Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2311

Chapter 2311

"Not good! It's the true ancestor of the world, let's go!"

Qi Tiancheng's expression also changed.

Although this matter has nothing to do with them, Qi Feng and Elder Lin were together with Fang Yi before, and in addition to the current situation, jumping into the Yellow River will not clean it up.

Instead of this, it is better to leave as soon as possible to avoid trouble.

As for Fang Yi, his face sank, but he was not too flustered.

Now that he has made a move, he has already prepared for the worst.

He also wanted to see what happened to the other party who had been hit by him.

What's more, with the three great temples in his body, he has strong confidence in facing any strong man.

Of course, self-confidence is self-confidence, he will not be so stupid as to sit and wait for death, and a bright three-color sword shadow will fall down immediately, striking down towards the blood-colored formation.

The sword shadow is extremely fierce, and it is easy to split the sky and the earth.

The entire void is divided into two.

However, the bloody array only trembled violently and did not break.

"So strong?"

Fang Yi's pupils shrank slightly, this big formation is so amazing, no wonder the other party dared to block this world, confident.

Qi Tiancheng's eyes were also filled with astonishment, and there was a look of shock in his eyes.

"Ignorant child, just relying on you to want to break the great formation of the four seas of this seat, it is wishful thinking!"

In the bloody formation, the thunderous voice of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas resounded again.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of blood-colored light surged, and a huge phantom condensed on the blood-colored formation.

Suddenly it is the True Ancestor of the Four Seas.

"What? This... This is the Great Formation of the Four Seas."

Hearing this, Qi Tiancheng's face instantly became extremely ugly. It can be seen that this big formation should be extremely famous.

Otherwise, it wouldn't make him like this.

But Fang Yi didn't react much, because he knew nothing.

Moreover, the phantom in front of him is not the true ancestor of the world at first glance, even the opponent's body has been injured by him, how could he pay attention to a mere energy avatar.

However, although he didn't care, the fat man's face was pale with fright, and his legs were weak.

The fat all over his body couldn't help shaking.

"What kind of bullshit, get out!"

Fang Yi's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the breath in his body burst out again, and the sword intent that soared to the sky was torn away, and the bright three-color sword shadow was much stronger than the previous sword.

The sword shadow has not yet fallen, and the sword has already crushed everything.

All things perish!

Qi Tiancheng and the others, no one's expressions changed drastically, they were all shocked beyond measure by the power of this sword.

Even on the blood-colored formation, the huge phantom of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas couldn't help flashing a look of panic in his eyes.

It seemed unbelievable that a seven-layered body could make such a domineering sword.

"Arrogant child, you are simply beyond your limits, today I need you to die!"

Afterwards, only heard him scold angrily.

The bloody burst of light shook, and the endless bloody power came together, like a huge bloody vortex, swallowing Fang Yi directly.

This is? ?

Why is it so like the spiritual world?

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and a look of suspicion flashed across.

The blood-colored formation is incomparably vast, covering the entire world. It is impossible for the True Ancestor of the Four Seas to take care of everything, and they are mostly connected by mind.

Wherever there is a situation, the real body will come later.

And the phantom in front of him, obviously not his real body, actually had a spiritual world, which really surprised him.

However, this power does not seem to be as strong as the Qing Jiao King.

Could it be that this is because his avatar cannot use all the power of his soul, so...

If this is the case, wouldn't it be possible to take the opportunity to severely injure the other party?

Fang Yi's mind was like lightning, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

It has to be said that he is a master of art and bold, with the cultivation base of the seventh level of fusion, he dares to dream of severely injuring the spiritual world of a strong man in the earth soul state.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be too late to escape, so how could they think of so much.

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas also did not expect that although he knew that Fang Yi was great, he was confident that with the power of the spiritual world, he would be able to win Fang Yi.

Even if you can't take it down, you can wait until your real body arrives.

But the truth... Fang Yi's mouth curled up with a ruthless look, and his figure also went straight towards the whirlpool.

"Ignorant child, you dare to enter the spiritual world of this seat, you are like a trap."

In the blood-colored sky, the huge phantom of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas enveloped the world, like the absolute ruler of this world, supreme.

An unparalleled aura exudes from his whole body, making people look at each other like falling into an abyss.

However, Fang Yi's mouth was full of mocking smiles.

Three-color rays of light are also wrapped around its body.

Let the mountain-like coercion of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas be like a stone sinking into the sea, without stirring up any waves.

"how is this possible?"

There is inconceivability in the eyes of True Ancestor of the Four Seas.

Although his avatar can only use part of the power of the spiritual world, it is still not comparable to the general powerhouse of the transformation of the gods, but the other party, a mere seventh-level combined warrior, gives him a feeling that he can't figure it out at this moment.

How not to be surprised by this, how dare to believe it.

However, what made him even more unacceptable was yet to come.


Hearing Fang Yi's shout, the three-color rays of light burst out from his whole body, turning into a giant three-color palm, and slapped directly at the True Monarch of the Four Seas.

This palm was extremely bright, reflecting the huge blood-colored sky with incomparable splendor.

"Ignorance, mere fusion of seven layers, it's like ants shaking the sky, die!"

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas was full of disdain, and there was sarcasm in his eyes.

Although the three-color giant palm exceeded his expectations, it was just that, and it was still far from being able to compete with him.

Therefore, a cruel smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, as if he had already eaten Fang Yi.

But, immediately, that smile froze, turned into disbelief, and finally even panic, as if he had seen something that terrified him.

Not bad!

He really felt it, it was the meaning of endless destruction and death.

"No! Impossible, you..."

Immediately, his expression changed drastically, the sense of destruction was so unforgettable to him, because his body was still being suppressed at this moment.

I don't want to, but now it appears again, and it is the power of the soul.

It's just...

Maybe it was because of being bitten by a snake, and facing this destructive intent again, he almost forgot how to resist, and his huge body was wiped out inch by inch.

The Scarlet Sky also collapsed inch by inch, and finally collapsed completely.

All this seems to be slow, but in fact, it all happened between lightning and flint.

In the eyes of the crowd, as soon as the phantom of the true ancestor of the four seas gathered, Fang Yi was killed by the three-color sword shadow.

After that, as if for a split second, the figures of the two disappeared.

But after that, the three-color sword shadow had fallen, and the huge phantom of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas was shattered inch by inch, hardly making any resistance.

There was only that unwilling roar, and that ferocious face.

"No! Little thief, I will kill you..."

"This lord is also the same. The day when the Japanese lord comes here is the time when your soul returns."

The faint voice fell, and the bloody formation also cracked, revealing a huge gap...

(End of this chapter)

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