty, he introduced himself very carefreely.

At this time, Fairy Leng Yue also came out slowly, her face was still pale, no wonder, with such a serious injury, if it wasn't for Fang Yi, even if she had ten lives, she wouldn't be enough to die.

At this moment, she looked at Fang Yi, hesitant to speak.

Fang Yi didn't bother to talk to her.

"My lord, you must already know the news that the powerful men of all major forces have flooded into this place, right?"

At this time, Gu Changqing spoke first.

"Not bad!"

Fang Yi nodded, he was still having a headache just now.

"It's not too late, young master and Miss Leng should leave early, this place is a place of right and wrong."

"Us? What about you?"

Fang Yi obviously heard something wrong in Gu Changqing's words, so Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

The two had agreed before that they would go to the Wood God Sect together, how come this...

"To be honest, my lord, based on my old judgment, if the Blood Demon Patriarch knew about this place, he would definitely come here too. Therefore, I want to stay here for a while and see..."

That's it!

When Fang Yi heard this, he couldn't help but nodded in surprise.

Immediately, his eyes couldn't help moving, if Feng Shenmeng found out, would he come too?

However, with Fengshenmeng's mentality of not caring about world affairs, I'm afraid he might not know what happened here.

"That's fine too!"

After thinking about it, Fang Yi nodded, and at the same time told about Fengshenmeng so that Gu Changqing could pay attention.

He also asked a few words to remind the other party to pay attention to safety.

However, Gu Changqing has also been promoted to the God Transformation Realm, not to mention other things, it is more than enough to protect himself, so he is not worried at all.

Afterwards, the two said a few more words before leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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