Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2313

Chapter 2313

Wood God Sect is located in the southeast corner of Tianshan Mountain. Its location is not obvious, and it is extremely far away from the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness.

Fortunately, after leaving the range of gathering starfish, the teleportation array can be used.

But even so, when the group of people entered the range of the Wood God Sect, it was already two months later. During these two months, Fairy Leng Yue's injury had also improved.

His face was obviously ruddy, and his breath was stable.

However, it may take some time to fully recover.

Of course, this was because she was not repaired by the Longevity Sutra, even though she was seriously injured.

But if Fang Yi fixes it for her, it won't take long.

However, now that she has awakened and is no longer the former Fairy Leng Yue, Fang Yi is naturally too lazy to do this.

"finally reached!"

After a burst of bright light, three figures slowly stepped out of the huge teleportation array.

The leader is Fatty 'Fan Gang'.

He looked excited, looking at everything around him, feeling very cordial, with the taste of a wanderer returning home.

"Is this Jupiter?"

Fang Yi's divine sense also spread out, and in an instant, it almost covered the entire planet.

Tian Juxing, the base camp of the Wood God Sect, along the way, the fat man and the two of them are quite familiar with each other, and they roughly talked about the situation here.

So Fang Yi was not surprised.

"Damn it! Why is no one coming to greet me?"

The fat man seemed to be very upset, shouting in his mouth, full of style.

As if in response to his words, at this moment, two disciples in Tsing Yi rushed up to greet him.

"I've seen Senior Brother Fan!"

The two looked respectful, with a submissive look.

Seeing this, the fat man nodded in satisfaction, and said to Fang Yi, "Brother! That's right! Fatty, I'm not a vegetarian in Wood God Sect."

He looked rather smug.

I don't know if it's because of his carefree personality, or because he doesn't know how to live or die, but in short, Fang Yi doesn't have much fear.

And after getting along with each other for this period of time, knowing Fang Yi's personality, he became more casual.

Fang Yi didn't care either, he was an easy-going person.

Immediately, he smiled lightly, and couldn't help but look at the two people in front of him with his eyes. These two people are no different from ordinary people.

But as Fatty said, the Kurong Jue in their body is mediocre.

The cultivation base is only in the Tianying state.

"Just the two of you? Where are the others? Has Elder Mu ever returned?"

At this time, the fat man couldn't help asking again.

It seemed that there were only two people who greeted them, and they were still juniors in the Tianying Realm, and they were extremely dissatisfied.

You know, apart from himself, the one who came was the descendant of the Qing Emperor, who might be the key figure who could solve the Kurong Jue.

Moreover, even if these things are excluded, Fang Yi's strength is to suppress the existence of Ghost Axe.

It can even severely injure the True Ancestor of the Four Seas.

When such a person comes to the Wood God Sect, the scene to welcome him must be huge, how can it be like this...

He had already prepared to be received by the suzerain and other senior officials in the sect. After all, he also contributed a lot in this line of work, but in the end...

How could he be happy.

"This..." The two disciples obviously didn't understand why, but they still replied: "Brother Hui Fan, Elder Mu has returned to the sect."

"Besides, let Senior Brother Fan go to see him as soon as he comes back. He is..."

why is it like this?

What about the imaginary welcome ceremony?

Fatty's face was displeased, he was also the hero this time, and now he was dismissed like this.

Fang Yi didn't take it seriously, but smiled lightly.

"Let's go!"

Immediately, he urged even more.

"Grandma, what kind of plane is Elder Mu doing? He doesn't take Fatty me seriously, although..."

"Dude, don't take offense!"

While the fat man complained, he comforted Fang Yi instead.

Fang Yi couldn't help smiling, and said lightly: "Aren't you afraid that he will trouble you when you speak ill of him behind his back? He is staring right now!"


Hearing this, the fat man froze all over his face.

At this moment, Mu Chengyin's voice came, "Where is there so much nonsense, why don't you bring Mr. Fang here soon."


"Mr. Fang, I hope you will forgive me for making such an arrangement!"

In a certain hall, Mu Chengyin confessed his guilt.

Behind him, there are several other figures, all of whom are strong from the Wood God Sect, and their auras are extremely extraordinary.

Of course, it's only in the Composite Body Realm, and the Transformation God Realm is still just Mu Chengyin alone.

From the mouth of the fat man, Fang Yi learned that there were only two people in the Wood God Sect who had reached the state of transforming gods, and one was Mu Chengyin, the Great Elder of the Wood God Sect.

The other one is Mu Chengfeng, the suzerain of the Wood God Sect.

As for Yuan Qitian, Fang Yi also specifically asked a few questions, but Fatty didn't know very well.

Moreover, Yuan Qitian said that he was in Mu Shenzong, but in fact, very few people have seen him.

"The reason why this old man is like this is also for the safety of the young master and Mu Shenzong. Once the news of the young master's arrival here spreads, then..."

"Therefore, I have to keep a low profile."

Mu Chengyin continued to speak, his words were sincere.

Even the fat man nodded in surprise, his original appearance was only a little regretful.

Because there is one less chance to show off.

As for Fang Yi, he had already guessed it a long time ago, and said indifferently: "It's okay! Elder Mu has a heart."

As he said that, he also looked at the other party meaningfully.

"Since that's the case, the young master will rest here for the time being. Except for the few of us, no one knows about the young master's identity for the time being, and it is not appropriate to spread it. I hope the young master will forgive me."

"I'm going to meet the suzerain right now, and after that, I'll meet the young master again."

Mu Chengyin seemed extremely sincere.

He seemed to put himself in his shoes for the sake of Fang Yi's safety.

"It's easy to say!" Fang Yi nodded casually, as if he believed what he said.

After that, Mu Chengyin arranged several people to wait on him before leaving.

"Sure enough, I have no good intentions. This is clearly house arrest."

Watching the group of people leave, Fairy Leng Yue finally couldn't help saying, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

"House arrest?"

Fang Yi smiled and asked, "Can he keep you under house arrest?"

Fairy Leng Yue froze when she heard the words, then she looked at Fang Yi and asked, "You don't believe his nonsense, do you? For the safety of you and Mu Shenzong, it's understandable to keep it from ordinary people."

"Even the Patriarch of the Wood God Sect doesn't know about it, so don't you think it's strange that he should report it right now?"

Seeing and asking, Fang Yi couldn't help but glanced at Fairy Leng Yue, quite surprised.

Immediately smiled and said: "Since that's the case, then you have to be careful!"

"Careful? Me?"

Fairy Leng Yue sneered and said: "Their target is you, not me, and you should be careful."

Saying that, Fairy Leng Yue snorted coldly, ignored Fang Yi, and continued to adjust her breath.

As for Fang Yi, the corner of his mouth couldn't help evoking a strange smile.

He naturally wouldn't believe Mu Chengyin's nonsense, but he didn't take it to heart at all, because it was unnecessary.

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are like child's play.

(End of this chapter)

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