Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2312

Chapter 2312

Looking at the gap, Qi Tiancheng and the other Akasaka Palace disciples were already beyond shock.

One by one, like stone carvings.

The fat man is similar, but his eyes are more joyful, because it makes him seem to see some kind of hope, but then, he reacted instantly, and said anxiously: "Go!"

The sound of 'go away' undoubtedly brought Qi Tiancheng and the others back to their senses.

Shuo Shuo! !

Immediately, one after another figure sank into the gap like lightning and disappeared.

"Son of a bitch!"

A moment later, a thunderous roar resounded through the world.

The true body of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas also descended, but it was a pity that the group of people had already gone away, leaving only the bloody big formation that was somewhat broken.

The crack that was split was like a strange face, full of irony.

"Shameless little thief, I want you to die!"

The True Ancestor of the Four Seas' eyes were about to burst, and he was about to chase out, but a mouthful of blood gushed out first.

His face also became extremely pale.

The annihilation of the spiritual avatar, the trauma to him can be imagined, even worse than the previous punch.

It was also because of this that the anger in his heart was like a volcano erupting.


"Grandma, finally escaped! Fatty scared me to death!"

In the endless emptiness, the fat man shook his fat all over his body, panting, with a look of lingering fear.

Qi Tiancheng and the others were similar, all of them were pale.

However, he still did not forget to glance at Fang Yi, his eyes still filled with shock.

The other people behind him were similar, their eyes looking at Fang Yi became a little different, especially Qi Feng and Elder Lin, who were more complicated.

Some don't know what to do.

"Thank you Mr. Fang for your help!"

In the end, it was Elder Lin who thanked him.

However, although he said thank you, his expression was extremely complicated.

No wonder, after all, the two of them had this difficulty because of Fang Yi, otherwise, it would definitely be more than that.

How could Fang Yi not understand, and naturally he would not care.

Just said lightly: "Okay! You can do it yourself! Goodbye."

With that said, he turned and left.

"Hey! Miss Leng..." Seeing this, Qi Feng finally seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. On Fairy Leng Yue.

It looks like a seed of infatuation.

Fairy Leng Yue was obviously puzzled, she was no longer the Fairy Leng Yue before.

Naturally, he has no memory of Qi Feng.

However, seeing the other party like this, she was a little puzzled, and she couldn't help but frown.

But it was only a glance, and they left with Fang Yi.

Qi Feng just watched eagerly.

Sensing this scene, Fang Yi's mouth couldn't help but evoke a strange smile.

"Hey! Little boy, at first glance, he is an infatuated kind, and he doesn't even know whose woman it is. The toad wants to eat swan meat, I don't know what it means!"

Seeing this, the fat man couldn't help but flatter Fang Yi.

Obviously, he misunderstood something.

But without realizing it, he was complacent.

It wasn't until he sensed the cold eyes of Fang Yi and Fairy Leng Yue that he shrank his neck.

"Who is he? What did I have before him?"

Watching the group go away, Fairy Leng Yue finally couldn't help asking, a pair of icy eyes still faintly revealing the taste of questioning.

The "he" in her mouth naturally refers to Qi Feng.

Fang Yi was speechless, paused, and then said playfully: "Do you still need to say it? Can't you see it?"

"Fatty, tell her!"

Hearing this, the fat man looked at the two of them vigilantly, but he still said, "It's obvious that that little boy is a seed of infatuation. Aren't you..."

He spoke slowly because he wasn't sure what the hell the two of them were up to.

Thanks to his cleverness, otherwise...

Fairy Leng Yue's icy face had already darkened, and he quickly kept silent.

"Impossible! I have nothing to do with him. Even if there is, it's not me."

Fairy Leng Yue said firmly.

This remark undoubtedly made Fatty a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, and at the same time secretly thanked himself for his cleverness.


"Qi Elder Mu, Fan Gang and Qing Emperor's successor have left Juhaixing, and there is a woman accompanying them, which should be the woman in the rumors."

Somewhere in the void, Mu Chengyin was listening to the report of his subordinates, and a smile could not help but appear on his old face.

But then, he seemed a little skeptical and asked, "They didn't expose?"


The visitor replied: "I can't help being exposed, and, they forced their way through the Great Formation of the Four Seas, and the descendants of the Qing Emperor directly wiped out the spiritual avatar of the True Ancestor of the Four Seas."

what! !

Without saying this, Mu Chengyin's complexion changed drastically, and two cold lights shot out from his poisonous snake-like eyes.

Fang Yi's strength undoubtedly exceeded his expectations once again.

"Then... what about Fan Gang? Has his identity been found out?"

After a slight pause, he asked again.

"Probably not! Fan Gang is extremely clever, and specially modified it." The visitor guessed.

"Hmph! This fat man is usually greedy for life and afraid of death, but unexpectedly, it will come in handy this time."

Hearing the words, Mu Chengyin also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Besides, Fan Gang is insignificant among that group of people, no one should notice him, but the people from Chixiao Palace..."

"You mean, the people from Akasaka Palace and Qing Emperor's successor knew each other?"

Knowing the specific situation of that battle, Mu Cheng's dark eyes gleamed with a vicious light.

"very good!"

"Let Fan Gang's identity be revealed. Of course, he is also a disciple of Scarlet Firmament Palace. Do you understand?"

Immediately, he smiled coldly, revealing an evil color.

The visitor was startled for a moment, but even after he understood, two cold lights flashed in his eyes.

"The elders have the best opinion. In this way, those strong men who are looking for the descendants of the Qing Emperor will definitely point their finger at Scarlet Firmament Palace. Then we can sit back and relax."

"Do you want to let the wind go, saying that the descendant of Emperor Qing went to Chixiao Palace?"

Someone asked.

"No, it's too obvious to make people suspicious. You just need to publicize that battle."



The people in Akasaka Palace naturally knew nothing about all this.

Qi Feng still looked anxious.

Seeing this, Qi Tiancheng couldn't help shaking his head, and said: "Enough! People have gone far away, and in the future, remember to avoid contact with them."


Qi Feng asked puzzledly.

"Why? Isn't today's trouble enough? Let me tell you, this matter may not be over yet, and we must return to the sect as soon as possible."


For some reason, Qi Tiancheng always had a bad expectation.

But thinking of the Scarlet Firmament Palace behind him finally calmed him down a bit. The Scarlet Firmament Palace is not an ordinary sect.

As long as you return to the sect, no matter how big the matter is, the sect seniors will take care of it.

Immediately, a group of people left quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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